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A shy, anxious girl and her fearless brother are dragged into a terrifying adventure full of creatures, cults and monsters, when they discover their dad’s seemingly harmless 1980s toys.
We begin in the 1980s. A regular night shift at a bubblegum factory turns nightmarish when something unsettling is discovered; something so disturbing that the factory is immediately closed and locked up forever.
Modern day - JESSICA fourteen and her twin brother SAM reluctantly move back with their dad JOE to the town where he grew up. Jessica’s day begins badly when da at her new school she has a run in with two bullies, SOPHIA and CHARLIE. They play a creepy mask prank on her. All the kids are wearing them ready for Halloween. Rumour has it that a cult wears the masks to snatch children off the street but of course all kids love an urban legend, surely that’s all it is?
At home the past begins to rear its head when, along with their newfound friend LENNY; they discover an old box from their dad’s childhood containing a cool eighties toy called Bubblegum monsters manufactured by a company called Gertie’s. Along with this they also discover an old photo of Joe’s school friend ERIC who mysteriously disappeared in the 1980s.
This leads the gang on an adventure to a Eric’s abandoned house where they discover a strange cute creature that they name BUBBLEHOG because he’s pink like bubblegum. In fact he HAS been genetically altered by parasitic Bubblegum and the kids discover a dark, scary truth - the gum can be used to create MONSTERS - some much larger and scarier than Bubblehog. The revelation unwraps a hidden world that none of them could have imagined.
With the help of Lenny’s eccentric friend EUGENE they discover a secret cult named simply as ‘G’, who seem to be linked to the creepy masks, bubblegum monsters and maybe Eric’s disappearance. Jessica vows to uncover the truth and in her research reveals a dark ritual. While at Lenny’s Halloween party Jessica’s nemesis Sophia decides they should all perform it; it does not go well.
Sam, Sophia and Charlie are kidnapped by G and their army of creatures. Jessica is forced to try to save her brother; leading her and Lenny deep within an underground lair where a disturbing truth is uncovered - G are turning children into monsters and unlike pink Bubblehog these are blue and terrifying. The G cult lead by a Master G are forming a formidable army of monsters. Lenny gets captured but Jessica manages to escapes into the woods and a heart stopping chase sequence ensues. Jessica is just moments from capture when a huge pink monster saves her.
Using clues she’s discovered along the way she realises that the monster is Eric, her dad’s long lost friend. He wants to help but is weak and needs more gum to survive, so does Bubblehog! With help from her dad and Eugene they manage to rescue the others. However Jessica discovers that her dad’s past isn’t all that it seemed! Eric and Bubblehog are close to death and only gum can save them. The G cult also need this for their army and the only location left with a supply is the factory; the factory that has been hidden for over thirty years.
The film’s third act starts in high gear when the gang encounter a huge swarm of pink monsters within the factory’s tunnels. After escaping and locking the monsters away the gang hatch a plan to retrieve the life saving pink gum. However the Master has set a trap and after an intense fight the gang are dealt a devastating blow when a member is killed. The group are captured. All is Lost
However Lenny has managed to avoid capture and just when it seems the cult have succeeded he unlocks the horde of pink friendly creatures. Monsters and the G clan clash in a epic showdown. With the help of Eric who has now recovered thanks to the pink gum the G clan are defeated but the Master G has seemingly escaped.
The final showdown comes down to a suspenseful cat and mouse between Jessica and the Master. Using her newfound bravery and strength she manages to escape his clutches but finds herself trapped.
In the final moments both the Master and Jessica are confronted by a horrific mascot corpse infected by bubblegum. Left in the factory to rot the mascot has a dark past; a past the Master wished had been left buried. It’s his final undoing. With the help of Bubblehog; Jessica manages to defeat the chilling monster in a race against the clock.
Reunited with everyone and closer than ever before the nightmare is over. Or is it?
If the mascot could lay dormant for so many years, and with a factory full of parasitic bubblegum; what new horrors might await the gang in a sequels?
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Thanks for the ratings guys I've only just seen these. Very encouraging.