Merry Christmas to all stage32 communitie! In my country Ethiopa Christmas is after 2 weeks due to our different calender year. So I would love to say 'መልካም በዓል' which means Happy Holidays in Amharic
Merry Christmas to all stage32 communitie! In my country Ethiopa Christmas is after 2 weeks due to our different calender year. So I would love to say 'መልካም በዓል' which means Happy Holidays in Amharic
Hello Friends, I've been writing movie scripts and TV pilots in total for the last 7 years. I'm currently working on two TV pilots and a movie short. My first pilot, "The White Hats", (based on the real life NJ Organized Crime Investigator's life and career) was a top 5 winner in TV Writer Chat pilo...
Expand postHello Friends, I've been writing movie scripts and TV pilots in total for the last 7 years. I'm currently working on two TV pilots and a movie short. My first pilot, "The White Hats", (based on the real life NJ Organized Crime Investigator's life and career) was a top 5 winner in TV Writer Chat pilot writing program. I currently work with Autistic High School students, but my real passion is Writing. After working so hard on my writing, I realized what is missing in my writing life is daily interaction with other TV writers. I'd love to build a network of TV writers, for the purpose of giving each other feedback, as well as guidance into the industry. All the best to everyone.
Welcome to Stage 32 Christina! Good luck with all you do and dream and have fun and great success networking here :)
I learned about the TV Writers Fellowship programs in LA from a script consultant working there. Living in NJ, I was very disappointed to learn there are no programs like that in NYC. If I were single and didn't have a family getting on a plane to LA wouldn't be an issue, but that's not the case. So...
Expand postI learned about the TV Writers Fellowship programs in LA from a script consultant working there. Living in NJ, I was very disappointed to learn there are no programs like that in NYC. If I were single and didn't have a family getting on a plane to LA wouldn't be an issue, but that's not the case. So, I'm looking for someone who knows of anyone who would be willing to start TV writing fellowships in NYC. I'm sure there would be a very high enrollment. Oh, and I'd be more than willing to help promote it. Thanks
Looking for an improv class in NJ or NYC. Anyone have any info. about where I can find a good one?
Im not sure about NJ but in NYC The Pit is great for improv [][1] check it out [1]:
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too.
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Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year to everyone !!
Amazing! I am from Brazil and have never heard before of these special characters or that in Ethiopia you have a different calendar. Thanks for sharing! Brazil is a country in South America colonized...
Expand commentAmazing! I am from Brazil and have never heard before of these special characters or that in Ethiopia you have a different calendar. Thanks for sharing! Brazil is a country in South America colonized by portuguese which brought the Christian creed from Europe, but we also have a dozen african-brazilian cults, like umbanda, due to the african popularion brought to Brazil (enslaved) to work in industrial-scale crops (from 17th to 19th centuriões), and also we have the native indigenous people spiritual awakeniing rituals which commonly involve psychoactive substances such as the famous ayahuasca brew. Now you know a bit about Brazil and our three different influences in our culture! Happy Holliday!
@Jarbas Clareto Lucas thank you for sharing about your country! I am a football fan & a proud supporter of team Brazil during international matches. I hope to visit someday.