Jerry Pozner: Screenwriter in Hollywood, Florida.

Jerry Pozner

Glad you joined us Natacia.

The Manibusan

Thank you in return Mr. Pozner.

Jerry Pozner

Harrish glad you joined

Harish Kumar V

thank you!

Jerry Pozner

Bob: Glad you joined our group.

Jerry Pozner

Sherry--Glad you joined us.Best of luck from your windy city.

Sherry McGuinn

Thanks, Jerry. And still cold as hell. In April!

Jerry Pozner

It's pretty hot here in Florida. Need a break from the pitch sessions.

Sherry McGuinn

In the 40s here. Hop on a plane. Would love to trade war stories and perhaps lend some support. I’m at

Jerry Pozner

Hi Bill. I got a kick out of your Ft. Lauderdale log line as 1967 was the first year I moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL and todsy I live in Hollywood, FL. Did you ever sell that script?

Jerry Pozner

Julia--Glad to have you aboard the network.

Julia Parker

Looking forward to collaborating, Jerry!

Jerry Pozner

Hello Radall--Glad to have you join our network.

Jerry Pozner

best of luck

Jerry Pozner

Caterina--Glad to have you aboard. I used to live in Yonkers

Caterina Campagna

Nice to meet you! Read your bio, thank you for your service!

Jerry Pozner

Thanks Caterina. Good luck in the future.

Jerry Pozner

Good luck Oddi.

Jerry Pozner

Hi Rogue--Glad to have you join my network. I also have a PTSD script about a Vietnam War vet. Perhaps you might be interested in this?

Jerry Pozner

Hello Stanley: I have been in you net work for several weeks but have been unable to contact you until now, Wonder if you might like to take a look at my action/drama script "Monkey Pudding" ? The log line is "A traumatized, wounded Vietnam war vet hero struggles to rehabilitate himself from the war...

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Jerry Pozner

Hi! Anthony glad t have you aboard.

Jerry Pozner

Glad to have you with us Calvin.

Calvin Bender

Thank you, Jerry.

Jerry Pozner

Dan--glad to have you aboard.

Dan Jablons

Thanks Jerry! Working on any fun things these days?

Jerry Pozner

Nothing Dan- I am just trying to sell my action drama script "Monkey Pudding."

Jerry Pozner

Todd: I think I can send the synopsis for my Monkey Pudding Script as an attachment.

Jerry Pozner

Todd: I tried to send you an e-mail at the merrilent sfc global mail but it did not go thru. Do you have another e-mail for me?

Jerry Pozner

Hi! Todd

Would you kindly send me your e-mail so I can send you the synopsis of my "Monkey Pudding" script that we previously spoke about last week. I tried to send it on the Stage32 site but it would not go thru.

Best: Jerry Pozner

Jerry Pozner

Hi! Tom. How do I access they happy writers pitch sessions so I can pitch one of my scripts. I don't seem to know how to navigate their site.? I read about your scripts and you seem to be on the right track.

Tom Sanford

Hi there Jerry, sorry about the delayed response. It's the busy season for my business so I haven't visited the site here for a while. The pitch sessions are above under 'Script Services.' I've pitched a couple here, it's been a positive and productive experience both times.

Jerry Pozner

Dear Stanley- Wonder if you might like to take a look at my Vietnam War era drama script named "Monkey Pudding" which I adapted from my published novel. The log line is "A traumatized wounded Vietnam War vet hero struggles to rehabilitate himself from the war, the tragic death of his wife and involv...

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Jerry's network

Brad Ryba
Doug Conant
Lorenz Mueller
Jonathan Rodriguez
Emine Dursun
Phil Clarke
James V. Hart
Dov S-S Simens
Brian Kurtis
Dain F. Turner
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