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By Meghann Mustico

GENRE: Crime, Thriller
LOGLINE: Who can you trust?


A woman is falsely in prison for killing her husband.


FADE IN EXT. TRENTON CITY SKYLINE, NEW JERSEY - NIGHT THUNDER SOUNDS and lightning outlines the clouds in the sky. RAIN soaking the city of Trenton, New Jersey. Police SIRENS ECHO through out the city. Lightning ignites the night sky the city of Trenton, New Jersey. THUNDER ROARS. DISSOLVE TO: INT. MERCER COUNTY JAIL HALLWAY - NIGHT PAN ACROSS Trenton County Jail Hallway. PRISON INMATES(O.S.) FIGHTING and SHOUTING random OBSCENITIES. DOLLY UP SHARON LORENZO, forty one, is aged very badly and wearing a prison orange jumpsuit, face not made up, and sitting at a desk writing. SHARON LORENZO(V.O.) They say when you love something set it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be. I always felt that way during my marriage. I admit, it wasn’t the greatest, nor was it the worst. My name is Sharon Lorenzo and this is my story. DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK - INT. THE ALTER - BAR - NIGHT - 1984 ROCK MUSIC BLARES in the background. VARIOUS TAVERN PATRONS Mingling thought the bar TALKING, DRINKING, smoking, and PLAYING POOL. High hair sprayed hair, tight leather pants, sleeveless shirts, and cigarettes hanging from their lips like a Christmas tree ornament. CLOSE UP on a young woman sitting at the bar smoking a cigarette. PULL BACK TO REVEAL YOUNG SHARON BANCROFT, twenty three, sitting at the bar watching TELEVISION holding her cigarette in her right hand. She has high permed hair held up by hair spray. SHARON (V.O.) It begins on a hot August night in Trenton, New Jersey. I was working for Mercer County as a budget analyst at the time. I was at the bar watching the New York Yankees play the New York Mets. The year was 1984, the year of hair bands, tight leather pants, I-ROC Camaro‘s, and "Ghostbusters". CHAD LORENZO, thirty two, bartender, approaches Young Sharon Bancroft with a cigarette hanging from the left side of his lip and leans his body with his arms crossed on the bar. CHAD LORENZO Good game? YOUNG SHARON BANCROFT My boys are getting slaughtered. CHAD What game are you watching? YOUNG SHARON Yankees vs. The Mets. Yankees are losing two to four. CHAD Sorry to hear that. YOUNG SHARON Oh, it’s not your fault. Ian Kennedy isn’t playing like he’s suppose to. Chad holds out his right hand. CHAD I’m Chad Lorenzo. Young Sharon holds out her left hand. YOUNG SHARON I’m Sharon Bancroft. Chad and Young Sharon shake hands and lock eyes onto one another. SHARON (V.O.) From that moment on, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - EXT. SAINT JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - DAY PHOTOGRAPHERS A few photographers are standing at both sides of Young Sharon and Chad taking pictures of the happy married couple. PHOTOGRAPHERS SHOUTING directions at Chad and Young Sharon Lorenzo to pose in different directions along with the people in the wedding party. MATCH CUT TO: Young Sharon BANCROFT (then SHARON LORENZO)and Chad In wedding attire, come out of an ornate entry way of Saint James Catholic Church in New Jersey. Young Sharon and Chad exchange a KISS. CAMERA FLASH BULBS GO OFF. Both Young Sharon and Chad look at all their family and friends, while CAMERA FLASHES still going off. BACK TO PRESENT CUT TO: INT. SHARON’S JAIL CELL - NIGHT Sharon is wearing a ski hat writing at her desk. Her hair is pulled back and one strand of her bangs is hanging in the middle of her face. SHARON (V.O.) Six months after I met Chad, we were married in front of God and all our family and friends. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. HOSPITAL DELIVERY ROOM - NEW JERSEY - NIGHT Young Sharon, she is twenty six, has sweat dripping down her face. She is lying down on a hospital bed GIVING BIRTH to a baby. Chad is at the right side of Young Sharon, holding her hand and COACHING her through the birth. DOCTOR Handing Young Sharon a baby wrapped up in a blanket. Young Sharon holds the baby and starts CRYING tears of joy. SHARON (V.O.) Later on I gave birth to our son, Adam Christian Lorenzo. BACK TO PRESENT CUT TO: INT. SHARON’S JAIL CELL - NIGHT SHARON Writing at a desk on a piece of paper with her hair pulled back and a hair strand dividing her eyes. Sharon stops writing and picks up her recent picture of Adam she has framed in a four by six. CUT TO: CU - FRAMED FOUR BY SIX PICTURE OF ADAM A picture of Adam in his cap and gown shaking hands with the professor of Harvard receiving his law degree. CUT TO: SHARON A tear trickles down her face. Sharon sighs, places the picture back down on her desk, picks up her pen and continues writing on her piece of paper. SHARON (V.O.) A month after I gave birth to Adam, Chad became very distant and was not showing me any love and affection towards me. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. ACCOUTNING OFFICE - YOUNG SHARON‘S CUBICAL - DAY Young Sharon, twenty six, is in her cubical typing at her computer when YOUNG FREDA SMÁRI, twenty six, Young Sharon’s co - worker shows up at her cubical, leans against the desk where her printer is and is holding her coffee mug in her right hand by the handle. YOUNG FREDA Hey Sharon. YOUNG SHARON Hey Freda, how’s it going? YOUNG FREDA Not bad. How are thing’s with you? YOUNG SHARON Their ok I guess. Young Sharon has a stack of papers on her lap, the stack of papers slide off her lap and the stack of papers carpet her cubical with a whole bunch of papers. Young Sharon and Young Freda squats down pick up the papers in the cubical. Young Sharon places her elbow on her desk and started to rub the right side of my eye with her right hand. YOUNG FREDA Are you ok? YOUNG SHARON (uncovers her face and takes a deep breath) You know Freda to tell you the truth, I’m not. Young Freda stands back up holding the papers she gathered from the floor and is holding the papers in her arms and places the papers on Young Sharon’s desk. Young Sharon sits back down in her seat, leans back and places her head in her right hand. Young Freda leans against the desk where her printer is. YOUNG FREDA What’s the matter? (leans over to Young Sharon’S chair and places her left hand on Young Sharon’S forearm) Someone bullying you? YOUNG SHARON (right hand still covering her face) No mom. YOUNG FREDA Well then what is it? YOUNG SHARON (uncovers her right hand from her face) It’s Chad. Ever since Adam was born, we haven’t been intimate. YOUNG FREDA Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that. Have you tried Karma Sutra? YOUNG SHARON Thanks Freda but I'm not a gymnast. YOUNG FREDA I guess that’s out. (beat) What about Cosmopolitan Magazine? YOUNG SHARON I have a year subscription and even then that doesn’t work. YOUNG FREDA You don’t think he’s, well, you know? YOUNG SHARON Gay? No. He’s not. Trust Me. A friend of Adam’s, his father tried to hit on Chad but Chad just cold cocked him. Young Freda digs into her blazer pocket and pull out a business card. Young Freda glances at the business card and gives it to Young Sharon. YOUNG FREDA Sharon, I want you to have this. Young Sharon takes the business card from Young Freda with her left hand and reads what it says. CUT TO: CU - YOUNG SHARON’S HANDS Holding a business card that reads DR. ALLISON B. MADDEN, I’ll leave my ear open for you. 1339 Warren Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08608 (609)912-6298. MATCH CUT TO: YOUNG SHARON Reading the business card. YOUNG SHARON (reading form the business card) Dr. Allison B. Madden, I’ll leave my ear open for you. 1339 Warren Street, Trenton, New Jersey. (stops reading the business card) Looks pretty promising Freda. I’ll give a shot. At this point in my marriage what do I have to loose. YOUNG FREDA Allison is great. When Mike and I were in a rough patch. She was the beacon and showed us the way to a great and toe curling marriage if you know what I mean. YOUNG SHARON Well let’s just hope in my case she doesn’t perform any sexual Cirque Du Soleil in her office right. (beat) If I really need to loose weight I’ll just schedule my appointment before lunch. (beat) Thanks Freda. YOUNG FREDA Hey no problem, sweetie. I’m happy to help you. (beat) I have to get back to work. Me love you long time. Young Sharon laughs. Young Sharon and Young Freda exchange a hug for comfort and go back to work. SHARON (V.O.) I took Freda’s advice. Two days later Chad and I went to Dr. Madden’s office. I admit I was a little nervous but Chad was a lot more nervous than I was. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. DR. MADDEN’S WAITING ROOM OFFICE - DAY Chad and Young Sharon are sitting in the waiting room. Young Sharon is sitting calmly in her chair with her legs crossed with her right knee resting on top of the left knee and reading a PEOPLE MAGAZINE from April 10, 1989. CHAD resting his elbows on his knees shaking his legs profusely. SHARON (V.O.) Couple days later, we went to see Dr. Allison Madden. My marriage to Chad wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great either. CHAD Sharon, tell me again why we are here? YOUNG SHARON Sweetheart we are here to work on our marriage. CHAD Our marriage is fine. YOUNG SHARON Our marriage is not fine. We don’t talk anymore. I hardly see you anymore and Dr. Madden is going to give s a few pointers on how to make our marriage work. CHAD I still think this is a waste of time and money. Young Sharon continues to read PEOPLE MAGAZINE. Chad get’s up from his chair and begins to pace the waiting room. CUT TO: DR. ALLISON MADDEN, thirty five, opens the door and exits left of her office standing at the doorway frame of her office. DR. ALLISON MADDEN Mr. And Mrs. Lorenzo? Chad and Young Sharon turn their heads toward DR. MADDEN. DR. MADDEN I’m ready to see the both of you now. Chad and Young Sharon rise up from their seats and enter left into Dr. Madden's Office. FLASHBACK INT. DR. MADDEN’S OFFICE - DAY Dr. Madden SHUTS THE DOOR behind them. Chad and Young Sharon take their places at the two arms chairs across from Dr. Madden’s desk. Dr. Madden takes her seat in the one arm chair that’s behind the desk and takes her seat across from Chad and Young Sharon and takes a look at the couples file. Young Sharon sits down at her desk and scoots her chair in. DR. MADDEN (CONT’D) I’m Dr. Madden. I spoke to Sharon, (looks up from the manila folder, places the manila envelope back on her desk, and looks up at Young Sharon and CHAD) Briefly this week and the reason why you two are here is due to your marriage hitting a very rough patch. YOUNG SHARON Dr. Madden to answer your question, why my husband and I are here (turns her head to her right where CHAD is sitting and turns her head to the center to finish her question) We have a son and ever since I gave birth to my son five years ago, I feel my husband that he has no attraction to me. The flame is gone and it became very emotional to me because my husband and I have been married for eleven months before I was pregnant with our son, Adam. DR. MADDEN Have you asked your husband if he still loves you? YOUNG SHARON Oh I did and I made that mistake of asking him. When I asked Chad if he still loves me? He said yeah and what’s for dinner? Dr. Madden, my husband has gone from telling me he loves me every second of the day, to you know I love you. I shouldn’t have to tell you all the time. DR. MADDEN Chad, first of all, do you mind if I call you, Chad? CHAD Yes I do. You don’t know me and if you were raised properly, you would’ve learned not to call people by their first name. DR. MADDEN raises her eyebrows and Young Sharon rolls her eyes. Chad pulls his pack of Marlboro Light one hundred cigarettes out of his pockets, screws the cigarette butt in between his lips and LIGHTS his cigarette up with his zippo. DR. MADDEN (stops Chad from lighting his cigarette) I’m sorry Mr. Lorenzo but you can’t smoke in office. CHAD Why the hell not? It’s a free bloody country is it not? I mean I’m paying you one hundred fifty dollars an hour to sit in a cubicle sized waiting room reading fucking expired People Magazine and now I have to sit in this chair provided to you by Bunsen’s House Of Very Uncomfortable Office Chairs and have my bum fall asleep to talk to you about something that’s none of your business. Come off your high horse. Chad get’s up off his chair, storms out of the office, YELLS out obscenity’s, and SLAMS the door behind him. YOUNG SHARON I’m sorry about Chad, Dr. Madden. He’s normally not like this. DR. MADDEN It’s alright, Mrs. Lorenzo. It’s understandable for husbands and boyfriends to have this kind of reaction to therapy. CHAD Enters back into Dr. Madden's Office and takes his seat to Young Sharon’s right. DR. MADDEN Folds her hands together leaning over her desk in the sitting position. DR. MADDEN (CONT’D) So Mr. Lorenzo, my question to you before you took a break, how do you feel about what Sharon just contributed? CHAD Oh, you’re real good aren’t you, doctor pain in my ass. What do I think? I love Sharon. I’m still attracted to my wife. What Sharon probably forgot to mention, I own a pub not too far from our town home called The Alter. I work very hard late at night and I don’t get home until six o’ fuck in the morning and I’m too tired to get intimate with Sharon. I’m still very much attracted to little Sharon. DR. MADDEN Well, it just seems to me that a husband who loves his wife would’ve made some effort to try and show at least some affection towards their spouse. CHAD Excuse me, but are you or have been married? DR. MADDEN I’m not. No. CHAD Well then where the hell do you get off telling me how to make my marriage work. Huh? For all I know you’re not even a real doctor. How do I know you’re not some floozy I’m paying one hundred fifty dollars an hour and I come back to your place next week and I seen everything from this place is gone? CU - YOUNG SHARON Slouched in the chair sighing and rolling her eyes as she’s listening to Dr. Madden and Chad ARGUE back and forth. YOUNG SHARON (V.O.) This bickering went on the entire session. These two fought with each other so much they forgot I was even in the room. About twenty minuets later, I heard the six words from Dr. Madden’ s mouth. DR. MADDEN I believe our time is up. Young Sharon, Chad, and Dr. Madden rise up from our chairs and began to head to the door to exit out of Dr. Madden's Office. Young Sharon watches Dr. Madden write something on the back of her business card. DR. MADDEN (CONT’D) Sharon, if you and Chad want schedule an appointment for next week, talk to Aamira and she’ll set you up. Young Sharon and Chad exit Dr. Madden's Office and went to the waiting room. Young Sharon approaches the front desk and makes and another appointment with AAMIRA NOONIN, twenty two, Chad STORMS out and SLAMS the door behind him. AAMIRA NOONIN Would you like to make another appointment? YOUNG SHARON Yes I would. Put me and my husband down for the 16th at 2 o’clock. SHARON (V.O.) Chad and I have been going to our sessions and our marriage is growing. Chad is more sensitive, helping me out around the house, and paying a lot more attention to Adam. But I knew it wouldn’t last. About six months later, Chad became distant again. I still don’t understand why he’s acting this way. DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK - INT. CHAD AND YOUNG SHARON’S LIVING ROOM - DAY VARIOUS CHILDREN Children RUNNING through the living room chasing each other. Adam, is five, chasing a few girls a toy Tomahawk. