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By Alistair McKenzie

GENRE: Drama, Biography

Out of the ashes of abuse a woman rises to the heights of an illicit empire, selling her soul and searching for redemption.


Born into a household of violent alcoholics, Vickie learns early that survival has a price. She and her siblings, older sister Nadia and younger brother Joey, are instruments for their parents cruel abuses.

Unwilling to suffer more, fourteen year old Vickie strikes out on her own with the clothes on her back and a few dollars she took from Nadia. Her flight takes her to San Francisco during the summer of love, where she meets Celeste, her chosen sister and fellow runaway.

They weave themselves into jobs using fake i.d.’s and unfortunate maturity. When a lecherous boss tries to rape Vickie, she breaks his nose in self-defense. Celeste stands with Vickie and both are fired.

With nothing keeping them, they wade into the counterculture of Height—Ashbury, meeting their generation and setting their destiny. It’s not San Francisco.

In Seattle, they dance in a strip club contest for $100. Mike Pantani, the club owner, lures them into a dark underworld with promises of adulation and money. Vickie and Celeste become the foundation on which Mike’s illegal fortune is made. They run his clubs, his girls, his rackets, and it nearly costs them their souls.

As the money flows, their self-esteem plummets. Alcohol and drugs run like a river and Vickie and Celeste dive deeply. They lose their innocence and rely ever more on a narcissistic felon in Mike and it brings them to rock bottom.

A litany of empty promises forces them to Anchorage where Vickie breaks free of Mike’s stranglehold, taking Celeste with her. In his vengeance, he tries to do what Vickie’s parents couldn’t, cracking her hollow shell.

At her lowest point, she decides to end it all. Little does she know it’s not up to her. The drugs and alcohol fail. The pistol won’t fire. The car bomb Mike strapped to the underside of her car malfunctions. She collapses in a moment of absolute brokenness, only to find divine intervention begin to heal her.

With no plan except unreasonable trust, she takes Celeste out of the underworld and into the light of redemption. They put Mike in jail, build a home for abused women and their children and plant churches around the world.

Based on a true story.

Nathaniel Baker

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