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By Lyla L. Hartley

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Other, Sci-fi, Thriller
LOGLINE: The other 28 projects


The other 28 projects


Genre: Sci-fi: “The Hope Series”: Book 1: “Spera” - Much to do with wars! Wars as in ALL wars since the beginning of human history! Book 2: “Betrayal” – Where Spera recalls Domus and learns of a betrayal by the Maewelins Book 3: “Domus” – Where the humans discover changes within their own biology and Spera begins to exhibit oddities. Book 4: “Traba” – The tale of one of the three ships going from Domus to Earth. Book 5: “Ireitum” – Same premise as Traba. Book 6: “Navis” – Same premise as Traba. Book 7: “Evolutions” – The discovery of the Mauwelin secret which in part leads into the next book Mareans. Book 8: “Mareans” – The further discovery of life on Domus of an intelligent species created accidentally by the Mauwelins when they tried to “fix” their problems. Book 9: “T.O.R.” – The Order Righteous – A secret order of the shape shifting Mareans that infiltrate the Mauwelins and started the process to get the Mauwelins off of Domus. Other Sci-fi: "The Traveler, an Android and a Spy" (a Star Trek Fan-Fiction) Genre; Comedy: “Meth-Momma” – The story of a woman that comes home to find an eviction notice on the front door. She investigates and finds that her own mother took the rent monies from the last 4 months and used it for meth. She then vows to put momma in a home by driving her crazy. But, who ends up in the nut house? “Writer’s Write” – A comical tale about the varied ways that writer’s write. “Going Goth” – The story of a newly divorced 40 something woman on a path of discovery of herself into the world of Goth. Genre; Drama: “Secrets” – The secrets of a dysfunctional family. Meth momma, schizoid druggie son, call girl daughter and pot dealing daughter. “Bloomers” – The stories of several people and how they bloomed later in life. “Borthwick” – The story of Queen Mary of Scots and her tie-ins with the Borthwick Clan of Scotland and the eventual order by King to send the Borthwicks to the new world to govern over Connecticut. "My Dad, the cad" – True story of a father and daughter. Father is dating a woman that is six months older than his daughter and she’s married with kids. But get this, she’s not the only skirt he’s been chasing. Genre; Horror: “Hypno-Terror” – People are hypnotized (unknowingly) and wreak havoc in ALL of the major cities in every state in America. This can prove to be a series that literally could end up being 50 books. “Killer Cards” – Almost every little boy collects baseball cards, etc. Well, what if there was a set of cards that shows the different ways of human death? What if a select few of those cards actually tells the tale of how one person dies should they have possession of it? Again, this could be a series too. “Yacht” - A thriller about a father/daughter team against evil. Genre; Romance: “Hopeless” – The tale of a woman that only wants love and romance from her husband. In the end he finally gives her a dozen roses. Sadly, he places them on her grave. Genre; Religion: “Going Solo” – The solo practices of one wiccan. Genre; Children’s: The mousy mouse” – The story of a mouse that is abused. "My new family" – The story of one female ferrets adventures of being lost and finding a new family that is blended. Showing that not all families are the same and that’s ok to be a part of a big blended family. Genre; Autobiography: "Silent Hope” – Concerns the silent hope that all abused children have as they silently hope that the abuse will end. "What happened here, dies here" - MY NEWEST IDEAS FOR A NOVEL! Genres: Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Action & Thriller: "Time Assassins": A possible explanation to current and historical unexplained and mysterious deaths? Mwahahahahaha! AND... "A Novel Find"! This will be a teen adventure about girls in search of a unique item belonging to a famous deceased person. The end is a twist! :) Of course these titles are subject to change as the writing process progresses.

LindaAnn Loschiavo

Lyla, happy to meet you. Keep making progress -- and "in progress"!!!

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