Official clip from Jay Palmieri Jr.'s lgbt/erotic thriller, TASTE Starring: Christina Toth, Danielle Kronenberg Writer/Director: Jay Palmieri Jr. Producers: ...
Teaser trailer for erotic thriller, Taste. Starring: Danielle Kronenberg, Christina Toth, Linda Wartenweiler, Elcio Monteze, Stephanie Rupe, Jessica Davis, H...
Clip from Prophecy, Written/Directed by: Jay Palmieri Jr.!!!! Starring: Anthony Boike, Stevie Tosh, & Susan Kirby Editor: Josh Winker & Director of Photography: Eleni Karmiri
Official 2012 Trailer to Jay Palmieri Jr.'s horror short, Delusion. Starring: Mary Davila-Delgado and Linda Wartenweiler.
Official Trailer for PROPHECY, Written/Directed by: Jay Palmieri Jr. Starring: Stevie Tosh, Anthony Boike, Susan Kirby, Casey Leigh Thompson, Sanford Wilson, Linda Wartenweiler, Isabelle Sitterle, Sylke Freeke, Courtney Minetti, and Ray Diaz Director Of Photography: Eleni Karmiri
Writing/Directing Reel for Jay Palmieri Jr.!!!!!!!!!!!