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. KITCHEN - DAY Young Sharon is in the kitchen UNWRAPPING the six foot submarine sub sandwich. Takes a sip of her glass of white wine and places it back on the counter next to the submarine sub where she’s unwrapping the sandwich. SHARON (V.O.) It’s was a hot Saturday afternoon in July in Trenton. I was throwing a birthday party for Adam. All of my friends a handful our family members, Adam’s friends from school, and lots more were at the house. Everybody was at the party except Chad. I was sweating. Chad was supposed to be home an hour ago I was in the kitchen getting six foot submarine sandwich to take outside to the party. Young Sharon’s mother ABIGAIL BANCROFT, sixty three, comes in the kitchen. ABIGAIL BANCROFT Sharon, honey, what’s wrong? Young Sharon lifts up her right wrist to wipe the tear from the corner of her eye. ABIGAIL I knew it. That no good British bastard. YOUNG SHARON (wiping tears from her eyes) Mom come on. It’s Adam’s birthday for crying out loud. (takes a sip of her wine) What’s dad doing? ABIGAIL Oh your father figured he’s had enough of acting normal for a while and decided to be himself and bring his friend’s along. YOUNG SHARON Oh mom, please tell me Dad didn’t bring the garage guys with him did he? ABIGAIL No. He brought two of the worse influences on him, Herbert the Horse and Deputy Duck. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY DARREN BANCROFT, sixty seven, ENTERTAINING YOUNG ADAM and HIS FRIENDS sitting Indian style on the floor watch DARREN two hand puppets, HERBERT THE HORSE on his left hand and DEPUTY DUCK on his right hand. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. KITCHEN - DAY ABIGAIL When Chad left did he say where he was going? YOUNG SHARON I don’t know mom. But, I have to go find him. If Adam or dad ask where I’m going, tell them I had to run out and get a few things. I’ll be back. Young Sharon gives her mom a PECK on the right side of the cheek, GATHERS her purse, and EXITS right. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. THE ALTER - BAR - DAY Young Sharon WALKS into the bar with sweat dripping from her face. Young Sharon turns her head to her left and sees SEBASTIAN DORLAND, thirty two, an African American bar tender is wiping the bar with a rag. YOUNG SHARON Tank, where’s Chad? SEBASTIAN I don’t know, Mrs. Lorenzo. YOUNG SHARON Come on Tank, you know where Chad is? CHAD (O.S.) Oh doc, oh yeah. That’s the spot right there. Both Young Sharon and Sebastian look at the door to Chad’S office. Sebastian looks over at Young Sharon and sees her storming over to Chad’S office, lifts up her left leg and KICKS Chad’S office door down. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - THE ALTER - INT. CHAD’S OFFICE - DAY WE SEE Chad’S office door KICKED DOWN by Young Sharon. The door FALLS flat to the floor and OFF THE HINGES. Young Sharon is BREATHING HEAVILY and her eyes widen when she sees her husband Chad and their therapist Dr. Madden like a deer caught in the headlights. YOUNG SHARON (angry) Chad, what the hell is this? CHAD (walks up to SHARON) Sharon, it’s not what it looks like. YOUNG SHARON (angry) Not what it looks like my ass! It looks like you have an extended session and you’re telling the doctor what a horrible woman you’re married to! Dr. Madden places her feet on the floor, stands up, and WALKS over to Young Sharon. Her hair is down, sweaty and out of breath; and shirt torn to where her bra can be visible. DR. MADDEN Sharon, if you let me explain, Young Sharon uses a right hand and hook PUNCHES Dr. Madden across the right of her face and storms over to Chad. YOUNG SHARON (angry and in tears) You know our son and all of our family and friends are asking where the hell you are! I thought you were getting some more things for the party? Young Sharon pivots to her right and WALKS over to the door frame, then turns around. YOUNG SHARON (CONT’D) Don’t plan on coming home for a few days, hours, however long I’m mad at you for! Young Sharon exits right of CHAD’S office and goes home. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. YOUNG SHARON’S HOME - LIVING ROOM - DAY Family and friend’s are gathered in the living room waiting for Young Sharon. Young Sharon comes in the door. She hang’s her purse on the hook by the door. She grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and WIPES the sweat from her forehead and both of her arms. FAMILY MEMBER #1 Sharon, is everything alright? FAMILY MEMBER #2 What’s going on? FAMILY MEMBER #3 Where’s Chad? Young Sharon continues to WIPE the sweat off her arms and throws the paper towel in the kitchen to throw away later. CUT TO: YOUNG ADAM Entering the left of the house and towards Young Sharon with his new fire truck under his right arm. YOUNG ADAM Mom, where’s daddy? Young Sharon takes a DEEP BREATH and squats down to eye level with Young Adam to answer his question. The living room get’s FUNERAL HOME QUITE. YOUNG SHARON Adam, I’m sorry but daddy witnessed something bad at work and he’s talking to police. FAMILY and FRIEND’S listen intently. YOUNG ADAM What happened? YOUNG SHARON Well, you know Sebastian the bartender? Young Adam nods his head. YOUNG SHARON (CONT’D) Ok, somebody did something horrible to Sebastian and a bad fight broke out and daddy had to clear the fight up and now he has to talk to the police so they can catch the guy who did it. YOUNG ADAM Is daddy hurt? YOUNG SHARON Daddy’s fine. He has a few scratches. Young Adam bottom lip curls. YOUNG SHARON (CONT’D) I’m sorry pal. (stretches out her arms) Can I have a hug? Young Adam wraps his arms around Young Sharon and RUNS back outside. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. YOUNG SHARON’S BACK PORCH - DAY Young Sharon stands back up and walks out to the porch to LIGHT UP their cigarette’s. Abigail follows Young Sharon shortly after. ABIGAIL Sharon, I’m real sorry to hear about Chad. Is he going to be alright? YOUNG SHARON Chad’s fine mom. ABIGAIL Well then why did you tell Adam that, YOUNG SHARON (interrupts her mom) Mom, there wasn’t a robbery at The Alter. I caught Chad having an affair. ABIGAIL Oh my god. Sharon, are you alright? You’re acting so calm about the situation. YOUNG SHARON I got to mom. Right now I want to cry and just bash Chad up against the wall but I have to hold it together. For my son’s sake. ABIGAIL So who’s the culprit? YOUNG SHARON Our marriage therapist. ABIGAIL Therapist? How long has this been going on? YOUNG SHARON To be honest mom, I have no idea. I didn’t even no this was going on until caught the two of them. THUNDER sounds and RAIN follows. Two sets of FOOT STEPS RUN UP towards Young Sharon. Young Adam and his FRIEND right beside his grandmother Abigail. YOUNG ADAM Mom, Tommy wants me to come over and play in his mom and dad’s new pool for a few hours? Can I Go? Huh? Please can I? YOUNG SHARON Sure if it’s alright with Tommy’s folks. Young Adam let’s out a CHEERFUL NOISE and RUNS in the other room. ABIGAIL Well Sharon dear, it’s getting late. Your father and I are going to be heading back. Are you going to be fine, honey? YOUNG SHARON (hugs her mom) I’ll be fine, mom. I’m glad you and dad came by. DARREN Enters the porch where his wife Abigail and Young Sharon are standing smoking their cigarettes. DARREN BANCROFT Oh we’re leaving? ABIGAIL Yes Darren we are. DARREN Oh good. That’s good timing too. ABIGAIL What the hell are you talking about? DARREN (points his left index finder to Young Sharon’s living room) Three, two, one... ADAM’S FRIENDS (O.S.) Oh my god Adam! Did you cut one? Man that’s bad. What else did you eat that no one else knows about? Man that’s disgusting. Darren laughs. ABIGAIL (smacks DARREN on the left arm) The hell’s the matter with you. Darren is still laughing. WE SEE DARREN’S face turn beet red. ABIGAIL (CONT’D) You know you’re the only one that thinks You’re funny. DARREN And you know that’s the only person that counts, isn’t it dear? Darren SMACKS Abigail on the butt and LAUGHS. Abigail rolls her eyes. Darren exits left and returns back inside the house to entertain Young Adam and his FRIENDS. ABIGAIL (to Young Sharon) And you wonder why you’re an only child? (extends her arms and wraps the round Young Sharon to give her a hug.) Good bye my little bright eyed girl. I had fun with little Adam and his friends. Everytime I come here I feel like I learn something new every time I see him. Stops hugging Young Sharon. Takes a step back and places her hands inside her coat pockets. ABIGAIL (CONT’D) That’s a bright boy you got there. He’s going to be successful later on and I have a feeling you’re going to benefit from it in the long run. YOUNG SHARON (tear running down the left side of her face) Thanks mom. ABIGAIL Oh honey. (hugs SHARON again) Everything’s going to be fine. I’m so sorry about Chad. (looks up from Young Sharon’S shoulder to look at the sky) Well Sharon. We got to get going. If I know you’re father, he’s probably going to hot box the car. The sound of THUNDER rolls and RAIN following a few moments later. YOUNG SHARON Dad’s back to the ganja again? ABIGAIL Sharon think about it, what is your father’s number one favorite thing to do? YOUNG SHARON Oh god mom. ABIGAIL I thank god everyday I had a girl. If you were a boy, he not only would raise you as a son but as another disciple eats, farts, and cracks jokes like him. Believe me, one of your father is enough. (beat) Anyway, I’m going to go. I’ll tell Buster Keaton to say good bye. Young Sharon walks over to the screen door to look at the grey sky. YOUNG SHARON Looking through the screened in porch at the sky. DARREN Entering the porch with his hands in his pockets. DARREN You’re mother and I are leaving. YOUNG SHARON (hugs Darren) Thank you guys for coming out. I appreciated it. DARREN That is one smart kid you got there. YOUNG SHARON (stops hugging Darren, steps back, and smiles) Thank you. DARREN That boy is going to make you proud when he grows up. I don’t know what that kid want’s to be when he grows up but it’s going to be something you can be proud of. YOUNG SHARON Dad you never spoke this serious before. DARREN I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. DARREN exits right. CUT TO: YOUNG SHARON Her eyes are wide open and goes to the porch window to watch the storm coming. DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK - INT. YOUNG SHARON’S KITCHEN - NIGHT Young Sharon is on her hands and knees cleaning the floor with a sponge and Comet. Young Adam is in bed. MATCH CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT CHAD Tip toeing into the house. BACK TO: FLASHBACK - INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT YOUNG SHARON Still on her hand and knees. WE SEE Chad’s reflection on the linoleum floor in the kitchen. MATCH CUT TO: CHAD Creeping down the hallway. YOUNG SHARON (O.S.) I hope that broad was teaching you how to do her job. Seems you got the whoring down just right. CHAD Oh Sharon, come off it will you please? CUT TO: YOUNG SHARON Carefully trying to stand up without falling over on the kitchen floor. YOUNG SHARON Keep your voice down. Adam is sleeping. He had a big day. Not that it mattered to you or anything. CHAD How’s Adam? Did you tell him? Young Sharon SIGHS as she TAKES HER LATEX GLOVES OFF and THROWS them on to the island of the kitchen, exits the kitchen, and enters the master bedroom. YOUNG SHARON No. I had to lie to our son. I had to substitute male trollop with hero. I told him you saved Sebastian’s life and you were busy with police. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. YOUNG SHARON AND CHAD’S MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT YOUNG SHARON Exiting right from the master bathroom, takes off her hair tie from her hair and enters the master bedroom. YOUNG SHARON I think we need to cancel any sessions with Dr. Madden. (beat) I don’t know how long you’ve been having this affair with Dr. Madden. We haven’t been intimate since Adam was born and yet you’re willing to proctologist it up with the doctor. Young Sharon turns off the night table lamp. YOUNG SHARON (CONT’D) Good night Chad. SHARON (V.O.) A few months go by, Chad and I have been working on making our marriage work again until one night, my son and I come home and from that point on my life would change before I know it. CU - YOUNG SHARON A her head is on the pillow and a tear rolls down her cheek. DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK - INT. YOUNG SHARON’S FRONT DOOR - NIGHT Young Sharon has a brown paper bag of groceries in the left hand and holding son Young Adam’s hand in the right hand. Young Sharon enters through the foyer door. