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A group of American missionaries, doctors, and miners trapped in the Philippines during WWII struggle to survive and hide from the brutal Japanese Army. When two pregnant women barely escape capture, they must make a dangerous trek over mountains and through jungles while being pursued by the Japanese.
A TRUE STORY based on the memoir of one of the survivors, Louise Spencer. Written with Jean Qing Su.
After the Japanese invasion of the Philippines in WWII, a group of American missionaries and miners chose to stay behind enemy lines to help the local people and the Guerrilla resistance, risking certain execution if captured. An incredible true story of courage, faith and hope in the face of terror.
Philippines, December 8, 1941: Mere hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese planes launch an attack on Clark Airbase outside Manila, destroying almost all of the U.S. Army’s airplanes. War has come to the Philippines.
News of the attacks reach Louise and Cyrill “Spence” Spencer and Blanche and Claude Fertig – American mining engineers and their wives. A group of missionary Doctors, Nurses and Educators also hear the shocking news. The Japanese invade the Philippines a few days later.
The Americans are faced with a choice: surrender to the Japanese and go into brutal prisoner camps or hide in the jungle of Panay island to live freely - but face torture and execution if captured. With the help of local Filipino Reverend Dianala, and the Guerrilla movement led by Filipino hero Colonel Peralta, the group sets up camp in a remote area the missionaries dub “Hopevale”.
Hopevale is a jungle paradise, seemingly removed from the war, with huts for each family, a communal eating area, and a beautiful outdoor chapel. Over time, things deteriorate. Less food, no new clothing or supplies, and more scares from the Japanese, who are searching for Americans hiding in the jungle.
Guerrillas try to ambush the Japanese General in charge of Panay Island. The General survives, but demands that Captain Watanabe, “The Butcher of Panay”, find and kill every American and Guerrilla on the island.
Blanche Fertig becomes pregnant. Her first pregnancy ended in stillbirth, the second in miscarriage. She needs to be near a Doctor at all times during the latter part of her pregnancy – or she and the baby could die. Claude Fertig and “Spence” Spencer want their wives to move to safety, but Blanche insists on staying near Hopevale residents Dr. Meyer and Nurse Jenny Adams, who are experts in difficult pregnancies. Louise tells Blanche that she’ll stay with her.
The Sunday before Christmas, 1943, the Hopevale residents are gathered at the outdoor chapel for services. They are warned that hundreds of Japanese soldiers are coming – less than thirty minutes away. The missionaries decide to stay, along with three young children, as they believe the Japanese won’t harm missionaries, but tell Blanche and Louise they must escape, as their husbands are helping the Guerrillas. Louis and Blanche rush into the jungle as the Japanese capture the missionaries and watch from a nearby hiding place.
Captain Watanabe radios the General about the capture, expecting praise, but is told to execute them all. Japanese Lieutenant Genjii, who attended the first Christian college in Japan, begs Captain Watanabe to give them some time to pray. Watanabe gives them 30 minutes.
Louise and Blanche watch from their hiding place above Hopevale as the Missionaries walk out, hand in hand, thirty minutes later. One gives Lt. Genjii a small Bible to thank him for trying to help. The three children are ripped from their parents’ arms and taken to a hut to be executed by bayonet. The Missionaries are ordered to kneel in an open field. One starts singing “Amazing Grace” – all join in. Captain Watanabe steps behind the first of the kneeling missionaries and raises his sword. As each is beheaded, “Amazing Grace” becomes softer and softer, until only one voice is left. Then Loise and Blanche hear the sound of the sword, stopping the last voice in mid phrase.
Louise and Blanche continue on, barefoot, over sharp rocks, through deep mud, up and down steep mountains and across cross fast-flowing streams as the Japanese search for them. They finally meet their husbands again, who get news of the massacre to Colonel Peralta. Peralta brings a Filipino Doctor to stay with Blanche until she has her baby. When checking on Louise, the Doctor tells them Louise is also pregnant. Peralta promises he will get a message to MacArthur for their evacuation.
The Spencers and Fertigs make way to the coast. They are nearly caught, but Filipino Guerillas ambush the Japanese and kill Watanabe. At the coast, they rendezvous with over 50 Americans. A few days later, they are told to move to the edge of the sand at sunset. Suddenly, a U.S. submarine dramatically “porpoises” to the surface just offshore.
The Americans load up on canoes and go to the sub. The Captain is told by his XO they only have rations for 20 survivors. The Captain calls out: “How many are you?” They answer: “58. How many of us can you take?” The Captain hesitates, then replies “All of you, of course.” They clamber aboard. Once all are below decks, the submarine moves towards the setting sun, and disappears underwater.
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