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Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montreal. 11:45PM, News Year’s Eve, 1972. Lovers’ Leap Motel. Dave Thompson savors the costumed party: happy celebrants; Police Chief and his posse, local MLA and his government guests; Stella and her Licorice Girls, Camille and Tracey, working the single men; his business partner, Elize Fontainebleu, happily being courted by many but refusing all advances, including is own imbibed ones. Enters Gus Conti, suave and debonair in his physician costume. And he falls for Elize. And Elize falls for him. Dave must now watch them on the dance floor while the fuming Police Chief on his way out warns him: Conti is Cotroni Mafia Later on, during cleanup and staff post party celebrations, Dave remembers the warning, only to be put reminded by Elize how drunk he was and how possessive he still is. Dave goes on to help Angie, the yummy sex shop owner who rents a space in the Lovers’ Leap Motel. Nose to crotch, he accidentally discovers how hot he his for her. Angie’s not indifferent either, but Dave doesn’t close the deal. Instead, he goes to see his father in his retirement home instead. TV is on. Bottle is half empty. The old man snores. Dave returns home, to his dog and his railroad scale models. Later, Elize calls Conti for a date. Conti plays cool while he gladly accepts. When Conti comes to pick Elize up at Lover’s Leap, Dave reads him the riot act. Elize interrupts the incoming fisticuff and heads out with Costa, leaving Dave shaking and fuming to his bartender and best friend, Franko. Costa is a gentlemen. While he drives, he answers Elize’s doubts regarding his Mafia connection. Elize gets to see Costa’s operations (motel, restaurant, liquor store and strip joint) and visit his two uncles, who proudly confirm their old protection/racket roots. Elize also gets to exchange full eye contact with Redhead, the main exotic dancer and Costa’s sex buddy. Elize immediately leaves a flummoxed Costa: she doesn’t do triangles. When she returns to Lover’s Leap, Dave still sulks and rants about Costa. Elize ends up pelting Dave with eggs and slams the door on her way out. Plus Franko gets to punch him for his racist remarks. Life goes on at Lovers’ Leap: Dave tries to date Angie who invites him to an underground party where he feels like a fish out of water and still doesn’t score. Meanwhile, Gary Sanderson passes as a Licorice Girl client. Over 3 sessions, Gary videotapes Camille receiving payment for sex and snorting cocaine. While Dave gets caught by Angie after using Tracy’s services, and looses her respect, Elize and Costa reconnect. Costa invites Elize to his pad, and offers her one of his Dad’s stylish pens/pocket guns from his Mafia days. Elize refuses and reluctantly leaves. Redhead and Costa split because Costa will not share Elize. When Stella sees Gary’s tape and tag price, she kicks Camille out and calls Elize and Angie for help. Angie refuses and walks away. Elize suggests calling Costa. A livid Dave goes straight to the Police Chief who refuses to help, while Costa offers his services and his men. Elize and Costa spend their first night together in his pad. Although Costa thoroughly combs his place, it’s Elize who finds Redhead’s panties. She forgives Costa. The two snuggle. Of course, Dave notices Elize’ sudden happiness and hates her more for that. He picks a fight with her regarding Gary and Costa, only to receive notice that Elize wants to buy him out. Dave counterattacks with a lawsuit. Their friendship has now turned to war. Gary comes to pick up his money, only to be witnessed and followed by Costa. Next day, Costa delivers a bruised Gary and the cassette tapes to Elize and Stella, reluctantly picks his fees, and offers his services on a retainer. Accepted. Dave spends time with his father, only to flee when the old man looses it during a commercial and returns to his old racist self. And he keeps using Tracy’s services, in his office. Meanwhile, Camille reconnects with Jean Luc, childhood boyfriend with fresh Hells’ Angels’ patches and almost pure cocaine. Jean Luc gets Camille fully hooked while he plans the takeover the Licorice Girls’ and Lover’s Leap Motel with his biker gang. Costa and Elize are now lovers. He gives her the stylish pen/pocket gun that she finally accepts. She doesn’t know she’s being followed by Redhead. That day, Dave’s father collapses during a walk, among total indifference from the other residents. Dave goes to the hospital, to learn his old man’s brain is already clinically dead. As she goes over the counter offer from Dave’s lawyers, Elize gets a call from Redhead. Alone with his dying Dad, Dave grieves while Jean-Luc and the bikers descend on Lovers’ Leap. This is also the night Costa, along with a reluctant Gary, comes to Elize to admit his blackmail scam and return the money. When Costa realizes the situation, he sends Gary to call reinforcements and goes looking for Elize. While the rest of the bikers run havoc through Lover’s Leap, Jean Luc and his boss kidnap Stella and Tracey. They finally grab Elize, back from meeting Redhead, to force her to sign new partnership papers. Dave returns from the hospital, finally notices the mess and also goes searching for Elize. Dave and Costa finally meet in Elise’s office. The two beat the crap out of each other. While both lay half dead, Dave decides to help Costa and asks for a weapon. Costa offers his own stylish pen/pocket gun. Dave shoots Costa. Only the money envelope in his breast pocket saves Costa. When he recovers, Costa sucker punches Dave. He heads for the door but returns and plays dead as Jean Luc and Biker Boss drag Elize in, to force her to sign new papers. Elize freaks out seeing both Dave and Costa, unconscious and bloody. Dave wakes up. Sucker punches Costa. Gets KO’d by Jean Luc. Meanwhile, Costa’s reinforcements come in, Uncles included, and methodically subdue the bikers, under the eyes and guns of the police. In her office, Elize uses her own stylish pen/pocket gun to sign the papers. She hands them to Biker Boss and shoots him in the eye while Costa surprises Jean Luc and KOs him. Biker Boss is not dead yet. He tries to shoot Elize but Dave and Costa keep shoving each other away to protect Elize. Dave is the one who gets the last bullet. Later on, Dave gets to return to the hospital, to help his Dad pass away. This time, he has company: Costa, Elize, Stella and Franko are with him. The end.