Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.


By Rich Hynes

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

Straight-laced superhero Maeve meets Jack at a mutual friend's party and spends the night with him, only to find out afterward he's actually her archenemy. And that she's pregnant with their child.


Maeve (aka Sentinel) is the city's most powerful superhero. She has spent her entire adult life with her nose to the grindstone. All of her time and energy has been dedicated to building a successful business empire and to keeping the city safe. While wildly successful at both, her success has left her with no social life and no close friends save for her faithful assistant Lacey.

Jack (aka Doctor Invincible) is the city's most powerful supervillain. He has spent his entire adult life drinking beer and having a good time. He found his peak happiness in the college fraternity system and has pretty much remained there ever since. He owns a few coffee shops, but spends most of his time screwing around with his buddies and knocking over the odd armored car or jewelry store whenever he needs cash. Or just for kicks.

Maeve and Jack meet while attending a party at a mutual friend's house after slugging it out with each other just that afternoon as their alter egos. For some reason, they just click. Jack jokes and smiles his way past her formidable defenses and Maeve accidentally finds herself having fun. For the first time in a long time she lets her guard down, lets loose and has a good time. A really good time.

After waking up at Jack's mildly-disgusting bachelor pad the next morning, the bloom is off the rose. Business Maeve is back. She kinda likes this funny, free-spirited man, but a giant man-child just isn't the right partner for her. She says her goodbyes with no intention of ever seeing him again. That is, until she finds out that she's pregnant. Something she had been told was an impossibility due to her super-physiology.

Now, with a super powered bun in the oven, Maeve has to reassess her entire life plan, including her relationship with Jack. She struggles to find a way to tell him he's going to be a father without fueling his hopes of them living happily ever after — only to find herself dating and possibly falling in love with him. All while Jack struggles with the possibility of growing up and going straight in order to win Maeve's heart. A plan his frat buddies are definitely NOT on board with.

Judith Grace Bassat

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Rutger Oosterhoff

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Dustin Quinteros

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Dustin Quinteros

Great concept, but the loglines a little confusing and wordy. I'm having a similar problem. Maybe try this formula?


John Theroux

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Cannon Rosenau

Agree with Dustin. LOVE the concept, but too much details in the logline which is viewed as a rookie mistake. Loglines are hard though. Play around with it, but keep it down to 20-30 words max. The concept should be enough to intrigue. And your concept is. Also your title is perfect!

Write a dozen or so, read them to your friends, post them here. The logline is so important as it is the gatekeeper to getting your script read.

Here are some samples of just vomiting out different loglines:

When a do-good superhero becomes pregnant with her archenemy's baby, she must straighten him out once and for all.

A do-good superhero gets knocked up by her archenemy.

When a straight laced superhero falls in love with her archenemy, she must send him packing until she finds out she's pregnant.

and so on and so on. Mine above are by no means good or great, but they'll help you see that you can say what you were trying to say, but by being concise.

Rich Hynes

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Nathaniel Baker

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Tasha Lewis

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