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By Gavion E. Chandler

GENRE: Drama

                                             THE CIGARETTE BURN

The Cigarette Burn: leaving in its wake the seared and flaky flesh of the most delicate and conscientious of observers.

So the chain-smoking, coffee imbibing “man without a name” informs us. Angry and half mad, but entirely ‘rational’, “Just Joe” (the closest that we get to a name- albeit in joke form) pits himself as the calm observer of humanity . He does this even as the melodrama of life as we know it plays itself out behind him and he screams at the top of his rasper voice.

Another interesting character is the non-static server. He’s capable of matching he sardonic pessimism of “Joe”, yet acts to subvert the serious gravity with which our nameless one hits- something which he does with an acidic irony and, as times, a naivety.

                                                                                                  Play By: Gavion E Chandler~
                                                                                                  Synopsis By: Daniel Mollenkamp



                                                                                                     *'Man is his own devil.'*


THE CIGARETTE BURN The Cigarette Burn is a play that comes to turn the tables on the audience, who are use to keeping the 'Human Condition' at an arm's length distance while the players and their characters are left to endure trials and tribulations, and are the constant subject of our hopes, fears, sorrows and pains. Here the Man with a cup of coffee and a cigarette and his Server friend (for the lack of term of estranged endearment) engage the audience as the plays of life unravel behind in pantomine realities shifting from state of consciousness to the next as Man directly engages and inquires the audience of their own humanity, leaving them raw with those realities that we like to pretend that don't really apply to us. Gavion E. Chandler~

Gavion E. Chandler

This is my first logline let me know if I did it right or not. Thanks

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