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10,000 WORLDS
By Sami Vartiainen

GENRE: Sci-fi, Adventure

”10,000 WORLDS” is an epic tale of a galaxy wide war between two factions seen through the eyes of a small band of misfits who are caught in the very nexus of the immense conflict to decide the fate of Earth and 10,000 other planets.




The main feature of the plot revolves around the Sirians' Master Plan which is a complicated yet

fascinating puzzle: In the first act, the Sirians, seeing how cruel and oppressive is the rule of the

Dracos decide to formulate a plan that would free the galaxy from Draco tyranny and for this plan

they need immense amounts of gold. Because gold is rare and vital to space travel Sirians seek out gold from Gi but the Anunnaki who have been mining gold on Gi in secrecy for over 50,000 years refuse to barter with the Sirians.

After the Dracos issue a galaxy wide travel ban the Anunnaki's space traveling home-comet becomes outlawed; thus, the Dracos destroy it. This infuriates the Anunnaki to such an extent that they vow revenge even if it takes a million years and they promise to provide all the gold the Sirians need if in return they destroy the Dracos.

Because of the travel ban the Sirians cannot transport the gold to their homeplanet so they resort

to building huge pyramids on Gi to teleport the gold to Sirius. After a while the Dracos uncover

this development due to their informant in the ranks of the Anunnaki on Gi. The Dracos'

response is terrifying: They drag and hurl an ice comet nearly the size of Earth into the solar system

through the hyperspace engines aboard the Draco dreadnought Sayyadu under the command of General Fierce and aim it at the three planets inhabited by the Lyrans, Sirians and other humanoid races.

The ice comet rips the planet Maldek apart leaving only asteroids, then passes so close to the planet Nergal that it strips Nergal of its atmosphere thus ending all life there. Still the ice

comet lunges on, passing the planet Gi close enough to make it tilt on its axis, causing vast devastation.

Furthermore, Gi's magnetic poles polarize the ice on the comet and draw huge amounts of ice

from it -- the ice masses land on both poles of the Gi, causing a deluge of unprecedented

proportions and after that, the ice age. The ice comet, now settling on orbit around the local sun, causes devastation of cosmic proportions!

These events send shockwaves throughout the galaxy -- never before has such destruction been

witnessed. Survivors from both Maldek and Nergal land on Gi to seek refuge. During all of

this the Felucca completes its mission for the Sirians -- to find and obtain a mythical Key to enable

future penetration of Theron defenses.


The second act begins as Sirians move on with their Master Plan: Next they secretly employ the

Felucca and its crew once again to their service. The Felucca has been flying covert shipments of

gold from Theron to Draco homeworld, which is why the Felucca enjoys an exemption from the

travel ban. Theron is one of the very few worlds with ample amounts of gold and Dracos have

employed the Felucca to transport the gold in secret as not to reveal their covert control of Theron.

On these gold runs the Felucca crew comes across Similae, the sleeper agent of the Sirians on

Theron, who has worked to uncover the hidden fact that Theron is controlled by the A.I., and not

only Theron -- the A.I. sends a signal across all the planets the Dracos control, a signal of mindcontrol that keeps nearly all the inhabitants on all the conquered planets mind-controlled and unable to rise up to challenge the Dracos.

Draco seers warn of Felucca's crew's possible treachery in the future and the Dracos send the

Instrument of Death to kill the entire crew. Because of the Draco Urakjbarameel's presence aboard

the Felucca the Dracos cannot simply blow them from the sky -- a Draco honor code is being

revered. Instrument of Death comes within an inch of succeeding in the assassination but is stopped

by the presence of Seer al Lumili.

Seer convinces the Lumili-born Instrument to abandon his assassin ways and join them in their

cause against the Draco. Such is the impact of coming face to face with Seer's radiating love! They

smuggle the Instrument back to Draco homeworld where he secretly makes his way inside the

Draco supership Ina Qitrub Tahazi, commandeered by the very same war commander, Uranverein, who decades ago kidnapped the Instrument from his homeworld of Lumili and brutally turned him into an assassin.

At this time the Felucca's crew comes across General Fierce who's very essence is transformed

upon meeting Seer. Fierce vows to aid the Master Plan and conjures a plan to destroy the

dreadnought Sayyadu he commands as well as destroy the Draco home planet! He is asked to wait for the right moment to act to which he acquiesces.

