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After the destruction of ELTAR a wormhole hurls ZORDON to the PLANET EARTH. Were ZORDON has to recruit and rely on a new team to stop the EVIL LORD ZED.
A dramatic and action-packed modern retelling of the POWER RANGER origin story.
MMPR is a SIFI Action Adventure film where two sets of friends, best friends Jason and Zack and best friends Trini, Kimberly and Billy, are brought together by the alien ZORDON to take on the Evil Lord Zed and save Earth from being Zed's conquest.
Zordon is an alien general from the planet Eltar. After many years of intergalactic war, peace is finally thought to be achieved until King Lexian's brother Lord Zed decides he wants absolute power. With his wife Rita Repulsa and his army of Putties, Zed attacks the throne room. The betrayal weakens the heart of the already weary King Lexian as Zordon tries his best to hold Zed off. Lord Zed has a secret weapon in Serpentera, a gigantic, mechanized robot. But Serpentera's main power source is the planet's core; and its strain is too much causing Eltar to be destroyed. The force of the planet's explosion pushes Lord Zed and Zordon's ships into a wormhole. Zordon crash lands on Earth while Lord Zed lingers in the wormhole for 10,000 years.
In present day Angel Grove at Angel Grove University, AGU, Jason and Zack are excited for tonight's Frat Party. Zack because he is in the Frat and has a step routine planned and for Jason because he has invited his crush Trini and her friends Billy and Kimberly. After the death of Billy's astronaut dad at the hands of the now free Lord Zed; the friends are brought together by Zordon to become the Power Rangers.
All seems to be going well after the Rangers defeat Goldar. So, well Jason finally has the courage to ask out Trini. But everyone's joy is short lived when Lord Zed invades a US Military Base to steal the planet’s core energy extractor to power his newly repaired Serpentera. As the Rangers try to stop Zed, Billy is so overtaken with rage at the sight of the being that killed his father, he tries to take on Zed one on one with disastrous results. With Billy clinging to life the Rangers question if being a Power Ranger is really what they are cut out to do.
Lord Zed has all he needs to attack Earth with Serpentera and starts with SAN FRANCISCO. A fully healed Billy rejoins his friends as they are given their Dino Zords and take on Lord Zed. Zed is led away into the MOJAVE DESERT to protect the city as the Rangers form the Mega Zord and destroy Serpentera. But Zed is not done yet as he and the Rangers engage in one final battle on the ground below. After a heroic back and forth the Rangers vanquish Lord Zed once and for all.
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