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT CHAD’S FEET Lying in a pool of his own blood lying face up. CUT TO: YOUNG SHARON Eye’s begin to tear up and starts to scream in disbelief. CUT TO: YOUNG ADAM Quickly hides in the hallway bathroom and cracks the door open to be able to breathe. There’s a sound of a LOUD THUD on the floor and the sound of the BROWN PAPER BAG FALLING to the floor along with the food inside of the bag. CU - CARMEN GRECO’S HAND All is shown is CARMEN GRECO’S hand and the distinct ring he is wearing. He is dragging Young Sharon’s leg dead weight body across the floor, places her in the chair, and ties her to one of her dining room chair. DISSOLVE TO: YOUNG SHARON’S POV Waking up and her vision is fuzzy at this point. Dr. Madden is at the small oak table with her back turned to Young Sharon. DR. MADDEN looking over her shoulder to see if Young Sharon is still in the chair. Continues to search in her purse. CUT TO: YOUNG SHARON Is tied to her dining room chair, gagged, and coming in and out of consciousness MATCH CUT TO: DR. MADDEN Turns around with her back to the small oak table and walks over to Young Sharon, stops and stands in front of Young Sharon with her arms crossed and her right knee slightly bent. DR. MADDEN Glad your waking up Sharon. From this moment on, your life is going to change. CU - POCKET WATCH Dr. Madden proceeds to move the pocket watch back and forth. CUT TO: YOUNG SHARON Falling asleep tied to the chair. MATCH CUT TO: DR. MADDEN CU - SHARON’S HAND Placing the gun in Sharon’s hand wearing black leather gloves. Dr. Madden cuts Young Sharon free from the ropes and carefully placing Young Sharon face down on the floor inert, keeping the pistol close to her right hand and as careful as possible at a ninety degree angle. Dr. Madden takes off her black leather gloves and places them in her pants pockets. WE HEAR POLICE SIRENS as do Dr. Madden and Carmen. Dr. Madden tells Carmen to go out the back way and they exit right out through the back porch screen door. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY TRENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Break the door down and stampede into the Lorenzo Home. Pick up Young Sharon on each side of her, and handcuff her. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - EXT. THE LORENZO HOME - DRIVEWAY - NIGHT A WOMAN In a blazer holds Young Adam on her right arm on his side is exiting the home. Young Adam is kicking and SCREAMING in the woman’s arm. TWO COPS Kneel down at either side of Young Sharon stand her up, hand cuff her writs and ankles and run a chain from he waist to her feet. COP 1 is holding Young Sharon by the chair part of the handcuffs where her wrists are. COP 2 is holding the chain part of the handcuffs where Young Sharon’s ankles are. Young Sharon unconscious and placed in the squad car. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. MERCER COUNTY JAIL CELL - NIGHT YOUNG SHARON Waking up in her jail cell with SHACKLES on her wrists chained to her feet, wearing a orange jumpsuit, and asleep in the bottom bunk. She‘s alone in her jail cell. Young Sharon in a PANIC, eyes widen very quickly and moves but the weight of the CHAINS restraining her body down. Young Sharon struggles to rise up from her bed but the CHAINS weighed more than she did. Forcefully Young Sharon still struggling to raise on her left side and ducked under the bunk and rushed over to the bars to find a guard to ask what was she doing in jail and where her son was. WE SEE Young Sharon start to cry when she finds out her son Young Adam is put into a state appointed family to take care of him. DISSOLVE TO: BACK TO PRESENT INT. SHARON’S JAIL CELL - NIGHT Looking up through the window in her jail cell at the New Jersey Skyline. MEDIUM SHOT SHARON (V.O.) So that’s how I got in this hell. For the first five years I was in prison, I thought I really did kill my husband, I saw attorney after attorney. It was to a point I could refer another inmate and tell them if they were good enough. If it was one that gave me a bad vibes which most of the did, I would refer them to the crappy ones. I told my story to a bunch of reporters and police and they told me my story doesn’t add up. From that point on, nobody has bothered to contact me on my case. The only person that has been in contact with me is my son Adam. Adam writes often and comes to see me every week to catch up. FLASHBACK - EXT. MAILBOX - DAY TEEN ADAM walking to the mailbox, opening the mailbox, going through the mail and sees an envelope. CUT TO: HARVARD LAW SCHOOL ENVELOPE WE SEE the envelope address to Adam Lorenzo. MATCH CUT TO: TEEN ADAM opening the envelope and reading the letter from Harvard. As TEEN ADAM is reading the letter, WE SEE TEEN ADAM smile and jump up and down. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - INT. CLASSROOM - DAY (MATURE) ADAM sitting in class at a a desk with his coffee, spiral notebook and laptop. FLASHBACK - INT. HARVARD LAW SCHOOL LIBRARY - NIGHT CAMERA SWIRLS around on (MATURE) ADAM, is sitting at the table with a stack of books and writing in a notebook drinking coffee. FLASHBACK - INT. LAW FIRM - DAY Adam working at a law firm preparing documents. Interacting with other lawyers. CUT TO: EXT. HARVARD CAMPUS GRADUATION - DAY The graduation is being held in front the Langdell Hall at Harvard University. A MAN, seventy nine, wearing a graduation uniform is at the podium handing out degrees to THE STUDENTS and shaking the hands of students congratulating them on a job well done. THE STUDENTS are coming up to the podium to receive their degrees as their name is being called. Adam, and his a graduate and graduating with class. He is sitting down in his chair wearing his cap and gown. SHARON (V.O.) Adam graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. Of course I wasn‘t there. MEGAPHONE ANNOUNCES Adam’s full name. Adam Christian Lorenzo. ADAM Getting up from his chair, walks up to the podium to receive his degree and taking the degree from the dean’s hand and raising his arms and walking victoriously. CUT TO: ADAM (P.O.V.) CAMERA TRACKS Dr. Madden seated in the crowd with black shades, a black floppy hat, wearing a black dress with her right knee resting on top of her left knee. WE SEE Adam’s face melt from victorious to stunned. SHARON (V.O.) …but that bitch was. MATCH CUT TO: ADAM Holding up the line and one of classmates giving Adam a nudge. CLASSMATE Hey man, keep the line going will you. Adam picks up the pace and continues to walk across the stage. Adam walks off the stage to look for Dr. Madden in the mix of the crowd madness but Dr. Madden is nowhere to be found. Adam is being hugged by his classmates and their family members. CUT TO: INT. ADAM’S APARTMENT - NIGHT WEE SEE Adam placing clothes in his suitcase. There’s a KNOCK at the door. ADAM (O.S.) Come in. INT. ADAM’S APARTMENT - FOYER Adam’s FRIEND enter’s the apartment is holding his graduation cap in his hand with his graduation gown draped over his right arm. Adam’s FRIEND stands at the doorway of Adam’s Bedroom. WE SEE Adam is the one packing his suitcase full of clothes. FRIEND Hey man, we’re going to the Playhouse for a post graduation party. You want to come? ADAM I can’t dude. I have to get started on my case. FRIEND Case? You’re not even part of a law firm yet are you? ADAM I just have to work on this very important case and I really need to get cracking on it. FRIEND Alright dude. You’re missing out. CUT TO: EXT. LOUNGE LIZARD - JAZZ CLUB - NIGHT MEDIUM SHOT Adam walking across the parking lot with his briefcase in his right and his trench coat in his left hand. CUT TO: INT. LOUNGE LIZARD - JAZZ CLUB - NIGHT Silhouette shot of ALESSANDRA GRECO, twenty six, laying across a grand piano with her left hand flat on the piano in the shape of an "L". CLUB ANNOUNCER (O.S.) Ladies And Gentlemen, will you please give a Lounge Lizard welcome to Alessandra Greco. Singing her very special song. CUT TO: LOUNGE LIZARD JAZZ BAND The jazz band plays One For My Baby by Frank Sinatra. CUT TO: CAMERA ANGLE ON ALESSANDRA WE SEE the spotlight hit Alessandra, a curvy red head woman with wavy hair wearing a white dress with the slit on the side of her dress going up to her right knee. Her right leg is draped over her left leg. Alessandra brings the microphone up to her mouth and begins to sing. ALESSANDRA GRECO (singing) It's quarter to three, There's no one in the place except you and me. So set 'em' up Joe I got a little story I think you out to know. We're drinking my friend, to the end of a brief episode Make it one for my baby And one more for the road. CUT TO: ADAM Slowly turning around in his chair to see Alessandra. CUT TO: ALESSANDRA Slowly sliding off the piano and walking across the stage and walking down the stairs. ALESSANDRA (singing) I know the routine put another nickel in that there machine. I'm feeling so bad Won’t you'd make the music easy and sad. CUT TO: ADAM Watching Alessandra very intently. CUT BACK TO: ALESSANDRA Still singing and shakes her head playfully. ALESSANDRA (CONT’D) (singing) I could tell you a lot, but you've got to be true to your code. Waves at Adam ALESSANDRA(singing) (CONT’D) So make it one for my baby And one more for the road. Alessandra is still SINGING and charming the men in the bar. Sitting on a man’s lap and SINGS to him. The men making CAT CALLS. ALESSANDRA (CONT’D) (singing) You'd never know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet, And I've got a lot of things to say. Alessandra puts her index finger on the man’s lips and continues to sing to the man. The men still making CAT CALLS. ALESSANDRA (CONT’D) (singing) And if I'm gloomy, please listen to me, Till it's all talked away. Alessandra get’s up from the man’s lap and walks across room. ALESSANDRA (CONT’D) (singing) Well, that's how it goes And Joe I know you're getting anxious to close. So Thanks for the cheer I hope you didn't mind My bending your ear But this torch that I've found It’s got to be drowned Or it's soon might explode. Alessandra making her way back up the stage stairs and takes her place back on top of the piano. ALESSANDRA GRECO (singing) So make it one for my baby And one more for the road That long.. Long.. Man it’s long. The song ends and Alessandra goes back to a SILHOUETTE SHOT. End SILHOUETTE SHOT. The men stand up and cheer. Adam still in his chair is applauding. Adam gets up from his chair, slides his hands in his pockets and walks over to the stage. CUT TO: ALESSANDRA Sitting on the piano still but her legs are crossed and her legs are dangling over the piano talking to her piano player friend. ADAM You have a very beautiful voice. ALESSANDRA Thank you. ADAM Can I buy you a drink? ALESSANDRA Sure. CUT TO: ALESSANDRA Turns her head to tell her PIANO PLAYER FRIEND she’ll be right back. Alessandra slowly slides down from the piano. MATCH CUT TO: ADAM Holds out his left hand to help Alessandra from the stage. Alessandra places her right hand into Adam’S hand and goes down from the stage. ALESSANDRA (CONT’D) You’re a real gentlemen. Not a lot of guys would’ve done what you just did. ADAM What’s that? ALESSANDRA (smiling) Watch me sing while still sober. CUT TO: ADAM and ALESSANDRA Take their seats at Adam’S table. Sitting across from each other. ALESSANDRA So what’s a guy like you doing at the Lounge Lizard? ADAM I’m working on a very important case and I needed to get away. ALESSANDRA What kind of case is it? ADAM Long story. Basically what it comes down to is, the woman was wrongfully imprisoned for 20 years on a crime she didn’t commit. ALESSANDRA I’m sure you’ll solve it and win. Alessandra notices Adam’s last name on the legal documents. ALESSANDRA (CONT’D) Hey, your dad wouldn’t happen to be Chad Lorenzo? ADAM Yeah why? ALESSANDRA No reason. Just curious I guess. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. MERCER VICINAGE COURTHOUSE IN TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - DAY COPS A heard of cops outlining the courthouse keeping from crowd onlookers and reporters from entering the courthouse. CROWDS Trying to get to the courthouse by running over the cops but the cops resist. REPORTERS Trying to get through the cops as well by sticking their microphone through the crowd to get a story and reporters are in front of the courthouse and reporting the news on the courthouse lawn. CUT TO: PHOTOGRAPHERS Photographers TAKING PICTURES of Adam and Dr. McIntosh fighting the crowds to get to the courthouse. CUT TO: ADAM and DR. WILLIAM MCINTOSH Struggle their way through the media frenzy with briefcases in right hand and thirty two ounce Styrofoam coffee cup in the left hand. Adam and Dr. McIntosh are walking through the crowd. The flash from the photographers camera make a flash and shows a picture of Adam and Dr. McIntosh walking through the crowd side by side. CUT TO: INT. MERCER VICINAGE COURTHOUSE IN TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - DAY Adam and Dr. McIntosh walk in the courtroom side by side briefcases in right hand and thirty two ounce Styrofoam coffee cup in their left hand. Adam and Dr. McIntosh place their briefcases at the defense table. They come around the corner towards the courtroom both Dr. McIntosh and Adam open the doors and enter the room side by side. THE JURORS Nine men and women in their place in the jury box. Seated at the plaintiff is Dr. Madden and her attorney ETHAN KAPELLER. Ethan preparing courtroom notes. Dr. Madden’s mouth slightly ajar with her tongue touching the inside of the right side of her tooth. After Adam and Dr. McIntosh take their seats. The Bailiff calls. CUT TO: BAILIFF Enters right into the courtroom holding Sharon with his right hand holding her left arm. Sharon is aged. She’s not wearing any make up, bags are under her eyes, wearing her prison orange jumpsuit, hair pulled back with one long hair strand hanging from the front of her face, eyes red, bags under her eyes, and SHACKLED waist level and feet SHACKLED. Bailiff places Sharon in a chair between son Adam and attorney Dr. McIntosh. The Bailiff CALLS. BAILIFF Ladies and Gentlemen! All rise for the honorable Judge Alexander Gaston. JUDGE ALEXANDER GASTON enters the courtroom and RAPS THE GAVEL. JUDGE GASTON Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is the case of Madden versus Lorenzo case #M- ninety seven-two hundred fifty two. Defendant is charged with the murder of Chad Patrick Lorenzo. Murder in the first degree. Does the defense wish to enter a plea? ADAM Yes your honor. My client wishes to plea not guilty. JUDGE GASTON Is the plaintiff prepared to make an opening statement? ETHAN KAPELLER Yes, I would your honor. (walks to the jury box) Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury. My client Dr. Madden is a respected psychologist in Mercer County, New Jersey. She has been treating people for fifteen years. (takes off his glasses, looks his way towards Dr. Madden, and uses his glasses to make a point) The fact that Dr. Madden would take a life from one of her clients, is uncharacteristic. (looks back at the jury) Allison is known to be generous and has given good advice in the past. The victim here is not Mrs. Lorenzo, but my client, Dr. Allison Madden. Dr. Madden was accused of