Thank you everyone for such a kind response and taking out time to watch my film and sharing your feedback. It has been most helpful and encouraging. Thanks again.
Thank you everyone for such a kind response and taking out time to watch my film and sharing your feedback. It has been most helpful and encouraging. Thanks again.
Here's a scene I adapted for a class at Art Center. It was originally a scene from David Mamet's screenplay "The Untouchables" between Kevin Costner and Sean Connery, two law enforcement officers. It's a learning experience for me - I haven't written very much - so I'd lov...
Expand postHere's a scene I adapted for a class at Art Center. It was originally a scene from David Mamet's screenplay "The Untouchables" between Kevin Costner and Sean Connery, two law enforcement officers. It's a learning experience for me - I haven't written very much - so I'd love to hear opinions of what you think worked and what didn't work in the adaptation and why. See the original scene 16 minutes into the film "The Untouchables" (Netflix Streaming). It's when Sean Connery's character is first introduced on the bridge. Thank you for any feedback!
Hey Bryan nicely made film. It just took me a moment to catch that these two people were father and son. They didn't really look alike, and I thought the Dad was quiet young. I know this is plausible...
Expand commentHey Bryan nicely made film. It just took me a moment to catch that these two people were father and son. They didn't really look alike, and I thought the Dad was quiet young. I know this is plausible they are family, the boy could even be adopted. But I think with a film this short you'd want to get that message across as quick and easy as possible. As I was watching it I was having thoughts unrelated to the plot - such as if the boy actually looks more like the mom, how close in age are these two, etc., and it took me out of the story a bit. I liked the music and the story itself was touching. It was sad that the Dad couldn't give the boy what he needed so bad in that moment, but that is also real to life. Parents aren't always perfect and it's hard to learn that when we need them the most! I also enjoyed that it opened with no dialogue. That could be boring but it really worked for me as I followed this kid around who's living in this silent hell.
Wonderful feedback! It is very helpful. You brought up some good points that I'll have to keep in mind on future short projects. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you!
As a film student, I've had the opportunity to play both roles as Director and DP on most of my projects... I'm looking to get a masters in directing or just head straight into freelance DP work.. I have a love for images and story, but I'm having trouble deciding which field to pursue because both...
Expand postAs a film student, I've had the opportunity to play both roles as Director and DP on most of my projects... I'm looking to get a masters in directing or just head straight into freelance DP work.. I have a love for images and story, but I'm having trouble deciding which field to pursue because both professions seem to center around the two. How do you know you were "meant" to be a DP opposed to being a Director? Is it better to pursue both?
Do a bit of both like Peter Jackson in his early career he directed, DPed at least a few shots, produced, and acted in all his early films and for most of his mega budget stuff too
as for me I write, produce, dp a few shots direct and edit cause I have a budget of less then 20 euro to work with most of the time
A DP can make a living much easier* than a Director- but if you advertise yourself as both, you will get far fewer calls as DP because directors do not want another director on their set. (*easier is...
Expand commentA DP can make a living much easier* than a Director- but if you advertise yourself as both, you will get far fewer calls as DP because directors do not want another director on their set. (*easier is relative- it has never been harder for a DP to make a lving, particularly starting out. Most working DP's are older and did not start as DPs, but as assistants, lighting crew, etc...)
i know DP Directors... they do get work, but I would recommend marketing yourself as a DP... most DP's direct, that is part of being a DP... look up Shane Hulbert... a DP who has directed some cool films as well... he is famous for the blow up Christian Bale on the Terminator Salvation movie
I'm a filmmaker, I do everything!
Hey everybody, I am a Grad Film student at Art Center College of Design. I'm originally from Pleasant Grove, Utah and still a Utah boy at heart. I've been in LA for 7 years and I'm loving it. I have worked in key positions on Shorts (Director, AD), Music Videos (AD for Imagine Dragons - "Demons"), a...
Expand postHey everybody, I am a Grad Film student at Art Center College of Design. I'm originally from Pleasant Grove, Utah and still a Utah boy at heart. I've been in LA for 7 years and I'm loving it. I have worked in key positions on Shorts (Director, AD), Music Videos (AD for Imagine Dragons - "Demons"), and Documentaries (filmmaker, camera). I am currently half way through my grad program and I have multiple upcoming short narrative projects that I'll need to get done that I don't even have scripts for yet, let alone ideas. I'm hoping to connect with talented writers that want to see their scripts shot, versatile actors that are hungry for on-screen experience, and find professional crew. I've lived in Brazil and speak Portuguese fluently so I would also like to extend my network into Portuguese-speaking regions of the world for future projects as well. Nice to meet you all! Let's make movies! - Bryan
Muito legal Bryan! Eu acabei de te enviar um pedido de amizade. Um forte abraço. Cacá.
Valeu Cacá. Abraços.
Sou escritor e autor teatral brasileiro.Também enviei pedido de amizade.
Aceitei. Bom te conhecer, amigo. Abraço.
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At first, I thought, that the boy was a vision of the main character as a child. After another watch, I realise that the boy is a separate character. Yet, I still feel the boy was only in the main cha...
Expand commentAt first, I thought, that the boy was a vision of the main character as a child. After another watch, I realise that the boy is a separate character. Yet, I still feel the boy was only in the main characters thoughts. So close, and yet so distant. I honestly thought the character was remembering an incident of himself as a child. Until, the boy helps him up and hands him his glasses. Beautifully filmed Amit. Beautiful cast also. The isolation the character felt, was wonderfully captured. Loved the choice of sounds that accompanied the piece also. I just wanted the film to go on... Thank you for sharing....
Thank you :)
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