Hi everyone! I have a question. I have written a book which has been read by thousands of people worldwide, but it's not on the best-seller list. Most of my readers asked me if it would be turned into a movie. So I have been trying to realize that for 2 years now. However, everytime I would reach out to a producer, director or a film studio, I get a nervous letter back from their legal department, saying that my letter was not solicited and they made it clear to never contact them again. Some studios are rude, others sweet, but the message is still the same. So that means I need an agent. I then reached out to as many agents and agencies I could find, but still got the reply that they could not read unsolicited mail. As you may understand, my frustration grew. I have even found a potentially interested investor for 70% of the estimated 50 million Dollar budget. I have a synopsis of a possible screenplay, which still needs to be written, but I cannot move forward until I have found financial backing to hire a professional to write the script. For it is a trade much underestimated and undervalued. Then people from the film biz, who cannot help me, but do advise me on certain matters, said that I don't need an agent at all, but an interested director with the right contacts in the business. Still, how do I reach out to directors without getting the boot before even reaching one? I am not giving up. I am a YES girl. But I have been punished for my perseverance with rudeness and by many people turning their backs towards me without even looking. The big guys are all too high and mighty so I'm no longer coming near them. They seem to be paranoid. I am a sober, down to earth, realistic and ready-for-action 47 years old woman, not a dreamer. I have reached out to the entire top in movie making with no results other than becoming the most famous unknown person in certain Hollywood circles... Oh, I know Hollywood is changing. I saw it all happen before my eyes... so I am looking for synergy, innovation, new media and a team who wants to work with their hearts, because this project will be an adventure with a depth. We all want to work with the big guys, the big studios, for that makes worldwide distribution easier. But what about joining forces enabling new talents to work with big giants? A learning stage for people who come fresh from the academy and film schools, mixing internship with real movie making in an international co-production? Which big giant would be brave enough to step down a little and work with newbies to help them up? I believe in my project. I continue where the Da Vinci Code stopped and the star of my show is the real Indiana Jones, a Nazi relic hunter called Otto Rahn. The story is based on true facts and takes people on quite a ride. Check it all out on www.jeannedaout.com. I am already writing out the important storylines for the screenplay and have done location scouting for the French scenes. I have a few ideas for the casting and am full of inspiration to become the creative director and creative producer of this movie. My train is already in motion. So... do I really need an agent to do this? How do I make noise for this project without getting the boot while still in the parking lot? Thanks so much for your time everyone and in advance for any advice! xox