hypnotizing the defendant Sharon to thinking she killed her husband and was thrown in jail. But that‘s not true. I know for a fact that when the neighbors were being questioned, they said, they didn’t see my client enter in and out of The Lorenzo home but they did see Sharon and their five year old son Adam at the time, enter the home with a sack of groceries at seven o‘clock. I also know for a fact that my client at the night that Mr. Lorenzo was murdered, my client was at the office, getting some paper work done and when Dr. Madden left her office at around seven twenty in the evening of August 12, 1992, Allison stopped by a local beauty supply store called Tripps. She came in bought some hair color and a brush, she them meets then clerk Elizabeth Kensington. Elizabeth, who will be part of the trial later on, rang up Dr. Madden and went on with her shift. Later Elizabeth met with City of Trenton Police and told police officials she did see my client come in but she was in the store calmly looking for a hair color. When police asked why she came in and bought hair coloring product, she said she didn‘t know and police gave her a business card to call them if she had any more information. So ten years later, Mercer County Police came into the office where Dr. Madden conducted a place of business, came in for question. My client told police she will not answer any questions without an attorney present. Ethan TAPS his right hand on the jury stand and returns to his seat. Dr. Madden watches Ethan return to his seat. Dr Madden has a smile on her face. JUDGE GASTON Counselor Lorenzo? DR. MCINTOSH (pulls Adam’s right shoulder to him) Good luck, Mr. Lorenzo. Adam nods in acknowledgement, addresses his opening statement, walks up to the jury box. As he walks up to the jury box, he buttons his blazer. Adam nods in acknowledgement and addresses his opening statement. Rises up from his chair and buttons his blazer. ADAM People of Mercer County, what we have here is a cold case. The reason why it was a cold case is because this case hasn’t been touched in over five years and possibly longer. But that’s not the only reason why my client is on trial. My client Mrs. Sharon is on trial for a false accusation against the plaintiff Dr. Madden for killing her husband Mr. Chad Lorenzo in August 1992. The couple went to the plaintiff to fix their marriage but what ended up happening was Mr. Lorenzo had a fling with the plaintiff and the plaintiff wanted more than a fling but, Mr. Lorenzo wanted to make his marriage work. When he uttered those words, Dr. Madden she got enraged and killed Mr. Lorenzo in cold blood and then pistol whipped Mrs. Lorenzo in the back of her head and then hypnotized her to thinking she killed her own husband in cold blood. So ladies and gentlemen of the jury don’t choose who you think is right but choose on what hear and see as if you were there at the scene of this crime. Adam walks back to his chair. JUDGE GASTON Thank you for that opening statement Counselor Lorenzo. (turns his head to Ethan) Counselor Kapeller, would like present the evidence? ETHAN Yes I would your honor. (Rises up from his chair and puts on the surgical gloves) Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury. I give you Exhibit A. (Holds up a 38 Caliber Pistol with a wood handle) This is supposedly the weapon Dr. Madden used to kill Mr. Lorenzo within cold blood. (Places the pistol on the table and removes the gloves) So you see, there’s no way Dr. Madden could have killed Mr. Lorenzo. Ethan walks back t his chair. Adam rises from his chair and approaches the evidence table. JUDGE GASTON (turns his head to Adam) Mr. Lorenzo, present your view on this gun? ADAM I really don’t think Mrs. Lorenzo used this gun to kill her husband Mr. Lorenzo. You know why? (Let’s go of the latex glove letting it make a snapping noise and continues to put the latex glove on the right hand) Because no one not even Mercer County Police have asked her to hold the gun to see if her hand would fit. (Holds the pistol in the palm of his hand and raises it in the air) This gun here, is to small for Mrs. Lorenzo to hold. You will note that not only this gun too small for my client to use, she has very long pencil like fingers and to sum up how can Mrs. Lorenzo hold a squirt gun like weapon. Not to mention she told police many times she wasn‘t there the time her husband was shot. She was out picking up her son at a friend’s house. (Places the pistol down on the table and takes off his glove) And just like any police department anywhere, they would listen to her screaming and she would be wrongfully imprisoned for the next ten years on a crime she didn’t commit, ETHAN (Face turns red in anger) Your honor I object! COURTROOM PATRONS in the pews TALK amongst themselves. JUDGE GASTON (slams his gavel) Order! Order! (Stops slamming his gavel) On what grounds counselor? ETHAN The fact that how does he know the plaintiff. The defendant was a juvenile when this act of crime was committed. JUDGE GASTON I‘ll allow it. Sustained. Mr. Lorenzo, please finish your case. ADAM So ladies and gentlemen, your honor, how can Mrs. Lorenzo shoot her husband Mr. Lorenzo when at the time he was killed? It’s like asking a guy whose never picked up a cigarette in his life working for Phillip Morris. I do believe there is another piece of evidential ingredient missing in this case. Adam walks back to his seat. JUDGE GASTON I would like to thank the counselors for giving your opening statements. Would the plaintiff like to call the first witness? ETHAN (rises from his chair) I would your honor. The defense calls its first witness full time clerk Elizabeth Kensington. CUT TO: ELIZABETH thirty two, stands up from the pews in the courtroom and went through the doors and takes the stand. BAILIFF (has Holy Bible in his right hand) Please raise your right hand. Elizabeth enters the witness box and raises her right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god? Elizabeth nods her head. BAILIFF (CONT’D) You may take the stand. Elizabeth takes her seat on the witness stand. ETHAN (rises up from his chair and approaches the bench) Mrs. Kensington, you were working at Tripps Beauty Supply the night Dr. Madden came into your store, correct? ELIZABETH That is correct yes. ETHAN Do you recall what my client bought the night she came into your store? ELIZABETH She bought a hair coloring product and a brush. ETHAN You didn’t ask why my client was buying the hair coloring products? ELIZABETH Not really. I rang her up and did not think too much of it. ETHAN How old were you at the time when you were working at Tripps Beauty Products? ELIZABETH Nineteen. ETHAN How old are you now? ELIZABETH Look your whinniness, if you’re going to write to a book, can you leave the chapter about me out of it? The COURTROOM PATRONS LAUGHED. ETHAN Ms. Kensington, do you recall what kind of hair coloring products Dr. Madden bought the night she was in your store? ELIZABETH Clairol Icy Blond thirty two. ETHAN But my client is not blonde anymore. ELIZABETH And your point? (beat) Look you also have to remember this was 1992. She probably never kept up with her color. ETHAN No further questions, your honor. Ethan returns to his chair and Adam rises up from his chair and walks over to the TV/VCR Combo and INSERTS a tape cassette into the VCR. ADAM Ms. Kensington, did you know about the security footage the night the plaintiff came into your store? ELIZABETH Not really. I just clock in and clock out. Only thing I notice is the zeros on my paycheck. ADAM I’m going to play the footage Ms. Kensington and I’m going to need your undivided attention please. CUT TO: CU - EIGHTEEN INCH TV VCR TELEVISION Video Tape PLAYS the tape and on the TV screen was a black and white grainy footage of Dr. Madden paying for her thing’s. CUT TO: ELIZABETH Leaning to her right over from the stand to the right to watch the tape. The SOUND on the tape was DISORDERED. ELIZABETH Is that going to do it for you? DR. MADDEN Yes, I believe it is. There are TWO BEEPS on coming from the TV and it was the sound of the register ringing up Dr. Madden’S things. ELIZABETH Your total is $15.74, (Dr. Madden hands Elizabeth $20.00) And four dollars and twenty-six cents is your change. Have a nice night. Adam turns off the VCR and TV. CUT TO: ADAM Approaches the bench questioning Elizabeth. ADAM Is that exactly what happened? ELIZABETH Do you want a receipt? ADAM (rolls his eyes) Your honor I have no further questions. Adam returns to his seat. JUDGE GASTON (turns head to Elizabeth) You may step down Ms. Kensington. Elizabeth rises up from her chair and exit’s the stand. JUDGE GASTON (CONT’D) Will the plaintiff or defendant call it’s next witness? ETHAN (rises up from his chair) You honor I would like to call Dr. Madden’s former secretary Ms. Aamira Noonin to the stand. Aamira, thirty five, with dread locks and tattoo’s walks through the doors of the courtroom and takes the stand. DR. MADDEN (V.O.) Ok Aamira. Be cool and this will all be over. Bailiff has Holy Bible in his right hand. BAILIFF Please raise your right hand. Aamira raises her right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god? AAMIRA I do. Aamira takes her seat at the witness stand. ETHAN rises up from his chair, walks over to the witness stand, and begins questioning. ETHAN Mrs. Noonin, how long have you been working for Dr. Madden? AAMIRA About eight years. ETHAN So you’ve been working with her since you were twenty is that correct? AAMIRA Yes it is. ETHAN What specific duties did you do for Dr. Madden while you were employed with her? AAMIRA I made her morning coffee, drove to Wendy’s everyday at noon exactly and got her a baked potato, ran her errands, scheduled appointments, call back conformation, made copies, faxed important documents, you know typical office maiden work. ETHAN Sounds like allot. AAMIRA Oh know. It keeps me busy. I hate standing around. ETHAN You met Dr. Madden out of a classified bulletin ad while you were going to school weren’t you? ADAM (rolls his eyes and rises up from his chair.) Your honor! Objection! JUDGE GASTON Sustained. Counselor Kapeller please get to the point in your testimony. Adam sits back down in his chair. ETHAN Ms. Noonin, can you describe the first time you met the defendant? AAMIRA It was Thursday morning and it was around 11:15 am. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo came into the office and waited for Dr. Madden to be done with her session. ETHAN And how did the defendant and Mr. Lorenzo act towards each other? AAMIRA Just as any couple would when they see a therapist. Scared. They talked about what they wanted to do for the weekend. Typical couple stuff. ETHAN And what happened after that? AAMIRA When I saw The Lorenzo’s come out of Dr. Madden’s office, I noticed Chad looking at the back of the business card too intently. ETHAN Something else happened to Chad, Mrs. Noonin. I get the feeling you’re not telling me the whole story. AAMIRA Then about two weeks later, it was quitting time and I had just put my tweed coat and I heard, "Round Midnight?" by Miles Davis. I come up to the door frame of Dr. Madden’ s office and I saw her pouring a bottle of Yellow Tail Champaign into a wine flute for two people. I go into the door way of her office and I asked her what’s with the wine and she said, I have a guest coming to meet me later. I said good bye and I left. No sooner I left, I saw Mr. Lorenzo go into Dr. Madden’s office. I turned around and I followed him and I got in the door and before it even closed because the door automatically locks after five o‘clock. I hid behind the plant we have in the waiting room between the loveseat and the arm chairs. ETHAN Uh huh. Uh huh. And how long were you in hiding inside of Dr. Madden’ s place of business? AAMIRA About forty five minuets. ETHAN And what happened after that? AAMIRA I don’t remember much of what happened after that. Because it took me three years to get out of my head. ETHAN No further questions your honor. Ethan takes his seat. JUDGE GASTON (to Adam) Counselor, Your witness? Adam rises up from his chair and approaches the witness stand. ADAM Mrs. Noonin, did Dr. Madden ever discuss any cliental information with you. AAMIRA No and when she first hired me she said she told me up front when I got hired she would never talk to me about any client information no matter who it is. ADAM Did she ever bring up any clients with you at all? AAMIRA Only the last names for either appointment’s or file research. ADAM She never brought up The Lorenzo’s or the fact they have a child? AAMIRA Like I said she would never talk to me about any client information no matter who it is. ADAM Did Dr. Madden approve of your dread locks and piercing’ s? You look like a concert promoter. ETHAN Objection. Counselor is profiling the witness. JUDGE GASTON I’ll allow it. Sustained. ADAM No further questions your honor. Adam returns to his seat. JUDGE GASTON (turns head to Aamira) You may step down Ms. Noonin. Aamira rises up from her chair and exit’s the stand. CUT TO: ADAM and Dr. McIntosh Adam is seated in his chair and leans towards Dr. McIntosh. ADAM So doc, what’s going on so far? DR. MCINTOSH It’s hard to say, Mr. Lorenzo? JUDGE GASTON Does the defendant want to call another witnesses? ADAM We do your honor. I would like to call Dr. Oddvar Yurlik. DR. ODDVAR YURLIK, sixty five, rises up from the bench and takes the stand. Bailiff has a Bible in right hand. BAILIFF Please raise your right hand. DR. ODDVAR approaches the witness stand and raises his right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? DR. YURLIK shook his head and took his seat. ETHAN approaches the stand. ETHAN Dr. Yurlik, you’re a doctor in modern medicine is that correct? DR. ODDVAR YURLIK I have been practicing medicine for thirty years. ETHAN So you’re familiar with hypnotism are you not? DR. YURLIK Yes I am. Hypnotism has been around for years. People use it to help people quit smoking to entertainment purposes. ETHAN Do you think it’s possible to hypnotize someone to thinking the person killed their spouse? DR. YURLIK Anything is possible. This is why hypnotism is disaster-prone to most humans because it can alter the mind and personality of the person who is being hypnotized. ETHAN No further questions, your honor. ETHAN returns to his seat. Adam rises from his chair and approaches the witness stand. ADAM So Dr. Yurlik. You claim to have some knowledge about hypnosis. Dr. YURLIK