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By Victoria Pedder (Tori)

GENRE: Horror

After a tragic accident 30 years ago, a vengeful ghost begins a deadly rampage, forcing a guilty man and his son to face the sins of the past.


Ever since Murray Jones was a child he had been fascinated with trains, and although he loved his job as a track inspector, when an opportunity to become a driver arose, he jumped at the chance.

Life seemed perfect now that he had secured his dream job so, understandably he was excited at taking his first load of wheat to the silos. But the day took a turn for the worst.

He had spotted a young male on the tracks who seemed to be having trouble standing and there seemed to be two other youths watching on.

Murray screamed in desperation as the train headed straight for the youth. He tried to brake but the train was traveling too fast and hit the boy head-on pulling him underneath the carriage and breaking every bone in his body as he was tossed around like a ragdoll.

Murray never drove another train again.

Thirty years later the abandoned train still sits unused in the train yard, reminding everyone of that horrific day when a lad named Darius Holt had lost his life so tragically after being beaten and thrown onto the tracks by two bullies.

But not everyone took it seriously, for there was now an eerie superstition that surrounded Darius’s death where if you were brave enough to venture into the yard at night and board the old train and speak the words “Click Clack Man” twice then the angry spirit of Darius himself would appear and kill everyone there. Despite pleas from local Law Enforcement in regards to trespassing, some young ones thought it was cool to give themselves a scare.

And that’s precisely what Jonah and his girlfriend Maryanne did which resulted in Maryanne’s brutal death.

What follows is Jonah and his father (who was one of the bullies that attacked Darius 30 years ago) trying to prove the existence of Darius’s ghost to the police who think the pair are crazy.

How will Jonah’s father react when he comes face to face with Darius? How many more people will be killed because of this built-up rage within this once young boy who was brutally killed that day many years ago?

Michael Dzurak

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Victoria Pedder (Tori)

Thank you Michael for your positive rating

Nathaniel Baker

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