Kaye Jimenez's Lounge Discussions

Patrick White
Self Proclaimed Experts

Is there anyone out there that is an actual expert on writing, and selling screenplays? I have read so many posts from people who have nothing but book knowledge. or for the love of God, refer me to a link I can research.

David Ashutosh

I have had enough appreciation for my editing on scripts that I have considered doing it professionally, but frankly I don't like reading scripts THAT much. I would rather work at writing them. If/whe...

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Leonard Benedetto

There's a big difference between a publisher with a staff of editors and a script consulting service with a staff of readers. The editors get a salary while the readers are paid per assignment. And one site that wanted me were charging 150 for script analysis, of which I was going to get 80.

Leonard Benedetto

Most writers who hire me want notes (analysis). Some want coverage to see how their scripts will be received by a production company or agency. and of course, the production companies I work for want...

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Leonard Benedetto

Dan, I do teleplays, but usually pilots rather than spec scripts. The companies/agencies I work for never dealt with spec scripts, so don't have much experience with them. The same for sitcoms - never had much exposure to them

Leonard Benedetto

Thanks T for that unsolicitied reference.......and I think there's a dozen roses outside your front door but I don't know how they got there.

Jac Davyn
Nudity & Sex scenes

This is something common I guess but I am afraid of doing sex scenes and I feel uncomfortable with showing my body naked. Moreover, I would not know how to tell my parents that I did a film with sex scenes. You know, I will always be there baby and pure and innocent... So how do you overcome this fe...

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JD Hartman

Four (4) year old zombie thread guys......

Benjamin M. Allotey

So let me get this straight. Your Dad can deal with you killing someone but making love to someone on screen he can't? I understand as a father that would be a bitter pill to swallow but damn! I notic...

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Christopher Von Grebe

So...in a professional shoot, you should know from the breakdown that there's nudity and/or a sex scene. If that's not for you, then you shouldn't submit or audition, and your agent should make sure s...

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Benjamin M. Allotey

Exactly! No one is forcing the actors to be nude. If there's nudity it's usually listed in the casting call. If you don't want to do nude, don't audition for the role.

Michael Wearing

Instead of asking the question " should I do nudity scenes?" Ask you're self this question "what roles am I unsuitable for and what roles would I be suitable for? Now as you list them out you will see...

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Daniel Dore
Finding an agent

I find that when you're starting in this business, it is very difficult to find yourself an agent. I've been writing for a couple of years now and I believe my scripts are good, but I just can't seem to find an agent to get back to me. Anybody have some tips on getting a good agent? Thanks in advance for all your help.

Robin Chappell

The best way to get an agent is to enter into screenwriting contests and place high up. Then you have to look for an agent (boutique -- small 'mom' and 'pop' agency) and get started with them. I've pl...

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R. David Shuster

Quite right Robin - It is largely impossible to get an agent or agency. Mathematically, your odds of getting representation is 0% no matter how skilled you may be. In the community where I live the va...

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Amy Kelly

It is probably a good idea to think about being your own agent until you land a possible sale. I agree with Lyse that your time would be better spent finding a manager. One tip I took seriously was e-...

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Daniel Dore

Thanks Robin, Amy and David. All the help I can get is very welcomed.

Alfred Goode

hey rich im looking for an cheap agent for commericial,film,and or tv. I no u said i should be my own agent but its hard to get into the bussiness that way. I totally agree with u no body can sell me...

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Anna Maria Elisa Manalo
Pitchfest Blues

I just came out of a Pitchfest (my second and most expensive one) and ended up giving almost every producer I met a One-Sheet. Is that a standard M.O. for producers who just want a nice way to say "Not interested", or did I just hit the lottery for "Best Pitcher of the Week"?

Kaye Jimenez

Hahaha, at the least, I hope it's the latter. And you never know, any one of those producers could call/email for your script any minute now. Guess what? On the same day as the Hollywod Pitchfest ther...

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Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

No, never tried it. Gives you a chance to make a perfect pitch, though. The negative is you don't get to network from what I hear.

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