That is correct. ADAM Have you or have you not taught the plaintiff Dr. Madden about hypnosis? DR. YULIK adjusts his glasses to get a gander at DR. MADDEN. DR. YURLIK My dear boy, I can’t see a darn thing through these glasses. ADAM So you admit you have never seen the plaintiff before in your entire life? DR. YURLIK I’m not saying that. What I said was I can’t see anything with these glasses. You also got to remember I’ve been teaching for over thirty years and I’m lucky if I can remember how many student’s I had in my second period class twelve years ago. (beat) Every student who is going into the world of health studies and modern medicine, has had to learn about hypnotism. ADAM Your honor, I have no further questions. Adam returns to his seat. JUDGE GASTON (to Dr. Yurlik) You may step down. Dr. Yurlik exits the witness stand and exits the courtroom. JUDGE GASTON (CONT’D) (addressing the courtroom) This court will now go to recess until eight o’clock tomorrow morning. (picks up his gavel and slams it on the desk and sets his gavel down. ) Court is now adjourn. BAILIFF All rise! The parties may leave the courtroom. CUT TO: CU - FORTY TWO INCH LCD TELEVISION The television is on Fox News Channel broadcasting the Lorenzo case. MATCH CUT TO: INT. DR. MCINTOSH’S LAW FIRM - NIGHT Adam and Dr. McIntosh are sitting around the conference table watching Fox News on television. FOX REPORTER SHEPHERD SMITH. SHEPARD SMITH (reporting) Breaking news out of the Mercer County Courthouse in Trenton, New Jersey, a cold case recently received a new pair of eyes to blow this case wide open. CUT TO: INT. FOX NEWS CHANNEL STUDIO - DAY SHEPARD Forty year old SHARON was charged with the killing of then husband and bar owner of The Alter Chad Lorenzo and I have live via satellite from the courthouse is Brian Kilmeade. (turns his chair to the right side where projector screen is to converse with Brian Kilmeade) Brian , what’s going on with the case? How did this case come about? BRIAN KILMEADE Brit, this is unlike any case we’ve ever came across at Fox News. The counselor in the case is the son of Sharon and the late Chad Lorenzo and he’s getting a little help from his professor and well recognized attorney from Trenton, New Jersey, Dr. William McIntosh. The story started out when The Lorenzo’s went to a marriage counselor in which then later lead to an affair. Sharon and her son Adam come home one night and see Chad lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. From then on, Sharon was arrested and for over ten years she has been saying she didn’t kill her husband and that she was wrongfully in poisoned on a crime she didn’t commit. SHEPARD What went on during the first day of the trial? BRIAN Well Brit, they brought out the people they thought would help blow the case wide open. They called the clerk, the doctor, and Dr. Madden’s assistant and I’m getting reports from sources saying that the secretary was the most helpful in the first day of the case. Ms. Noonin testified what Dr. Madden was like as a boss, and the thing’s she did for her while she was employed at her firm and from what I hear, Brit there‘s even going to be a person who wants to testify against Dr. Madden. SHEPARD Brian, do you even know who will be taking the stand tomorrow against Dr. Madden? BRIAN I’ve been getting a lot of different answers that this person is here on unfinished business and I haven’t heard much more than that. CUT TO: INT. DR. WILLIAM MCINTOSH’S LAW FIRM - NIGHT CUP - TELEVISION SHEPARD Well you never know in a case like that. It could be a jilted lover. It could be anything. (beat) All right thank you, Brian Kilmeade reporting live from the Mercer County Courthouse in New Jersey. DR. MCINTOSH turns off the television with the tv remote control. ADAM What just happened, Dr. McIntosh? DR. MCINTOSH Mr. Lorenzo, I believe we have a break in the case. ADAM So what’s next? Where do we go from here? DR. MCINTOSH We go to Starbucks. CUT TO: INT. ETHAN’S OFFICE - NIGHT Ethan sitting at his desk writing out a strategy for tomorrow’s trial. Dr. Madden is in Ethan’S office pacing back and forth throughout the room. Behind Ethan’S desk is a picture window with a view of the New Jersey skyline. DR. MADDEN We’re screwed Ethan. I think they got us. ETHAN (Looks up from his paper work with his glasses on and his blond hair combed back.) Allison, calm down. You seriously can’t possibly believe that. DR. MADDEN (pacing) I believe I’m paying you too much for you to feed me that kind of bullshit. ETHAN Allison, the good news in all of this is Aamira didn’t reveal too much of who your clients were. DR. MADDEN (Stops pacing and stops dead center in front of Ethan’s desk.) You don’t suppose their going to use her again are they? ETHAN That I can’t tell you because I don’t know. Dr. Madden takes a seat to her right, crosses her legs, and begins to FILE HER NAILS. Ethan watches Dr. Madden FILE HER NAILS in disbelief. ETHAN (CONT’D) Why? Are you hiding something? Dr. Madden stops FILING HER NAILS, rolls her eyes, and continues to FILE HER NAILS. ETHAN (CONT’D) Allison, all I’m going to tell you is , we need to take this case one day at a time. Mercer County Police has a new set of eyes looking at this case. They might not find enough of anything to find you guilty. Fade on Dr. Madden and ETHAN sitting across from each other. DISSOLVE TO: INT. MERCER VICINAGE COURTHOUSE IN TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - DAY Adam has a Venti Latté in his right hand and his briefcase in his left hand. He takes his place next to his mom Sharon. The front of the courtroom was the Bailiff. BAILIFF Ladies and Gentlemen! All rise! Everyone in the courtroom stand up and the courtroom get’s quiet in a second. BAILIFF (CONT’D) For the honorable Alexander Gaston. You maybe seated. JUDGE GASTON (takes his place at the bench and sat down) Good morning to both parities. Do any of the parties have anymore witnesses they want to call to question? ETHAN (looks at his papers and addressed the court) The defense calls Mrs. Freda Smári. BAILIFF Please raise your right hand. other on the Bible. Freda raises her right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? FREDA Who else would I swear to? Bailiff lifts his eyebrows. FREDA (CONT’D) I mean, yes I do. BAILIFF Please have a seat, Mrs. Smári. Ethan approaches the witness stand. ETHAN Mrs. Smári, you are a client of Dr. Madden’s are you not? FREDA Yes I am. Dr. Madden is great. She recommended this book to me when my late husband and I were, ETHAN (interrupts Freda) Just a simple yes will do Mrs. Smári. Now you recommended Dr. Madden to Mrs. Lorenzo. FREDA Yes I did and I recommended she can also do Karma Sutra, ETHAN Again Mrs. Smári, a simple yes works just fine in this courtroom. How long have you been seeing my client? FREDA Since 1982. ETHAN Has Dr. Madden had an affair with your late husband? FREDA Oh no not at all. Darren never knew I was seeing a therapist. ETHAN Mrs. Smári, are you still seeing Dr. Madden? FREDA Not since Mercer County Police came by and shut down her practice. ETHAN Any idea why Mercer County Police shut down her practice? Ethan slides his hand down his face and walks away from the stand. ETHAN (CONT’D) Thank you, Mrs. Smári. No further questions your honor. JUDGE GASTON (to Adam) Counselor Lorenzo, do you wish to cross examine the witness. Adam rises up from his chair and approaches the bench. ADAM Mrs. Smári, how long have you known my client Mrs. Lorenzo? FREDA (looks to her right to Sharon) Is that Sharon? Oh my god! (waves at Sharon) Sharon, hey! Oh my god! Why haven’t you called me? ADAM (Smacks his face and slowly rubs it down) Mrs. Smári could you answer the question please? FREDA Oh sure. A long time we were cubical buddies when she worked for Mercer County in the Accounting department. ADAM When was the last time you spoke with my client? FREDA I think it was the last week of July and I haven’t heard from her since. ADAM What do you mean since? FREDA I haven’t heard from her in over twenty something years. How rude. ADAM You mean you didn’t know my client was in jail? FREDA Sharon was is jail?!? Oh my god what happened? ADAM You mean you didn’t know why you haven’t heard from my client? FREDA Sharon was in jail? What did she do? Why didn’t she call me for bail? ADAM Never mind. No further questions your honor. Adam returns to his seat. Judge Gaston leans over to his left to Freda. Freda looks to her right and Freda is startled. FREDA (turns her head to the right towards Judge Gaston) Oh you came out of no where. JUDGE GASTON You may step down Mrs. Smári. FREDA SMÁRI Well aren’t you kind. Thank you. Freda rises up from the witness stand and exit’s the courtroom. ETHAN (stands up from his chair) Your I would like to call my next witness Sebastian Dorland better known as Sebastian. SEBASTIAN DORLAND, now forty five, enters the courtroom and takes the stand. The Bailiff had a Bible in right hand. BAILIFF Please raise your right hand. Sebastian raises his right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? SEBASTIAN I do. BAILIFF Please be seated. ETHAN Mr. Dorland, you worked at The Alter with the late Mr. Lorenzo, is that right? SEBASTIAN That’s correct. ETHAN How long have you worked at The Alter? SEBASTIAN Since the fall of 1980 when the bar first opened up. ETHAN Have you seen my client come into The Alter? SEBASTIAN I’ve seen her a few times about the last two years of Mr. Lorenzo‘s life. ETHAN So what you’re saying is my client and Mr. Lorenzo would have the affair in your place of business. So you would guess this alleged affair has been going on for two years until the time of your employer’s death. Am I correct Mr. Dorland? SEBASTIAN I couldn’t have said it better myself. ETHAN Your honor I have no further questions. Ethan returned to his seat. Adam approaches the witness stand. ADAM Do you remember the night my client and her late husband Chad Lorenzo met at The Alter? SEBASTIAN I do. It was in 1984. I had the night off the night the two met. I come in the next day, I clocked in and he called me into his office and he told me a met this wonderful bird named Sharon. ADAM But Sharon is a human being not a parrot. SEBASTIAN Mr. Lorenzo had a British accent and was from England. They have an entirely different vernacular than we do. ADAM What about the plaintiff Dr. Madden? SEBASTIAN He never said too much about Dr. Madden. All he said about Dr. Madden was it’s just a fling nothing serious. ADAM Mr. Dorland, what happened the last time you saw Mr. Lorenzo? SEBASTIAN It was an hour before we opened The Alter for business. I was in the back in Mr. Lorenzo‘s office talking business. I asked him what he going to do on his night off, he said he was going to end his affair with Dr. Madden. He also talked about how he looked forward to seeing Sharon and Adam. At the time Adam was going back to school. ADAM Mr. Dorland, can you tell me about the night my client went into The Alter on July 22, 1991 at around 6:13pm? SEBASTIAN I was working at bar to serving drinks to the drunk residents of Trenton. I saw Sharon come into the bar and she asked me where Chad was. I was startled, I told her Chad was in his office and he wished not to be disturbed. So Sharon stormed back there and barged in on the two of them. ADAM Was that the night Sharon first found out about Chad’s affair? SEBASTIAN No. It was couple of weeks before that I would have to say it was July 2nd is right around the time she fond out about the affair. ADAM Thank you Mr. Dorland. (to Judge Gaston) No further questions you honor. JUDGE GASTON (to Sebastian) You may step down, Mr. Dorland. Sebastian exited the courtroom. Ethan rises up from his chair. ETHAN Your honor, I would like to call my client to the witness stand Dr. Allison Briella Madden. Dr. Madden uncrosses her legs, rises up from her chair and walks very seductively towards the witness stand. JUDGE GASTON (to Dr. Madden) Dr. Madden ,can you turn around and walk properly? DR. MADDEN (turns her head to the left facing Judge Gaston and arches her eyebrow) What’s the matter judgie wudgie? Did your pant’s get surprised? JUDGE GASTON This isn’t America’s Next Top Hooker, you home wrecking wench. Go back and walk like a regular descent human. I know that’s very hard for you. Dr. Madden turns around and walk the right way and takes the stand. The Bailiff had a Bible in right hand. BAILIFF Please raise your right hand. Dr. Madden raises her right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? DR. MADDEN Absolutely. BAILIFF Please take the stand, Dr. Madden. Ethan glances at his paper work and rises up from his chair. ETHAN Dr. Madden, how long have you been practicing medicine? DR. MADDEN Fifteen years. ETHAN How long have you been treating The Lorenzo’s? DR. MADDEN I want to say close to a year. ETHAN Have you in any course of the sessions did you see their son Adam? DR. MADDEN I met Adam once. ETHAN How did you manage to do that? DR. MADDEN It was the summer of 98. Adam was graduating high school. ETHAN Did you receive an invitation? DR. MADDEN No. ETHAN Then how did you manage to attend the high school graduation with out an invitation? DR. MADDEN I had a brief affair with one of Adam’s teachers. SHARON (under her breath) Sure it wasn’t just one? ADAM (whispering) Mom come on. Now’s not the time to be cracking jokes. DR. MADDEN I was in the crowd watching Adam graduate and I knew he didn’t suspect his mother gone. I mean look at her. CUT TO: SHARON Siting in between Adam and Dr. McIntosh glaring at Dr. Madden. DR. MADDEN (O.S.) It’s not like she can just get up and go anywhere. The average married man has a longer leash than Sharon does on the hand and ankle cuffs on her body. CUT TO: ETHAN ETHAN Why are you so driven to Adam? DR. MADDEN Something about him drove me nuts. Was the fact that he was like his father? I couldn’t tell you. ETHAN How often would you show up at Adam’s dorm room? DR. MADDEN As often as I can until six months later. I found out from a friend of his he’s studying law and then I proceeded to ask why. He told me he wanted try his mother’s case and try to get her out. That’s also when I found out Adam was making weekly visits to see his mother. ETHAN Did you have an affair with Mr. Chad Lorenzo? DR. MADDEN (turns her head to the right facing Sharon) No. ETHAN (eyes widen when he sees Dr. Madden’s reaction and hears her answer) Why did you look at Sharon when you answered my question, Dr. Madden? DR. MADDEN