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By Antonio F. Vianna

GENRE: Historical

While guarding artwork in the Führerbau that Hitler had stolen, an American soldier finds a bronze desk set that seems to have been owned by the dictator. He sends the object home to his parents as a souvenir. Over 40 years later he realizes the desk set was used to sign the 1938 Munich Pact and he must fend off others who desperately want the "MacGuffin" at whatever means necessary.


Tommy Martin and his family celebrate his 90th birthday in Houston, Texas. Everyone is happy and joins in singing. He is asked by his middle son, Frank, to talk about his Army experience during WWII. In a series of flashbacks between present day and 1944 Tommy explains. He and 15,000 US troops land in Marseille under hectic and nerve-racking conditions. None of the soldiers have been in a ship before or away from home. Moving into the smaller transport boats that take them to shore prove perilous as well since many soldiers, unable to swim and carrying 30 pounds of equipment on their backs, drown before reaching land. Far enough away, but still close enough to see, the soldiers see a German plane destroy a ship. Those who survive begin a long walk to Munich, experiencing battle victories along the way, as well as further loss of fellow soldiers that total close to half of those that set foot in Marseille. Tommy is nearly killed by shrapnel from a German attack but a metal case carrying his missal saves him. Tommy also tends to a German soldier in his last minutes of life as he gives the German his pair of rosary beads. Tommy earns the Bronze Star Commendation after the War and Purple Heart during his tour of duty and he is commissioned as a Lieutenant as well. During the last few months before discharge and return home to Houston Tommy is assigned to Munich, the location of Hitler's Führerbau. There he is ordered to protect priceless works of art that Hitler had stolen. During that time, in the basement of the Führerbau, many personal items that belonged to Hitler are accidentally found. One item is the desk set that was used to sign the 1938 Munich Pact. Not understanding its importance at the time Tommy asks for authorization to send the object to his parents as a souvenir. He is granted permission and soon forgets about the object. More than 40 years after World War II ends Tommy watches on television a RKO newsreel documentary that draws attention to the desk set. The narrator indicates the item has probably been destroyed. But if it exists it is priceless. Tommy realizes he owns the valuable item. Against the wishes of his wife he decides to find the value of the item. He teams up with his son and then later on meets a man who completes his inner circle. Disappointing leads and a trail of tears lead them nowhere as the trio runs into people who attempt to take advantage of them. Their undertaking takes them to a wide assortment of interested parties. He hides the item in a safe place. In the end, Tommy questions if he's been chasing shadows for such a long time and should donate the desk set to a suitable museum as his wife had pleaded with him during all those years.

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