DJ Travis

DJ Travis


Moorpark, California

Member Since:
January 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About DJ

DJ Travis is a graduate of the UCLA Professional Program for Screenwriting. Previously, Travis was a selected participant for the American Film Institute's Television Writers Workshop: Writing the Television Movie (Director, Ken Kaufman).

Travis holds a B.A. degree in Broadcast Journalism from USC, and received a certificate from the Institute of Children's Literature for completing the course of study "Writing for Children and Teenagers." Travis' supplemental writing education includes workshops and seminars, such as Robert McKee's Story Structure.

Travis has completed a number of feature scripts and has also provided script polish/revision services for development executives, including firms such as Glass House Distribution and ANEW.

In addition, Travis has over fourteen years of entertainment industry experience working at a variety of production/distribution companies.




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