Kristina Haton's Lounge Discussions

Calvin Vanderbeek
Orange County Filmmakers

Looking to build a network of Orange County filmmakers and actors to work on each other's projects

Kristina Haton

Have you had any luck? I am in OC and hoping to do the same thing. There are enough of us, but no one seems to want to network.

Cory Wess

My experience is that networking in general is pointless without a project. Start one and you'll find plenty of people who want in.

Aaron W. Miller
Indie Film Maker Kit

Gurus of the film making world I am in need of a sherpa who might guide me to and through the purchase of a film making "kit". I am planning on teaching film & video next year and would like to start saving & investing in the equipment necessary to shoot short films (these are high school students,...

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Thomas B Barker

I have been conducting a "Movie Camp" for the past 5 years. I began with my 2 grandsons and their friends when the ages were 4 to 9. They have made at least 2 movies each year and these are on YouTube...

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Gary Henderson

When the Canon 5d surfaced it changed the the whole digital filming scene. It introduced a whole new way of filming and improved filming mainly in low light situations. A whole new industry grew out o...

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Andre Hunt

Grab some of those great dimmable LED batteriy powered lights that come with filters on amazon for less than forty bucks. Made in China. Amazing deal, and they're big. Get a camera that has the most o...

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