Richard Sosa's Lounge Discussions

Jac Davyn
Nudity & Sex scenes

This is something common I guess but I am afraid of doing sex scenes and I feel uncomfortable with showing my body naked. Moreover, I would not know how to tell my parents that I did a film with sex scenes. You know, I will always be there baby and pure and innocent... So how do you overcome this fe...

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JD Hartman

Four (4) year old zombie thread guys......

Benjamin M. Allotey

So let me get this straight. Your Dad can deal with you killing someone but making love to someone on screen he can't? I understand as a father that would be a bitter pill to swallow but damn! I notic...

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Christopher Von Grebe a professional shoot, you should know from the breakdown that there's nudity and/or a sex scene. If that's not for you, then you shouldn't submit or audition, and your agent should make sure s...

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Benjamin M. Allotey

Exactly! No one is forcing the actors to be nude. If there's nudity it's usually listed in the casting call. If you don't want to do nude, don't audition for the role.

Michael Wearing

Instead of asking the question " should I do nudity scenes?" Ask you're self this question "what roles am I unsuitable for and what roles would I be suitable for? Now as you list them out you will see...

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Chanel Ashley
Would you consider "live" sex in your movie?

I recently discussed a sex scene/simulated sex with actors and asked how they would approach such a scene - to my surprise, a few suggested they would consider "live" sex, as in not simulated, if it were a script that appealed - they seemed comfortable with that scenario - WOULD YOU FILM SUCH A SCEN...

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Leon Reaper

well Chanel it was a hard decision, but after some heavy thought for about 5 seconds, I knew it was the right and kindest thing to do.

Leon Reaper


Chanel Ashley

I admire benevolence and great sacrifice, you're full of it, lol.

Billy Dominick

as far as some board not rating it why do they need to be told that it's for real instead of fake.

Mark Ratering

My latest script I have live sex but cover up with sheets.

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