Dani TwizDead's Lounge Discussions

Joseph Quiles
indie filmmaker Help for getting actors

Hi everyone names Joe I'm new to the film making world Somewhat stock trying to make my upcoming film To get my foot in the door problem im having right now Is trying to get actors for my project Any help would Be nice :) ?

Dani TwizDead

also try starnow.com

Joseph Quiles

Going to check them out thanks :)

Maria Teresa

Hi Joseph, you can become a member of H.O.L.A. (Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors) and post on their page. All nationalities are members of this great organization.

Tressa Sanders

I've hired almost all of my talent from breakdownexpress.com. I've hired one person on Mandy and it's a good site but breakdown express is a sure thing. Post your breakdown, it goes out to all of thei...

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Lina Jones

Hello again Joe your in the right place just be patient.! Good luck

Dani TwizDead

Spectra Talent Contest (a registered non-profit organization) is seeking a volunteer videographer/editor for the following tasks: 1. to shoot three live shows at Club120 (see schedule below) 2. shoot/edit a music video (for a holiday song produced by Juno Award winner Gavin Bradley) 3. shoot/edit a...

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Dani TwizDead

Or message me for more details

Dani TwizDead
Hello Any one in toronto My fr…

Hello Any one in toronto My friend And I are trying to organize a film meet up were we can network face to face please let me know if your intrested.

I was just shown this tonight…

I was just shown this tonight by a friend who found it. Check it out, my very first IMDb list and I am NUMBER 10!! 2012 IS already rocking! [www.imdb.com/list/hqIqyarXQQs/][1] [1]: http://www.imdb.com/list/hqIqyarXQQs/

W. Paul Hughes

Congrats Brandi. Press in hon and "get er done." Much love 2 U, Paul

Old Account

This is awesome! Well done :D

Brandi Alyssa Young


Brandi Alyssa Young

Isn't that cool?! Neat for me to see, sort of a glimpse of things to come? How are you, Jen?

Brandi Alyssa Young

They were for a bit, not much last couple of days. I had an AFTRA CB, but they must have gone with the local blonde bombshell, she was nice. But I have a lot coming down the pike. I VO, the 27th, whic...

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Philip Krinsky
Happy New Year! Let's hope it'…

Happy New Year! Let's hope it's a very successful 2012 :)

Elizabeth Ann Koshak

This WILL be a great year. Last year sucked so bad that this one can be nothing but great.

Sarah R. Lotfi

Happy New Year Phillip!

Delete Account

Hi Philip! A Happy New Year to you! Spreading success to everyone! CHeers!

Philip Krinsky

Haha Yes this WILL be a Great year!

Keith Williams

Much success to everyone!

Ian Lane
My friend Shakah Herrera (he's…

My friend Shakah Herrera (he's a member here) and I have a genius script idea that just needs some polishing. Don't be surprised when it becomes a big hit!

Philip Krinsky

That's Awesome! Keep up the Great Work!

Dani TwizDead

best of luck I hope it turns out big :)

Dani TwizDead
Hey any one in toronto want to…

Hey any one in toronto want to help organize a meet and greet so we can all network?

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