Upon hearing these news the Sirians yet again employ the Felucca, exempt from the travel ban,

to secretly transport the gold once teleported from Gi to Sirius to 5,000 worlds, to be placed at

the care of local Sirian sleeper agents. The Sirians equip the Felucca with pocket dimension

technology enabling them to carry 500,000 kg (over a million lbs) of gold. For a year the Felucca's crew toil day and night, hauling the gold across 5,000 worlds. Seer al Lumili joins them on this quest for he alone is able to keep the Felucca undetected from Draco probing, and to keep the crew sane. This gold run takes the Felucca a full year to complete, hauling gold to all the 5,000 worlds with hyperspace capable spaceship technology.


The third act opens with the Sirians moving to attack phase. General Fierce overrides all the

restraints on the Draco dreadnought Sayyadu and jumps to hyperspace with full power, sucking the Draco homeworld into its wake. He exits the hyperspace right next to the Draco central sun dragging the Draco homeworld with the Sayyadu and instantly incinerates both the Sayyadu and the

Draco homeworld. A one of a kind truly horrifyingly epic suicide move by General Fierce! And

how ironic that the very technology used to destroy two planets and cripple Earth is now used to

destroy the homeworld of the perpetrators!

All Draco fleet is summoned to where the Draco homeworld used to be to evacuate the few

survivors and this move gives an attacking window for the Sirians who hyperjump as close to Theron as possible and move in stealth close to Theron now that the Draco fleet is elsewhere. Sirians then surround Theron with 4 powerful signal blocking ships, cutting off the mind-control signal keeping 10,000 worlds at bay. Right then the Sirians send a galaxy-wide message to all the worlds urging them to rise up and fight the Draco tyranny in sync with all the Sirian sleepers on 5,000 worlds giving 100 kg of gold to the local space authorities to power their hyperspace engines. Sirians had to withhold sending their rebellious message until the mind-control signal was blocked, otherwise all the worlds would not have reacted at all.

Now, the Draco fleet darts to Theron to engage the Sirian fleet in battle. The Draco supership Ina Qitrub Tahazi alone under the command of Uranverein is capable of crushing the entire Sirian fleet twice over yet it never gets the chance -- Instrument of Death comes out of his hiding aboard the supership after hearing the Sirians' message and as his astonishing swan song kills his way through the ranks of Draco soldiers to confront his tormentor, Uranverein, in a duel. Instrument slays Uranverein and destroys the supership, sacrificing his life in the process.

Despite this playing field leveling the Sirians are still outnumbered and outgunned by the rest of the arriving Draco fleet. Just as the Dracos are about to destroy the last signal blocker and all hope is lost the combined fleet of 5,000 worlds arrive and the Dracos are overpowered. Yet the fight is not over: Theron's massive planetary defense systems are able to destroy any ship that approaches their

atmosphere and it is only a matter of time before they are able to resend the mind-control signal.

It is then that Corto comes up with the battering ram idea and persuades the united fleet to form a

battering ram out of 100 ships covering the Felucca, thus succeeding in penetrating the planetary

defenses and landing on Theron. Felucca's crew makes its way to the A.I. and with the Key and

some clever lying manage to destroy the A.I. without the A.I. killing all the Theronians hooked to

the cloud.

Felucca's crew then intercepts the fleeing shadow council and Niani beheads them. The citizens

of Theron wake like from a long sleep but not without an ensuing chaos -- the sudden waking from

an absolute addiction to entertainment has taken its toll and a long road to recovery lies ahead.

All of Seer's visions fulfilled and the Sirian Master Plan now successfully completed Niani is exiled

from all Lyran worlds after beheading the shadow council on Theron -- they were, after all,


Because of Niani's exile and Corto's desire to see his birth planet the Felucca flies to Gi and lands there to find humans thrown back to the stone age after the great deluge. Corto Sevillian, Niani Nzerekore, Urakjbarameel, Dogon Gul-Dom and Seer al Lumili decide to help the inhabitants of Gi get back on their feet. After talking with the astounded Gi humans the last words of the series are from Corto's mouth: ”They call this planet... Earth”. And thus is it finally revealed that Gi may or may not be Earth.

That was just the Sirians' plan bit -- there's a lot more going on as we follow Similae meet secretly with Admiral Jonn, heal himself with the Sirian Cocoons of Healing, go through mental training and battle the Draco psychic defenses mentally as he attempts to unlock the secrets of the Draco control system on Theron. Or how the Felucca's crew is repeatedly confronted by the Aldebarans that were tricked by Corto in the very first episode. The Felucca's crew's hunt for the Key takes them to various exotic adventures across the galaxy. Also there is the mirror crew of Felucca -- another motley crew that runs adrenochrome, the Dracos' preferred drug, across the galaxy. Confrontation between the two crews is inevitable, starting with the voluptuous Llullaillaco in the very first episode. The Lumilians' natural light-sound show is a close companion all throughout the series, bringing much needed beauty and color to the war-torn galaxy.

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