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By Jon McDonald

GENRE: Horror, Comedy

A rogue vampire seeks to exterminate a colony of peaceful, mutant vampires in a small Ohio town.


It is difficult to encompass the fullness of this story in a synopsis of two pages. I can, however, send a PDF manuscript of the novel if desired

Our protagonist Del, is a humble college, history professor, and an enthusiastic, would-be sleuth in the small town of Brampton Ohio. His good friend, Doc, a somewhat bumbling, Chief of Police is investigating a rash of killings plaguing this quiet town, and Del has urged Doc to let him help with the investigation. The clues in the case suggest that the murderer might be a vampire, as unbelievable as that may seem. But it is soon clear that the killings are way beyond the scope of the local police force, and the Chief hires a vampire expert from Holland, Professor Vanderbrook, to aid in the investigation.

A colony of benign, mutant vampires secretly settled 100 years ago in this unassuming town. They do not consume human blood - only animal blood - and thus are not threats to humans. The mutants’ identity is unknown to the citizens of Brampton, and the mutants wish to keep it that way. But the killings are the work of Volter, a renegade Romanian vampire, who has arrived to expunge these mutants. He believes them to be an inferior offshoot of the true vampire race and he sets out to expose them to the town, expecting the humans to exterminate them for him.

Stella, Del’s friend, and Jack, Del’s husband, also become involved in the investigation. Jack is remotely related to the mutant vampires without knowing of their nature.

The mutants, led by Judge Grundel, realizing they are in danger from Volter, secretly struggle to conquer him on their own, but he is far too wily and powerful for them and he defeats all their efforts to subdue him. They decide to bring in Vallina, an enforcer from Eastern Europe, who specializes in defending mutants.

Professor Vanderbrook, knowledgeable in the ways of vampires, works with Doc and Del to find ways to track and hopefully subdue Volter.

The body of a police officer killed by Volter is discovered, grossly displayed in Judge Grundel’s chambers. It is now clear Volter is targeting the mutants publicly, and during the police investigation, Vanderbrook and Vallina meet and join forces. They believe by working together they will have a better chance of tracking and destroying Volter.

The mutants are now panicking and, to bolster their image in Brampton, they host a free day at the local amusement park for the town. However, Volter sees this as his great opportunity to create widespread terror in the populace and starts by snapping the neck of a teenager on the roller-coaster and hanging his body from the sign at the top. He next dispatches a ticket taker on a smoke break and puts her body in a ticket booth. The House of Horrors is next, as he snatches a young girl from the ride and places her body in the arms of a mechanical vampire for the delight of the next car coming along. By now the bodies are being discovered and panic ensues.

As a result of the massacre, the vampiric nature of the mutants has been fully discovered and exposed by the press. This delights Volter, no end, as he believes the town will soon seek to exterminate the mutants for him.

After exhaustive efforts by law enforcement and the mutants, they believe they have found Volter in an abandoned house. They plan to burn it down with him inside, thus destroying him by fire, one of the only ways to defeat him. They set the fire and expect to find his burnt body the next day. But instead of Volter, they find the body of Judge Grundel. Volter had kidnapped the Judge early in the morning and played his little joke.

The next afternoon, Volter follows Jack home after seductively encountering him at his work and attacks and injures him in the garage. Jack is rushed to the hospital but, because Jack is part mutant, he cannot receive normal human blood, so the mutant community is called upon to donate their blood to save Jack – which they gladly do.

Volter’s next victim is a philandering pastor at a local church. His body is found in the beams of the high ceiling during a bingo game, dripping blood on the parishioners below.

Vanderbrook and Vallina, discovering Volter is vain and has telepathic access to the mutant’s thoughts, hatch a plan to entice Volter to meet them after they praise his great and many abilities. If they can keep him engaged until the sun rises, they might be able to destroy him. They challenge him to meet with them, characterizing themselves as defeated Vampire experts. They set the time and place and hope he will show up.

They plan to meet in a park that is open enough for him to be unable to hide and surprise them. At the meeting, they are shocked to discover a very low-key Volter. He seems distracted and weak. Suddenly, he says he is in great pain and elicits their help. Just then, a patrol officer walks by and Volter panics and seeks shelter in a nearby tool shed as the sun is rising. He cannot enter the shed and falls to the ground, trying to cover himself in gravel only to die quickly.

The mutant community holds a press conference to introduce themselves, revealing their true nature, and stressing they, too, have been victims of the vampire, hoping to dispel citizens' fear and anger. They announce they want to engage in meaningful interactions with the human residents of Brampton. The Police Chief arrives and announces Volter is dead and no longer a threat. When asked about the cause, the Chief says Volter died from an extremely aggressive form of AIDS contracted by his killing of the pastor who is known to have consorted with a prostitute with AIDS.

Finally, the town begins to recover, along with Jack who is able to go back to work and chooses to connect with the mutant side of his family.

Del gets a commission to write a book: The Vampire Volter – the Ferocious Beast of Brampton, Ohio. Doc, the Police Chief goes back to issuing parking tickets. In a state lab in Columbus, Ohio, an evidence bag with Volter’s hair stirs, grows, and drops from a shelf, lumbers in the darkness, and exits the evidence room looking for blood.

Bobby G

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