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By Erika Christie

GENRE: Comedy, Documentary
LOGLINE: Web series for filmmakers


Our goal is to create high quality projects ranging from short films to commercials to various web series. Eventually, we'll move onto longer projects such as feature length films and a possible TV series. We film all of our own scripts by screenwriters in our group. Because of them, we can generate our own stories to fit our personnel, specific locations, or to showcase our actors or crew members. We are also dedicated to training each other in all aspects of filmmaking: Lighting, Camera work, storyboarding, screenwriting, editing, coloring correction, sound design, and so on. So any combination of us has the skills and know how to fashion a great film. You can support us by hiring us . . viewing our videos online . . making donations . . offering great locations for filming . . and givings us the encouragement we need. Stop by again to see our crew in action.

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