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A group of high school freshmen try to recruit a former Navy Seal to help them steal the mascot of their rival high school, but when their efforts are hindered at every step by their own principal and gang of nerds bent on dominating the school, will they be able to bring home the bacon?
It's hard to be the new kid at school, especially if your father has just passed away. Add to that being the target of a nerd gang and alienating all your classmates in your very first class, and life will generally suck if your Charlie Drumhouse. But Charlie doesn't wallow in this miserable existence, he uses it to his benefit. He learns about a challenge that occurs every year, where students from both his school and their rival high school try to steal each other's mascot.
Charlie believes that stealing the mascot will help garner him the respect he needs to get the gang off his back and win the attention of the girl of his dreams. Charlie assembles a team of nerd all-stars to take on the challenge. But the gang he's up against will stop at nothing to protect their status as the king of the high school nerd hill, and having the backing of the school principal only seems to solidify their position.
But this isn't just any mascot they want to steal -- this is a 500 pound hog, and stealing it is probably not something they teach at Charlie's high school. The team needs help -- someone who's handled dangerous missions before. Enter the school's head of security, "Killer" Mankins, a rough, gruff, former Navy Seal. If anyone can help train them, this guy can. Except he has no interest in getting involved, and the school's principal has declared that anyone who does take on the challenge will be suspended from school
With some persuasion from an unlikely source, Killer acquiesces to Charlie's demands, and the training begins. Unfortunately, the training doesn't go as expected, and the principal and the rival gang try to shut it all down. Killer gets caught in the crossfire and his job is a casualty. Seeking revenge, Killer sends the team on a dangerous mission into their own school to prove their worth and to prepare them for the challenge.
Successful in that mission, the team undertakes the effort to steal their rival's mascot -- at a party attended by the most of the enemy students. It's an undercover adventure with plenty of fireworks, chases and best of all, a flying pig.
Ultimately, "Squeal Team Six" is a story about acceptance, loss, and perseverance, and how standing up for others is just as important as standing up for yourself.
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Worth the price of admission for the title alone.