Thomas F Henley's Lounge Discussions

Shooting a short with a very low budget

How can you shoot a short on racism with possibly zero money and a mini video cam? Do you think it's possible? Any suggestions?

Wayne Daye////////// Daylight

Irina just be still and no that he IS my friend//////GOD//////////// the best is yet to come ,all in due time my sister so just keep on doing what u are doing and he will make a way

Irina Penn

Stacy it's the thought that counts, and the fact that you and everybody else has given me so much with advice is the best contribution I could ever wish for!Break a leg with your film as well, hopeful...

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Joe Becker

you can invite us all to your premier, we'll meet then.

Irina Penn

OK, I will Joe. :)

Jason Prugar

Hi Irina! This is actually easier than you think. ALL of my short films are done this way. First of all, simply ask. You'd be surprised at how far asking nicely and giving credit will go. Use friends...

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Amit Mehra
My First Film - EKANTH (Island Man)

Thank you everyone for such a kind response and taking out time to watch my film and sharing your feedback. It has been most helpful and encouraging. Thanks again.

Janet Scott

At first, I thought, that the boy was a vision of the main character as a child. After another watch, I realise that the boy is a separate character. Yet, I still feel the boy was only in the main cha...

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Amit Mehra

Thank you :)

Amit Mehra


Rossi Mobis

Appreciate this...

Amit Mehra


Of Loss and Zombies Short Film

Hi all, I am trying to shoot my first film, and I need crowdsource help to get funding for props and equipment. I have a kickstarter page up: -If I'm going about this the wrong way, please message me and let me know/give me...

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Thomas F Henley

PS: The camera used for the fundraiser page is definitely not the camera that will be used to shoot the film! The film will be shot on a Panasonic GH2.

Jack Binder

Good luck with the campaign! Like the title.

Of Loss and Zombies Short Film

I'm new here, and I'm not sure I'm going about this the right way, but I am hoping so. I am trying to shoot my first film, and I need crowdsource help to get funding for props and equipment. I have a kickstarter page up: -If...

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Thomas F Henley

PS: The camera used for the fundraiser page is definitely not the camera that will be used to shoot the film! The film will be shot on a Panasonic GH2.

Looking for tips on crowdsource funding

I'm looking to connect with people who have run successful Kickstarter campaigns. I am about to launch my first one, and I have done some preliminary legwork such as joining forums and actively participating. I would like to know any other tips you might have for me. Like most independent filmmakers...

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