Brandon Solomon's Lounge Discussions

Luis R. Quintero
Which activities make you lose…

Which activities make you lose track of time?

Kent Courtney

Editing audio. I'm a perfectionist. I just spent all day on a little over three minutes of audio track. The sound is tweaked and balanced. There's nothing like the joy of calling the client and telling him that I'm sending him an mp3 - two days ahead of schedule :)

Linda Meyer

writing, watching tv and reading are all things that I start off thinking I'm just going to do for a couple hours and the next thing I know I've been doing those things for uptp 20 hours. If I'm in the writing zone it's great, but if I'm in tv watching mode, it's not so great.

Nicky Subono

watching tv while knitting ( no i'm not an old lady with 27 cats =p), writing, reading and going to the mall.

Ricardo Yonathan Orta

Mostly Preproduction of multiple projects at once, which it ends up combining them in a one single feature.

Tony Knucklez

Making a beat. Lost in the emotions of every sound day turns into night and then 3days later.......Completed. So you say time?? I say days hahaha

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