Written by Trina Sterling and Tracy Crews, “Hazardous Play” is the tale of two young girls and a dispute over a boy. They get into a fight and are taken to the Youth Detention Center where, aided by a Bible study, they reconcile and become friends. I was hired as Cinematographer. In this scene (which I cut together and scored), a fellow inmate tells the other girls about the circumstances leading to her incarceration.
Paper and Ink is a narrative feature that I wrote, directed, and produced. Jim Davenport is a sheriff’s deputy and part of his job is to evict people from their homes after the lender has foreclosed. Although he’s been doing this for years, he notices that, after the 2008 downturn, the people being evicted are closer to his own economic level—certainly not the deadbeats they’re made out to be. Concerned by this, he begins to educate himself regarding the characteristics of capitalism...