Bob Vance's Lounge Discussions

Bob Vance
Check out my substack pages

Sam Mannetti

Welcome Bob! What do you write about?

Niki H

Hi Bob, lovely to meet you! What kind of content do you have on your substack? I know people are often leery to go to a website or click on a link without knowing anything. I'd love to hear more about what you're working on and your interests!

Bob Vance

poetry, short fiction, absurdist blurbs, opinion, plays, humor, photography... ie: everything including the kitchen sink. Compendium: The Kitchen Sink.

Andy Davie
The dreaded block!

Hello fellow creatives... I'm wondering (again) how you overcome creative blocks when you're writing or creating in your chosen medium? Currently I'm working on a screenplay which started life as a short and keep finding that the story isn't flowing as swiftly as I would normally like. Instead of fi...

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Andy Davie

Well said Mark and Wayne, you're on the money when it comes to both realisations, either scenario you put forward can be solved, but the loss of passion is perhaps the hardest one to restore... still,...

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Ricky Hawthorne

Go and do something ridiculous, outrageous, in public even and see how that makes you feel. Then write about it. Even if it's crap it'll get you moving again

Andy Davie

Hey if it's mad enough Ricky it could become a story on the news :-) I hear what you're saying though, the distraction etc could free up the creative flow... Cheers Andy

Donna M. Carbone

I teach the "Writing the Feature Screenplay" course at the Burt Reynolds Institute. Ours is a think tank atmosphere... students bring ten new pages a week and we "perform" them in as a staged reading....

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Andy Davie

Hey Donna, I've kind of been sharing with fellow creatives on here and it certainly helped a great deal. I finished the script in question this very afternoon! Letting it sit for a bit before I go thr...

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J.D. Coburn
The Difference Between GOOD Acting and BAD Acting

My name is Joseph Dean Coburn and I teach acting. Once in a while, when meeting someone new, I am asked, "What kind of acting do you teach?" "Good acting." is my response. So, what's the difference between Good and Bad acting? Good acting is so simple. The late, Sanford Meisner would say, "Disabuse...

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Molly Kerr

Wait a second! I do theatre for kids and I AM expected to throw my hands around and warble and make funny faces! Are you invalidating my performance? Are you calling me a BAD actor because I'm 'acting...

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Molly Kerr

Oh gawd, just read all the comments. Why did it need to get personal guys? Debating acting theory is a beautiful and constructive thing. Saying, "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU" to an actor is just harsh. And ina...

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Jennifer Lynn

Hello Mr. Coburn, love your comment. I have heard these words from my acting teachers also. Don't act they say. Just be. Forced acting is easy to spot, but sometimes hard to fix. I find myself drawn t...

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Peter Holdway

Is that your final word..?

Sherry Davila

Pass the pop corn :)

Sara Adams
Handling Real Life

Just wondering if anyone's ever come up against this... I'm toying with a narrative involving the life of a friend who's led a pretty varied existence over the last six years. And that's putting it mildly. Here's the problem though; her family is essentially family to me. So in spite of being able t...

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Albert Barrera

Feel free to change their names and appearances - completely re-imagine the characters that way they're virtually unrecognizable from the real people.

Wayne Allen Holland

True life characters can be some of the best to create stories about. How close you are to your subject can be a double edged sword. Will the story show them in a negative light or positive? can you b...

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Ceidrik Heward

I've just completed a screenplay SHADES OF LOVE which details the experiences of a friend who had a love affair with a man behind his wife's back (she still doesn't know) His lover died and continues...

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Lee Stevens

One way out is to write it while its fresh in your mind and then save it.Time and distance will put everything in perhaps in better perspective and take some of the emotional sting out of it. I have a...

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Krystal Fields

I have a similar situation one of my pals! I've asked to write her story and she's concerned about jeopardizing individuals she came in contact with who had security clearances. I decided on developin...

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