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By Gerent Gerrity

GENRE: Action, Comedy, Sci-fi, Thriller
LOGLINE: Men Who Stare at Goats and XFiles meets FlashForward and Warehouse 13. A little-known government agency that investigates psychic premonition letters mailed in from all over the country; they make sure the premonitions that are real, don't happen.


Tens of Thousands of letters get sent to the government daily. Everything from requests of pardons, hate-mail, greeting cards, top secret documents, smutty love-letters, even shopping lists mailed by confused old ladies. Each and everyone of those letters gets read, summarised, filed, and delivered to the appropriate parties at their respective departments. Pardon letters go to the president, hate-mail goes to the Secret Service, shopping-lists go to the White House interns to be mailed back along with a polite note. However, there is one little-known department that receives and investigates one particular type of letter: Psychic premonitions. The Central Premonitions Agency (CPA) investigates those premonitions in the interests of national security and public safety. First formed in the 1950s as a counter measure to USSR cold war activities, the fall of the Iron Curtain rendered many counter agencies obsolete forcing them to be gutted, rehashed, and outright dissolved; but with guile and shrewdness by the founders the CPA, it managed to survive as an underfunded and understaffed necessity. Today seen as an old war relic, the mysterious department is a shadow of itself and a sore joke of past fears; but they still uphold the duties they were founded on: travel whatever the distance and go to whatever length to verify or disprove all psychic premonition claims, because the future can't afford to be proven right.

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