Breazy Diduck-Wilson

Breazy Diduck-Wilson


Winnipeg, Canada

Member Since:
August 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Breazy

Breazy Diduck-Wilson is new to the formal world of acting but was born a performer. At the tender age of eight, Breazy booked her first part — the lead role in H&G and has continued to work on movie sets as an Actor.

Breazy has an extraordinary ability to entertain and perform. Currently training with Reena Shah at Expressions Film Studio, Breazy is eager to new learn new techniques and showcase her skills in future acting parts.

Breazy can be described as energetic, sharp, full of life, and encompasses a vibrant love for learning and trying new things. Her passion for performing is undeniable.

Unique traits: Long curly hair





  • Bunks

    Bunks (2013)
    Film by Family Network, Tibor Takacs Actor, Tiny Zombie Girl

  • H&G

    H&G (2012)
    Film by Red Czarina Entertainment, Danishka Esterhazy Lead, Gemma


  • Expressions Film Studio

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