Ever since Sharon killed her husband... SHARON (Interrupts Dr. Madden and rockets up from her chair) Allison you‘ve probably be married so many times you got rice dents on your face. Judge Gaston RAPS HIS GAVEL. JUDGE GASTON Order! Order! SHARON (screaming) You know you killed my husband you no good quack doctor vacuum with nipples. Why don’t you fucking just admit it. Someone gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it. Judge Gaston still RAPING HIS GAVEL. JUDGE GASTON Order! Order! Counselor Lorenzo get better control of your client or I'll hold the both of you in contempt of court. (to Sharon) As for you Mrs. Lorenzo, if I were you, I would not blow this by having a total bitch fit in my courtroom. (beat) Control yourself, Mrs. Lorenzo. God knows I’m trying too. (to Ethan) Continue on with your testimony, Mr. Kapeller. DR. MADDEN Ever since Chad was killed, I didn’t know what to do. ETHAN Dr. Madden I'm going to ask you this and remember you are under oath, did you or did you not kill Chad Lorenzo? DR. MADDEN (turns her head to the right facing Ethan) For the last time no I didn’t ETHAN No further questions. Ethan returns to his seat. Adam rises up from his chair and approaches the bench. ADAM Dr. Madden, I couldn’t help but notice that you have a pocket watch. Now correct me if I’m wrong but don’t hypnotist use pocket watches to hypnotize people? DR. MADDEN They can use pocket watches. Hypnotists can use a variety of items to hypnotize someone. ADAM How easy is it to hypnotize someone? DR. MADDEN The brain can control many thing’s in your body. ADAM Can it control urges Dr. Madden? DR. MADDEN I don’t understand the question? ADAM Yes you do. You killed Mr. Lorenzo and hypnotized my client into thinking she killed her husband? DR. MADDEN No I didn’t. ADAM Then why did Counselor Kappeller ask you if you killed Mr. Lorenzo, you looked at my client Mrs. Lorenzo and said no. Why? The only people in the world that do that if they have a guilty conscious. DR. MADDEN I don’t have a guilty conscious, Mr. Lorenzo. ADAM Why did you show at their son’s dorm room? DR. MADDEN I had an attraction towards Adam. ADAM You had a guilty conscious Dr. Madden just admit it. You killed Mr. Lorenzo because he wanted to work thing’s out with his wife and that made you so mad you didn’t want to hear any more of it. So you killed him because he didn’t want be with you anymore. Dr. Madden just looks at Adam blankly. ADAM (CONT’D) No further questions, your honor. JUDGE GASTON (to Dr. Madden) You may step down. Dr. Madden exits the witness stand. Adam watches while Dr. Madden walks past Dr. McIntosh and Sharon sitting at the table where they sit at. Adam rolls his eyes and returns back to his seat. DR. MCINTOSH (Adam looked at William. Dr. McIntosh leans to the left in his seat next to Adam) What happened Mr. Lorenzo? ADAM I tried to get Allison to crack but she wouldn’t break. DR. MCINTOSH I think the best move you can use is have your mom on the stand. ADAM I was going to have her take the stand anyway. JUDGE GASTON It has come to my understanding that there is a surprise witness that is willing to take the stand and testify against the plaintiff Dr. Madden. The patrons in the courtroom WHISPER amongst themselves. JUDGE GASTON (CONT’D) The court calls surprise witness Mob Boss Carmen Greco. CUT TO: CARMEN GRECO sixty five, pushes both doors open with force and slowly walks through the courtroom. CUT TO: Adam and Dr. McIntosh looking at each other in confusion. DR. MCINTOSH Mr. Lorenzo, do you know who this is? ADAM No. (turns his head to Sharon) Mom do you? Sharon shakes her head no. BAILIFF Please raise your right hand. other on the Bible. CARMEN GRECO raises his right hand. BAILIFF (CONT’D) Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? CARMEN GRECO Yeah! Approaches the witness stand. ETHAN Please state your name for the record. CARMEN My name is Carmen J. Greco. ETHAN What does the “J” stand for? CARMEN Jerk off. Next question. ETHAN (rolls his eyes) What brings you to Mercer County Courthouse? CARMEN I have some unfinished business and I feel I need to share it with everybody in the courtroom. ETHAN So who do you have unfinished business with? CARMEN (waves at Sharon) Well, it’s not with the poor young lady in the orange jumpsuit, Sharon does a double take. CARMEN (CONT’D) My unfinished is with that broad you have for a joke of a client. Carmen points to Dr. Madden. The crowd gasps and there’s a SUDDEN UPROAR of the courtroom patrons TALKING AMONGST themselves. ETHAN (announces to the courtroom) May the surprise witness recognize that he was talking about my client Dr. Allison Madden. So what does this mean you have unfinished business? CARMEN It all started when this broad has decided to have an affair with one of my made guys. ETHAN Which guy was it? CARMEN Doesn’t matter. May I finish? Ethan nods his head yes nervously. CARMEN (CONT’D) Anyway, she was having an affair with one of my guys. She started to get to attached to him and after a while, he started avoiding her. Mind you this guy is married and ruined his marriage. She’s got a reputation for spreading her legs like a football goal post. She also kept poking her nose where it doesn’t belong and I scared her straight. ETHAN No further questions, your honor. Ethan returns to his seat. Adam begins to rise up in his seat when Carmen points to him with his left index finger to stay where he is. CARMEN If I were you kid, I would plant my butt back in that chair and not poking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. JUDGE GASTON (to Carmen) You may step down, Mr. Greco. Carmen exit’s the stand and sits directly behind Sharon and Adam and Dr. McIntosh. Carmen leans over to Adam. CARMEN Hey kid, next time you want to know something that’s none of your business, remember my face. JUDGE GASTON (to Adam) Does the defense want to call another witness? Adam looks at Sharon and his eyes widen. CUT TO: JUDGE GASTON Addressing the courtroom. JUDGE GASTON Well Mr. Lorenzo, would you like to call another witness? Adam smiles and stands up from his chair. ADAM (rises quickly from his chair) We would, your honor. I call my next witness. Mrs. Sharon Lorenzo. Sharon rises up from her chair with the SOUNDS OF CHAINS DRAGGING ACROSS THE FLOOR. Sharon is shackled her wrists to her waist and a long chain running down to her ankle metal cuffs. Sharon has ankle chain shackles on and struggles to take a struggling to get on the witness stand JUDGE GASTON leaves his chair to the witness stand and helps Sharon on the stand. Dr. Madden rolls her eyes with her arms crossed leans her body forward. DR. MADDEN (yelling at the Bailiff) Leave her alone. (taunting at Sharon) You’re weak Sharon. I thought prison would’ve harden you. JUDGE GASTON returns to his chair and slams to gavel down. JUDGE GASTON Dr. Madden, order. If you don’t straighten up, I’m going to hold you in contempt of court. The Bailiff holds the Bible in his right hand. BAILIFF Please place your right hand. Sharon held up both her hands to show that she can’t put her right hand on the Bible due to her hands being shackled together. Dr. Madden rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair. SHARON Does this look like I can put my hand on the fucking Bible? Yes I fucking do what do you think. BAILIFF Please be seated. JUDGE GASTON Counselor Lorenzo, you may begin your examination. ETHAN (rises up from his chair) Objection! JUDGE GASTON On what grounds Counselor Kapeller? ETHAN This is the son of the defendant. JUDGE GASTON And do you have a point in all this counselor? ETHAN The fact that it shows favoritism to the jury. JUDGE GASTON Mr. Kapeller, do you have anything else to say to make an even bigger ass out of yourself? Ethan slowly sits back down in his seat. JUDGE GASTON (CONT’D) I didn’t think so. Just because your client is paying you in BJ’s you have no excuse to make a mockery out of yourself in my court room. (to Adam) Mr. Lorenzo, please begin your examination. Adam walks toward the stand to begin his examination. ADAM Mrs. Lorenzo, Where were you on the night of August 12, 1992 at around 7:14 in the evening? SHARON I was picking up my son Adam at friend’s house. At the time Adam was eight years old. His friends were having a party to celebrate their last day of summer vacation before the kids went back to school. ADAM Were you alone picking up your son, Mrs. Lorenzo? SHARON I was. ADAM Could you please explain to the court why you went to see Dr. Madden? SHARON I was going to see Dr. Madden with my husband Chad to work on our marriage because I believe every child in America should grow up with both parents. I know this sounds strange to a lot of you but it’s true. ADAM Mrs. Lorenzo, I’m going to ask you series of questions. I know you’ve been asked a hundred times over, did you kill your husband and bar owner of The Alter, Chad Lorenzo? SHARON No, Mr. Lorenzo. I did not kill my husband. The courtroom PATRONS GASP. ADAM When you just told the people who are in this courtroom today that you weren’t home the night you husband was murdered. (beat) You just told the court that you were on your way to pick up your son from a party at his friend’s house right around the time he was murdered. (beat) Can you please tell the court what happened the night you came home to find your husband dead? SHARON (gasping, trying not to tear up) I had stopped by the grocery store with my son. I only had one paper bag sack of groceries because I planned on making a spinach lasagna. I placed my key inside the lock and no sooner I opened the door I saw my husband Chad Lorenzo’s feet lying next to a pool of blood. My son Adam ran into the hallway bathroom and had the door cracked and from behind me. I felt a hard hit to the cerebellum and I fell to the floor unconscious. ADAM Can you please show the jury and the people in this courtroom sitting here today, where in the back of the head you were pistol whipped? Sharon struggles with her hands shackled together, pulls her hair to the right side of her neck and points to the base part of her skull. Adam leans over to look at the small welt on Sharon’s head. Sharon tosses her hair back over her shoulder and sits straight up again. ADAM (CONT’D) Mrs. Lorenzo, can you remember what else happened after you were hit in the back of the head? SHARON After I fell to floor on my stomach, I felt my left leg getting pulled and being place in a chair. When I was opening my eyes, I had a blurry vision and the next thing I remembered I saw this figure of a watch swinging left to right and as I was trying to see who was making the watch move like that. ADAM Is the woman who hypnotized you here in the court room? SHARON Oh yes she is, (stretches out her right arm dragging her shackled left arm and points her index finger at Dr. Madden ) She’s sitting right there. COURT PATRONS TALK amongst themselves in shock ADAM Let the record show that the defense pointed to plaintiff Dr. Allison Madden. SHARON (begins to get upset and tears roll down her face) She took everything from me. My life. She killed my husband and hypnotized me into thinking I did it. I was in prison for twenty years because of that woman. Twenty years of my life I will never get back. I missed watching my son grow up. I missed everything because of that whore. The first five years I was in prison I thought I did it until my lawyer said my story didn‘t add up. ADAM Your honor I have no further questions. Adam returns to his seat. ADAM (CONT’D) (to Dr. McIntosh) So what do you think of the outcome boss? DR. MCINTOSH I think we got this case in the bag Mr. Lorenzo. We just have to wait for Mr. Kapeller to finish his cross examination and we wait for a ruling. JUDGE GASTON Mr. Kapeller, begin your cross examination please. ETHAN Thank you, your honor. ETHAN (CONT’D) Mrs. Lorenzo, how long have you and your husband been going to see Dr. Madden? SHARON About close to a year. Year and a half. ETHAN How did you hear about my client? SHARON I’ve heard lot’s of great thing’s about Dr. Madden believe it or not. I figured why not give it a shot. I’ll do anything to make my marriage work. ADAM Objection your honor the cross examiner is merely getting friendly with our client. JUDGE GASTON I’ll allow it. Counselor, please get to the point. ETHAN At one point did you suspect that your husband and my client were having an affair? SHARON (takes a deep breath) It was Saturday afternoon. It was my son’s birthday party. He was turning five years old. Our family and friend’s were at our house. Everybody was asking me and including my son where Chad was. I went out that evening to my husbands bar The Alter and I asked Sebastian the bar tender at the time told me he was working on inventory and wished not to be bothered. So I then proceeded to storm into his back office and I found My husband having an affair, (points to Dr. Madden with her left index finger) With that woman. ETHAN Your honor I have no further questions. JUDGE GASTON Mrs. Lorenzo, you may step down. Do you need help? SHARON That would be appreciated. Thank you very much. JUDGE GASTON Bailiff, if you be so kind to help Mrs. Lorenzo down from the stand please? (addressing the court) This court is in recess for thirty minuets and when we come back we’ll hear the verdict. Judge Gaston slams down the gavel and leaves the bench. Thirty minuets later, everyone that participated in the trial take their places to hear the verdict. The Bailiff calls. BAILIFF Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the Honorable Judge Alexander Gaston. Judge Gaston exits from chambers and takes his place on the bench. JUDGE GASTON Bailiff, would you please bring in the jury? Bailiff goes to the door on the far right and opens it to let the jury out. All nine jurors walk out and JUROR 1 has an envelope in her hand and was seated on the front left. Judge Gaston looks at the JUROR 1 and begins to address his question. JUDGE GASTON (CONT’D) Has the jury reached a verdict? JUROR 1 (stands up) We have your honor. The Bailiff retrieves the envelope from the juror’s hand and gives it to Judge Gaston. Judge Gaston opens the envelope, reads the piece of paper inside, places the piece of paper back in the envelope, hands it to the Bailiff, and hands it back to the juror. The courtroom is quiet. The counselors were either chewing their pens or taking long deep breaths. JUROR 1 opens the envelope and began to read the verdict. JUDGE GASTON Will the jury read the sentencing? JUROR 1 We the jury in the case number M-97-252 of Madden versus Lorenzo we find the plaintiff Dr. Allison Briella Madden, guilty and the defendant Sharon Bancroft Lorenzo, not guilty. The courtroom patrons LET OUT A POSITIVE REACTION when they heard not guilty for Sharon. JUDGE GASTON (slams his gavel) Order. Order. Their will be a hearing on Monday at 9:00 am. The Bailiff walks over to Dr. Madden. BAILIFF Hands behind your back Dr. Madden. (begins to handcuff Dr. Madden) Dr. Allison Briella Madden, you have the right to remain silent. Any statement you do make can be used against you in a trial by court-martial or other judicial or administrative proceeding. You have the right... Dr. Madden’s arm’s go behind her back to be cuffed places her in hand cuffs and takes her away to be processed. DR. MADDEN This isn’t over Lorenzo. CUT TO: DR. MADDEN (O.C.) (CONT’D) (screaming) You hear me! I’m gunning for you! Sharon rolls her eyes when another Bailiff walks over to Sharon to unlock her from the shackles. The wrist shackles come off. Sharon places her left hand on her right wrist to feel the clammy wrists from where her cuffs are on her body. Sharon turns to her right to her son Adam and hugs him for the first time since he was eight years old. SHARON (hugs her son) Oh son. I missed you so much. I’m so happy to see you and have you in my life. (to Dr. McIntosh) Dr. McIntosh how can I repay you? DR. MCINTOSH Would you like to work for me Mrs. Lorenzo? Sharon smiles. Sharon, Adam, and Dr. McIntosh exit out of the court room. CUT TO: INT. MERCER COUNTY JAIL HALLWAY - DAY Dr. Madden is in the middle two armed guards and the three of them were walking down the hall with Dr. Madden in hand cuffs. GUARD ONE to the right of Dr. Madden lifted his left hand to press the button to let them in. Dr. Madden tightened her fists and BREAKS THE CHAIN between the two cuffs. Elbows GUARD TWO in the stomach. Hook punches GUARD ONE across the right side of the face and falls down on the floor. Dr. Madden pivots to the right and rushes through the side door of the hallway door to escape outside. