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Lacie Alexander, a fifteen year old sassy teen and her four year old precocious sister, Heather, ride their gentle gelding Cocoa to an abandoned copper mine. Undetected, James, Lacie's twin, follows them on Bright Star, an Arabian mare. James frightens them by rattling cottonwood leaves and cawing like a hungry crow. A homeless sixteen year old, Roberto Hernandez, kidnaps Licorice. As Roberto drives his bald front tire ruptures. While Roberto works on the flat, Licorice escapes. Licorice runs into the Alexander children who race their frothy horses, neck and neck. Spooked, Bright Star rears. Romance glitters between Lacie and Roberto's eyes as Lacie slips Licorice's rope into Roberto's hand. On the twins birthday, Lacie curves around a barrel; a rattle snake flares its deadly fangs at Bright Star's legs. Bright Star rears. The saddle slips sideways. Lacie's head whacks the edge of the sharp metal barrel. Blood oozes out of the fatal wound. Crying hysterically, James can't see. Everything is dark-black---hidden. He stumbles through the brush by using his legs and fingers as guides. He hears Heather sing a lullaby to her doll, Mr. Dithers. James crushes his family's souls when they hear him whimper, "I killed Lacie." Roberto's cocky friend tells him Lacie's brother killed her. Enraged, Roberto drives off. Licorice chases Roberto's car. Unable to keep up, Licorice wanders around the valley until he finds his old home, but no one is home. Bonnie spies Licorice playing with Heather and Mr. Dithers in the mud. Licorice's magical love heals everyone except James who wallows in self-hated. Licorice puts soggy balls on James' head, insists he sleep in his bed, and manipulates James into taking Sandy Upton to the winter dance. Roberto goes to the Alexander's home and asks for his dog back as Bonnie searches for Lacie's favorite Christmas star; she doesn't know Licorice is gone until she falls off a stool and breaks her leg. Licorice runs away from Roberto and returns to the Alexander's home. Heather drops Mr. Dithers in the dirt; she grabs Licorice's collar and hides him in the copper mine. Roberto and his gang follow them. A storm erupts. The entrance to the cave collapses. Licorice leaps to freedom; everyone else is trapped. Heather yells, "Licorice, go find James!" Licorice runs through the lightening storm that knocks the power out. Without eyes and a working phone, James feels paralyzed when he can't find Heather. Licorice shoves Mr. Dithers into James' hands. Limping, Licorice guides James to the cave. At the edge of the small avalanche, Licorice collapses. James digs an opening with broken tree limbs He rescues the children. Shoulder to shoulder, James and Roberto carry everyone home. Available for option