Great title, Travis Seppala! It sums up the movie in one second.
I think your logline needs a little work. I suggest changing "young" to the main flaw that the scholar has to overcome or an adjective that describes the scholar's personality.
And I suggest telling what the crew does after coming across the creatures. Does the crew fight the creatures and try to kill them?
I also suggest adding the stakes for the crew if you can. It could just be fighting to stay alive.
Maurice Vaughan The scholar is a young woman who must dress as a man for her scholarly endeavors (as this was a time when women could not be academics). She has a theory that many mythical creatures are actually creatures from other planets living on Earth.
She stows away on the ship, gets found out and then discovered to be a woman. The pirates encouter aliens and fighting ensues.
Meanwhile, the Royal Navy is after them as well and get pulled into the fight with the aliens (who resemble creatures like mermaids, fish bishops, a kraken, etc).
Vincent Turner Your suggested logline here doesn't really tell anything about what the story is about, though? You're just saying "people go on an adventure". lol No specificity there.
How about this, Travis Seppala: On the search for treasure, a young female scholar dressed as a man and a crew of pirates battle deadly aliens while fleeing from the Royal Navy.
Or this: A young female scholar dressed as a man and a crew of pirates battle deadly aliens while fleeing from the Royal Navy.
Maurice Vaughan I like that second one better. Partly because your first one suggests the scholar is looking for treasure (she's not - she's looking for proof of her theory of aliens on Earth, it's the pirates who are after treasure that got lost in the teaser sequence). I'll give it a bit more thought. I've got time, the script is only a 1st draft so far, that I'll be marking up for a draft 2 soon.
Maurice Vaughan My hope is that this one will at least get me READ! Although, who knows. I've got a few other big budget tenpole projects like this that are just collecting dust (like my Santa Claus origin script, my Captain Hook origin script, my "The Craft on steroids" script, etc). Because, as a nobody, no one gives a shit about my scripts unless they're microbudgets that can someone can pick up and make today. Which is sad, because I have so much more fun writing big things like this.
A young scholar seeking adventure joins a band of treasure-hunting pirates, only to unravel a hidden world of alien creatures that threaten to turn their quest into a fight for survival.
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Great title, Travis Seppala! It sums up the movie in one second.
I think your logline needs a little work. I suggest changing "young" to the main flaw that the scholar has to overcome or an adjective that describes the scholar's personality.
And I suggest telling what the crew does after coming across the creatures. Does the crew fight the creatures and try to kill them?
I also suggest adding the stakes for the crew if you can. It could just be fighting to stay alive.
2 people like this
Maurice Vaughan The scholar is a young woman who must dress as a man for her scholarly endeavors (as this was a time when women could not be academics). She has a theory that many mythical creatures are actually creatures from other planets living on Earth.
She stows away on the ship, gets found out and then discovered to be a woman. The pirates encouter aliens and fighting ensues.
Meanwhile, the Royal Navy is after them as well and get pulled into the fight with the aliens (who resemble creatures like mermaids, fish bishops, a kraken, etc).
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this one is great but I'll show you again
A crew of pirates shipmate a young scholar during their adventures.
if cgi isn't there you gotta have a logline
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Vincent Turner Your suggested logline here doesn't really tell anything about what the story is about, though? You're just saying "people go on an adventure". lol No specificity there.
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How about this, Travis Seppala: On the search for treasure, a young female scholar dressed as a man and a crew of pirates battle deadly aliens while fleeing from the Royal Navy.
Or this: A young female scholar dressed as a man and a crew of pirates battle deadly aliens while fleeing from the Royal Navy.
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Maurice Vaughan I like that second one better. Partly because your first one suggests the scholar is looking for treasure (she's not - she's looking for proof of her theory of aliens on Earth, it's the pirates who are after treasure that got lost in the teaser sequence). I'll give it a bit more thought. I've got time, the script is only a 1st draft so far, that I'll be marking up for a draft 2 soon.
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Cool, Travis Seppala. I definitely think you have a winner with this script!
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Maurice Vaughan My hope is that this one will at least get me READ! Although, who knows. I've got a few other big budget tenpole projects like this that are just collecting dust (like my Santa Claus origin script, my Captain Hook origin script, my "The Craft on steroids" script, etc). Because, as a nobody, no one gives a shit about my scripts unless they're microbudgets that can someone can pick up and make today. Which is sad, because I have so much more fun writing big things like this.
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Have you thought about submitting to these lists, Travis Seppala:
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A young scholar seeking adventure joins a band of treasure-hunting pirates, only to unravel a hidden world of alien creatures that threaten to turn their quest into a fight for survival.
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Maurice Vaughan No. For reasons I won't go into.