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CITY OF TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - NIGHT Lights inside the building are on. A helicopter flies by with a search spot light shining on the city of Trenton, New Jersey looking for Dr. Madden. CUT TO: INT. SHARON’S HOME - NIGHT Sharon enters her home from the center foyer and turns to her right and notices the little red button flashing on her answering machine. Sharon presses play, turns around and takes off her jacket and throws her keys on the table. SHARON The word has gotten out quick. CUT TO: ANSWERING MACHINE On the bar and the message light blinking. WE SEE Sharon’s index press the play button on the answering machine. ANSWERING MACHINE (automated) You have one new message. Message received at 10:17 p.m. SHARON Taking off her jacket and throws it on the chase chair. ADAM (answering machine) Hi mom it’s Adam. Uh listen, I want you to lock your doors and windows. I just got a call from William and when Allison was going to being taken to be processed for jail, Allison some how escaped. The entire city of Trenton is looking for her. So mom please be careful. Answering machine makes a SHORT BEEP to end message. The message stops and Sharon erases the message. DR. MADDEN (O.S.) If I were you, I would not pick up that phone. WE SEE Sharon look up with her eyes wide open in shock and quickly turns around with her back to the bar. Dr. Madden places her left leg crossed over her right leg holding a cigarette. CUT TO: DR. MADDEN Sitting in a white arm chair with her left leg crossed over the top of her right leg smoking a cigarette. DR. MADDEN (CONT’D) Welcome home, Sharon. SHARON What the hell are you doing here Allison? Don‘t you have another marriage you want to ruin? Besides how the hell did you get in here? Sharon takes off her jewelry and places them in a small candy jar dish on the small oak side table. Dr. Madden rises up uncrossing her left leg, places her foot down the floor next to the right foot, takes a puff from her cigarette and rises from Sharon’s white Victorian chair. CU - DR MADDEN’S SHOES Putting out her cigarette out on Sharon’s white Berber carpet. DR. MADDEN Standing at foyer doorway frame. DR. MADDEN Relax Sharon, when I’m done with your son, I got a special treat for you. SHARON What are you talking about my son? I don’t understand. DR. MADDEN Well then let me dumb it down for you, Sharon. CU - LIGHT SWITCH Dr. Madden turns on the light switch. CUT TO: INT. FOYER - NIGHT Adam sitting on the dining room chair tied up and arms tied behind the chair. Mouth gagged, duct tapped shut with sweat dripping down his face. Adam screams a muffled MOM! GET ME OUT OF HERE! MOM! THIS CRAZY BITCH TRIED TO KILL ME! MOM! MOM! MOM! GET ME OUT OF HERE! SHARON Turns to her left to the left to Dr. Madden and glares. SHARON Let him go. Thunder roars louder. Lightning ignites the room. DR. MADDEN (laughs) Oh Sharon. You know I would. But then I realized, your son witnessed me killing his father and how funny your husband. SHARON Let him go now before I cut off your head and shit down your neck. DR. MADDEN Nice fighting words, Sharon. I’ll do you one better. I’ll fight you myself. Dr. Madden pulls out a thirty-eight Caliber Pistol from the back of her slacks PULLS THE TRIGGER. Sharon leans to her left side to avoid the bullet. As she’s walking backwards, Dr. Madden get’s mad and FIRES ANOTHER ROUND. CUT TO: Sharon leans to her right while still standing up and lifts the silver handle tray with a glass mirror at the bottom took the liquor tray and SMACKS ACROSS DR. MADDEN ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FACE SENDING HER TO ON HER RIGHT SIDE ON THE CARPET. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Dr. Madden landing on the floor. Thunder ROARS. A few lightning flashes. Rain starts to shower the outside of The Lorenzo home. WE SEE the shards of glass skip across the floor and stop. Dr. Madden’s lip is bleeding. Dr. Madden uses her left hand to touch her bottom lip and her eyes widen and sees that she’s drawn blood from her bottom lip. The fight between Dr. Madden and Sharon get’s very heated. Dr. Madden rises up from the floor. Dr. Madden is standing up on her own at this point face to face with Sharon. Dr. Madden cocks her right arm back, makes a fist and launches it HITTING SHARON ON THE LEFT SIDE OF HER FACE. CUT TO: INT. FOYER NIGHT - NIGHT CU - ADAM’S EYES Trans fixed on his hands cutting the rope trying to free himself. Adam struggling to in his chair trying to get out of the chair. Sweat is dripping down his face. Thunder ROARS. BACK TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT DR. MADDEN Staggering to get up. A hair strand hangs from Dr. Madden face like moss hanging from a tree. Dr. Madden at this point is on her hands and knees struggling to getting up. Dr. Madden’s face is bruised and blood is streaming out of the corner of her mouth. Dr. Madden is finally standing up on her own and her A line skirt has a few holes. Blouse is not tucked and a exposing her cleavage. Sharon and Dr. Madden are now face to face with each other. Sharon raises her left leg and KICKS Dr. Madden ON THE STERNUM AND SENDS Dr. Madden FLYING AGAIN THROUGH THE AIR TO WHEN Dr. Madden LANDS FACE FIRST ON TOP OF THE OAK COFFEE TABLE. The oak table is shattered into splinters. Dr. Madden staggers up on her own feet, and charges over to Sharon reaches her right arm back to punch her in the face, turns around and lifts up her left leg and spin kicks Sharon on the sternum sending Sharon flying across the dining room placing her back into the china cabinet. Sharon ricochets from the force of the hit and lands face first on the floor. INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT Sharon lunges at Dr. Madden. THE TWO ARE NOW ROLLING AROUND THE FLOOR PUNCHING AND KICKING EACH OTHER. Both Sharon and Dr. Madden are bruised and have blood on their faces. CUT TO: SHARON’S POV Adam still struggling to get out of being bound up in his chair. Adam is on his right side on the floor in his chair. INT. FOYER - NIGHT CLOSE UP - ADAM’S BLOODY FINGERS Blood trickling from his fingers on to the rope trying to free himself. Adam’s finger’s are bloody at this point. Adam’s fingers cutting the rope with a piece of glass to break free. MATCH CUT TO: ADAM Adam wiggles a little bit and tries to fall down on his right side to get the piece of shattered glass to break himself free. There are many attempts being made but this time he succeeds at landing on his right side. Sharon watches out of the corner of her eye and sees her son Adam struggling in a chair all tied up trying to break free. CUT BACK TO: SHARON Crouches down and turns her head forward and charges at Dr. Madden. Sharon lunges forward and shoves Dr. Madden onto the wall. Dr. Madden lower hook punches Sharon in the stomach. Sharon is winded and staggers back and upper cuts Dr. Madden across the face. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Sharon takes the first swing and hits Dr. Madden on the right side of her face and watched the left side of her body hit the floor. Lightning flashes. The RAIN outside turns from SHOWER to DOWN POUR outside. One of Dr. Madden’s molars fly out her mouth and hit the carpet taking two bounces. Dr. Madden props her self up with both hands like she was going to do girl push ups and takes her right index finger and put it in her mouth where her molar was and took her finger out and saw the blood on her finger and she turns her head towards Sharon. DR. MADDEN (screams) You whore! SHARON Allison, you shot me twice and missed. I hit you with a liquor tray with one swing and knocked your ass out. Is that all you got? Dr. Madden struggles to get up as she was getting up Sharon MAKES A FIST WITH HER RIGHT HAND AND MAKES AN UPPER CUT TO THE CHIN KNOCKING DR. MADDEN BACK ON THE FLOOR FLYING ON RIGHT SIDE. Sharon bring’s her left leg forward and her right leg forward as well. Stands up and JOLTS over to Dr. Madden laying down on the carpet on her left side in a fetal position. SHARON (CONT’D) (standing over Dr. Madden) You done? Huh? Are you done wreaking my life? You already ruined my marriage with your psycho fucking bullshit. You’re a sad excuse a doctor. Now thanks to you my husband is dead. I missed allot of my son growing. CUT TO: DR. MADDEN Dr. Madden get’s up with both hands struggling and shakes her head and turns her head towards Sharon with blood going down both sides of her mouth. DR. MADDEN There’s one thing about your husband you didn’t know, Sharon, Dr. Madden places her feet on the floor and starts to stand up. DR. MADDEN (CONT’D) He was a great lover. When he took me back to this home here he told me he couldn’t end his marriage with you and start a life with me. By that time I proceeded to take out my gun and gun his ass down. So you see Sharon, I will stop at nothing until you surrender to me and I have you eating out of my hand. SHARON Dr. Madden, why? Why me? Why couldn’t you pick someone else to wreck a marriage. Why? DR. MADDEN You know Sharon, funny you said that. I though the same thing but well you know, I don’t give a shit. So I figured why not take care of the two people that tried to throw me in jail and leave me there to rot just like what I did with you. Sharon begins to pant, picks up a wine bottles, breaks it over the small table holding the stem of the bottle, and charges at Dr. Madden. Dr. Madden SHOVES Sharon onto the floor. Sharon slide across the floor with the tray flying out of her hand. Sharon is on her back propped herself up with her elbows. DR. MADDEN (CONT’D) You know Sharon if you did that position more often, you and Chad wouldn’t have to come to my office and I wouldn’t have to steal him away from you now would I? Sharon watches Dr. Madden stumble over to her. SHARON Allison, there’s a question that’s been on my mind ever since I started coming to see you. DR. MADDEN First of all, if you haven’t pushed your husband away, maybe he wouldn’t have to ask for more sessions from me. Dr. Madden RIGHT HOOK PUNCHES SHARON ACROSS THE FACE AND UPPER CUTS THE LEFT SIDE OF HER FACE. The forceful punch sent Sharon flying across the room and SLAMS HER BACK AGAINST THE CHINA CABINET TO WHERE GLASS SHATTERS AND SHE LANDS FLAT ON HER FACE FLAT ON THE FLOOR. CUT TO: DREAM SEQUENCE - WHITE ROOM CU - SHARON’S EYES CU - SHARON’S HAND Sharon’s hand is blood stained, cut up, and swollen. SHARON (V.O.) Am I dead? CUT TO: MEDIUM SHOT Sharon laying her back still wearing the same clothes she’s been fighting Dr. Madden in, looks around and is panicking about where she is. Sharon rocks on her back and lands on her feet and the sound of HER BOOTS LANDING ON THE FLOOR MAKE A LOUD NOISE. MATCH CUT TO: Sharon begins to walk around. The sound of Sharon’s BOOT’S ECHOING AS SHE’S WALKING. CHAD (O.S.) Sharon, is that you dear bird. Sharon stops dead in her tracks and looks around to see who made the noise. Shakes her head and CONTINUES WALKING to see where she is. Then she hears the same voice again she stops in her tracks. WE SEE CHAD turn around in a white spherical chair. CHAD (CONT’D) Sharon, good to see you as always. SHARON What are you doing here? CHAD Oh Sharon come on. Don’t pretend you’re not happy to see me? SHARON You’re right. Because I’m not. CHAD Oh come off it Sharon. How’s little Adam doing? SHARON Adam unlike you has turned out to be an upstanding gentleman. CHAD Oh that’s good. Looks like he was raised the right way. SHARON He also doesn’t lie to me about everything. Like if my meatloaf tastes like Purina Dog Food or about having an affair with the therapist. Chad gets up from the chair he was sitting in and walks over to Sharon. CHAD Sharon I can’t believe even after I’m dead you’re still bringing up the fact that I had a brief affair with someone. SHARON Chad, Am I dead? CHAD What’s that? SHARON Chad don’t pull this selective hearing aid bullshit like you did when we were married! You fuckin’ heard me! CHAD Sharon, would I lie to you, come on. I even arranged something special for you when I saw you again. Chad points with his right hand to the air. SLOW DANCE MUSIC plays Sharon is startled and looks around seeing where the music is coming from. Chad extends his left arm out to Sharon. SHARON Chad what are you doing? CHAD Want to dance? SHARON (arms are crossed across her body