I thought Darth Vader of the original Star Wars trilogy was the ultimate villain. However, I mentioned the joker from the movie Dark Knight earlier because Heath Ledger (RIP) really nailed that role. That was possibly Heath's best acting performance ever.
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Eli Wallach as Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez in the Good , the Bad and the Ugly.
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I thought Darth Vader of the original Star Wars trilogy was the ultimate villain. However, I mentioned the joker from the movie Dark Knight earlier because Heath Ledger (RIP) really nailed that role. That was possibly Heath's best acting performance ever.
Jason Robards in the greatest western ever filmed, Once Upon A Time In America.
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Freddy Krueger. Robert Englund was exemplary in bringing him to life.
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Can Television count? If so, Hannibal Lector from the TV series Hannibal.
The Joker from Batman is up there as well.