and raises her eyebrows) Does it have to be with you? CHAD Oh come on Sharon you can’t possibly hate me this much can you. Come on, we have a son together. SHARON You can’t possibly be in this much denial. I’m not so sure about you. Chad gives Sharon a come humor me and dance with me face. SHARON (CONT’D) Ok asshole, I’ll dance with you. Sharon places her right hand into Chad’S left hand. Chad pulls Sharon close to his body and they begin to dance the Waltz. Chad dips Sharon and her back up again. SHARON (CONT’D) Chad, you never answered my question. CHAD What’s that love? Chad dips Sharon again. CU - SHARON’S FACE UPSIDE DOWN. SHARON Am I dead? CUT BACK TO: CHAD still holding Sharon in a dip position and brings her back up again to eye level CHAD No Sharon. You’re not. SHARON (eyes widen) What? CHAD Sharon, you’re not dead. You’re just knocked out right now. It’s not your time. If I were you, I’d wake up if I were you. SHARON Well then what am I doing up here then? CHAD Sharon, if you didn’t trust me in our marriage, will you please trust me when I tell you this? Sharon distances herself from Chad. SHARON Like when you said you didn’t have the affair with Dr. Madden, CHAD (interrupts Sharon) Sharon will you listen to me. Allison is going to kill you and she’s going to kill Adam. She’s going to finish what she started. Sharon rolls her eyes. CHAD (CONT’D) Sharon, Dr. Madden finished me because I told her I didn’t want to go on with the affair any longer. Because of that, she got mad and killed me. Now she’s going to finish off the people who stood in our way. Like you and Adam. Be careful, Sharon. I’m only warning you because I love you. Chad exits right. SHARON So that’s it? You’re going to walk away from me? That’s so fuckin’ typical of you Chad. Well you know what asshole, I can walk away to! DREAM SEQUENCE ENDS CUT TO: INT. SHARON’S HOME - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT SHARON’S POV WE SEE Dr. Madden’s feet standing. WE HEAR thumping and dragging around heavy objects, and Dr. Madden talking to someone on the phone. MATCH CUT TO: SHARON crawling on the floor over to the foyer where Adam is tied up. INT. FOYER- NIGHT Sharon crawls over to chair where Adam is tied up, sees the chair is empty, and quickly crawls into the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT DR. MADDEN (O.S.) Sharon! Where are you little pig? Sharon turns her head to the left and has her back to the island in her kitchen. Sharon looks at the drawer at the bottom of the island, opens it up, sees the Magnum 38 in the drawer. She takes it out, loads the gun, closes the drawer, and stays where she is. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT DR. MADDEN creeping around Sharon’s house holding her gun in her right hand and her arm at a ninety degree angle looking for Sharon. DR. MADDEN Sharon, where are you little bitch? A SHOT FIRES. The shot hits Dr. Madden on the shoulder and falls flat on her face. CUT TO: CU - ADAM’S EYES Lightning FLASHES. DR. MADDEN Resting her back up against the wall. ADAM Still in the shooting position. Walks slowly to Dr. Madden. ADAM (fires a round) You killed my father and try to get away with it. (Fires a round) Hypnotized my mom to thinking she killed my father. (fires a round) Because of you bitch, (fires a round) My mother (fires a round) Spent (fires a round) Over (fires a round) Ten (fires a round) Years (fires a round) In prison because of a crime for a crime she never committed. Dr. Madden staggering to get up, looks up at Adam and struggles to get up. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT SHARON still behind the island in her kitchen, sitting quietly until the fiasco was over. SHARON (mutters under breath) Don’t buckle son! INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT DR. MADDEN Slowly walking away from the wall over to Adam. While walking towards Adam, Dr. Madden picks up her gun from the floor. DR. MADDEN You see Adam, I killed your father because that piece of shit wanted to be with you and your mother and try and work thing’s out. So I thought to myself, why? Why should I let that bitch win. Why should I let some woman… WE SEE Dr. Madden shot CUT TO: Dr. MADDEN falling face first to the ground. Adam turns his head to the right. CUT TO: CU - ALESSANDRA’S EYES DOLLY BACK to Alessandra holding both guns in both hands. The both barrels are smoking at the end. Adam’s eyes wide open and surprised to see Alessandra. ADAM Alessandra, how did you know I was here? CUT TO: ALESSANDRA Puts her arms down and put’s the pistol on either sides of the left and right sides of her thighs of her guarder belt and quickly walks over to Adam. ALESSANDRA My father testified in court yesterday. ADAM (confused) Your father? ALESSANDRA Yeah, my father. He owns the Lounge Lizard and The Alter where your father use to work at. ADAM (still confused) Okay? ALESSANDRA My father is Carmen Greco, Adam. WE SEE Adam’s eyes widen when he figures out the guy with the New York accent is Mob Boss Carmen Greco. ADAM You father is Carmen Greco? Alessandra nods her head. ADAM’S FRIENDS What the fuck Alessandra! Now your father is going to kill me. Alessandra begins to calm Adam down. Adam continues to freak out and finally Alessandra slaps Adam across the right side of the face. ALESSANDRA Adam! Calm down! Don’t panic! ADAM What else is there to do? Alessandra take both hands and wraps her hands around Adam’s forearm’s and shakes him a little. ALESSANDRA Will you listen to me? My father is not going to kill you. (Stops shaking him) I’ve been doing this a long time. I was born with a gun in my hand. I know what I’m doing. She’s not dead. She’s just unconscious. Adam and Alessandra turn their heads to the right looking at Dr. Madden lying face flat on the floor. ADAM I think the fact that chick owns a guns is a bit of a turn on. ALESSANDRA Adam I can’t date you. ADAM Why not? Are you prejudice against men that are not part of the mob? ALESSANDRA Because Adam I am your half sister! ADAM Yeah right! ALESSANDRA Adam, it’s true. (beat) Remember that night at the Lounge Lizard when I asked you about Chad Lorenzo being your dad? Well, shortly after your father was shot, my mother found out she was 2 months pregnant and when Chad told her she didn’t want to see her anymore, she may have taken it well, but took all her hatred out on your father. So when I was born, my "father" snatched me from the hospital and raised me like I was his own daughter. Carmen hated the fact that Chad was my father and signed his name on the birth certificate. ADAM So Dr. Madden is your mother? ALESSANDRA As much as I hate to admit it, yes. Alessandra points to Dr. Madden’s body. WE SEE Dr. Madden laying on her right side and still breathing. Both Adam and Alessandra carefully walk over to Dr. Madden’s body. CUT TO: DR. MADDEN’S EYES Dr. Madden ’s eyes open up quickly and begins to rise up for one more fight. Adam turns to his left to Alessandra. Alessandra not to far behind him. ADAM I think we can drag her out back. WE SEE Dr. Madden creeping behind Adam. Alessandra gesturing with her eyes and hands that Dr. Madden is behind him with a gun. ALESSANDRA Adam! Look out! Adam turns around behind him and sees Dr. Madden coming after him with a piece of mirror glass. Adam drops to the floor and Alessandra charges in and punches Dr. Madden in the face. Dr. Madden slices Alessandra on the right arm with the piece of glass. Alessandra brings her arms down and spin kicks Dr. Madden right in the sternum. Dr. Madden fell to the ground on her back. Dr. Madden is laying on her right side on the floor. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT SHARON Walking over to the living room where Adam and Alessandra are both still breathing heavily. To make sure, Dr. Madden is unconscious, Sharon kicks her one more time in the stomach. Sharon walks over at Alessandra and gives her a hug. SHARON (to Alessandra) Are you ok? Alessandra nods her head yes and hugs Sharon. SHARON (V.O.) (CONT’D) When I looked up at the clock, I knew that at five o’clock in the morning I realized my life was going to be different, but in a good way. I feel a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. CUT TO: INT. THE LORENZO HOME FOYER - NIGHT City Of Trenton Police stampeding through the front door, picked up Dr. Madden, and took her to the county police station. DISSOLVE TO: INT. FOX NEWS ROOM - DAY SHEPARD SMITH is reporting the news for Studio B. SHEPARD SMITH Here‘s a story we‘ve been following for quite sometime now. A very twisted case out of New Jersey that went unanswered for close to twenty years has finally been solved last night. CUT TO: TV IMAGES A picture of a serious picture of Dr. Madden. An aerial shot footage two Trenton SWAT Team officials holding Dr. Madden at each side of her body. Dr. Madden’s hair is covering her face and can barley walk. SHEPARD For those of you who never heard this story, the crime took place in August of 1992 when bar owner Chad Lorenzo was killed by psychologist Dr. Madden but what happened was wife Sharon was wrongfully convicted of a crime she didn’t commit. Instead what happened Sharon was hypnotized by psychologist Dr. Madden who has been practicing medicine for over twenty years hypnotized Sharon to thinking she killed her husband. (Shepard turns his chair towards the LCD screen to talk to Adam and Dr. McIntosh) Joining us now via satellite from Trenton, New Jersey is the lawyers who solved the case is Harvard Ivy League scholar Mr. Adam Lorenzo, son of Sharon and the late Chad Lorenzo and his professor and lawyer Dr. William McIntosh who are live via satellite from. CUT TO: EXT. MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY COURTHOUSE - DAY The interview is being given in front of building. The two men are sitting in directors chairs. SHEPARD SMITH Gentlemen welcome to Studio B. ADAM (nods) Thank you, Shepard. A little bit of a breeze picks up. SHEPARD SMITH My first question is for Adam, what made you decide to become a lawyer? ADAM I think the reason I wanted to become a lawyer because my mom was constantly getting burned by attorneys left and right. Plus the main factor was, my mother was wrongfully imprisoned for a crime she didn’t commit and missed many years of me growing up in foster homes. CUT TO: EXT. FRONT STORE WINDOW - DAY WE SEE multiple TV’s sitting in a store front window showing the same broadcast on Fox News Channels with Adam and Dr. McIntosh. CUT TO: SHARON Standing in front of the store window watching her son Adam proudly on the television interview. MATCH CUT TO: INT. FRONT STORE WINDOW - DAY All the TV’s in the store front are playing the same interview on the Fox News Channel. SHEPARD SMITH Adam my other question for you is, how could you afford to go to Harvard? I mean Harvard is a very elite school and what I hear very expensive. ADAM Shepard you are correct and that is a very good question. My professors in school and my foster family were always supportive of me and have always told me I was a smart kid and I should aim high. Two weeks before I graduated high school, I came home and the family I was staying at the time, got a letter from Harvard Law School. In the letter I got, it said that Harvard was going to grant me a four year scholarship. SHEPARD Have you ever thought about being an attorney before you got the letter? ADAM You know Shepard, so much was going through my mind when I was growing up the last thing on my mind was what I wanted to be when I grew up. When you’re seven or eight years old and you lost both of your parents, you were worried about what home you were going to be placed in next. SHEPARD You know Adam, one of the thing’s I really admire about you is, you grew up in a foster family and you never acted out or blamed any of your actions on because you were adopted. A lot of the kids we come across in the news use being adopted as a scapegoat. ADAM Life is short. Turn the page. CUT TO: SHARON Standing in front of the store window with her both her hands in her coat pocket. WE SEE Sharon smile when she hears her son Adam life is short. Turn the page. MATCH CUT TO: INT. FRONT STORE WINDOW - DAY All the TV’s in the store front are playing the same interview on the Fox News Channel. SHEPARD This question is for you Dr. McIntosh, have you ever had a student like Adam? DR. MCINTOSH I think what rapt me about Mr. Lorenzo was his thirst for learning something new. SHEPARD Dr. McIntosh, have you ever taken any of your student’s to try their first case? DR. MCINTOSH No because none of my student’s were like Mr. Lorenzo. My student’s came into my class, listen to me lecture for two hours, and after that it’s none of my business what my students did after class. Whenever I was having trouble handling a case I would look to Mr. Lorenzo for advice and I have a doctorate in law. SHEPARD Back to you Mr. Lorenzo, what’s next for you? You solved the biggest case nobody in Mercer County could solve. You’re the youngest lawyer to ever try a case. ADAM I don’t know. We’ll just have to see what happens and go from there. SHEPARD Well have more after this break. Stay with us. CUT TO: SHARON Smiling after her son’s television interview, turns to her right, and begins to walk down Warren Street. SHARON (V.O.) I couldn’t be more proud of my son than I am today. I know I wasn’t there for my son when he was growing up. Then again neither was his father. Sharon stops in her tracks and turns her head to the left and sees an apparition of her husband Chad. CUT TO: CHAD Sharon can only see Chad standing in the street. The people walking down the street don’t see Chad and walk through him. SHARON (V.O.) I’m not going to lie and say I don’t miss Chad. But I don’t miss the lies and the hell he put me through. We were in love. We do have a child together. He was the first man I’ve ever loved. Chad will always have that permanent hand print impression on my hear that no one could ever replace. CUT TO: CHAD WE SEE Chad’s apparition slowly vanishing. Sharon continues to walk down Warren Street. SHARON (V.O.) I finally have a chance to be in my son’s life. Not only my son but a new daughter. I don’t look at Alessandra as Chad’s leftover love child, I look at her as another blessing in my life. I can see the two of them being more close than they could ever be in life. And you know what, better days are ahead of me and I can see that for myself. FADE TO BLACK.

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