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By Rob Tobin

GENRE: Not selected
LOGLINE: Hunted by a race of alien assassins, a half-human, half-alien Earth woman is tasked to pick 1,000 humans worth saving from an impending holocaust that will destroy every living being on Earth.


KRISTINE KINOSAKI is a famous art critic. One day she sees a man with tattoos, which she is startled to recognize as the work of world famous painter, LESLIE COOGAN, who died five years ago. Problem is, the tattoo was done two years ago. Kristine finds Coogan who tells her that years before he’d learned secret government information that made him a target, forcing him to fake his own death and disappear. Before Coogan can reveal anything else, a huge, frighteningly powerful MAN breaks into Coogan’s apartment, followed by several CIA AGENTS who the Man easily kills with supernatural strength and speed before killing Coogan and then turning to Kristine. Then, another man, DEERLING, nearly as large and powerful, shoots the larger man, saving Kristine’s life. Deerling explains that the huge “man” was a HUMALIEN, an alien occupying a physically and mentally enhanced human body in order to hide from an even more fearsome race of aliens known as OCHOBIS. The Ochobis destroyed the Humaliens’ home planet and chased them across the galaxy to get the secret of their advanced technologies, especially their weapons. The painter, Coogan, had learned about a computer storage drive that contains a large amount of Humalien technological information, the kind of information the Ochobis would kill for. The drive was recovered by the U.S. government from a Humalien spacecraft crashed on Earth after being damaged in a battle with the Ochobis. Deerling reveals that humanity has created an impending ecological holocaust that will destroy every living being on Earth within 50 years. Only the Humaliens, protected in a specially constructed underground Sanctuary, will survive. Kristine learns also that there is a third race: Hybrids, a cross between Humaliens and Hybrids. Though not as powerful as either Humaliens or Ochobis, Hybrids are far stronger, faster and more intelligent than normal humans. Deerling is a Hybrid. Then he reveals that Kristine is a Hybrid too. Suddenly her whole life of hiding her supernatural strength, speed and intelligence, and trying to fit in, makes sense to her. Deerling and Kristine barely escape a lone Ochobi “bounty hunter” who destroys Kristine’s condo. The Ochobi is after the Humalien storage drive and once he finds it he’ll tell the other Ochobis who’ll destroy the Earth. Deerling and Kristine meet a Humalien who tells them he’ll allow a thousand Hybrids into the Humalian Sanctuary if Deerling and Kristine can recover the Humalien storage drive and kill the Ochobi before he can alert the other Ochobis about the Humaliens. “What about humans?” Kristine asks. The Humalien, who does not like Hybrids and Kristine in particular, responds that the Humaliens will also allow 1,000 humans into Sanctuary – if she and Deerling can accomplish their task. “There are seven billion humans,” Kristine exclaims in horror. The Humalien stares. “Who’s going to pick the 1,000?” Kristine asks. The Humalien smiles and turns his reptilian eyes on her. “You,” he says. Kristine stares back, realizing that she’s just committed herself to deciding the fate of seven billion people. Deerling and Kristine track the Humalien hard drive and the Ochobi to an American military base. The wild, horrendous and bloody battle between the Hybrids and Ochobi begins in a super-secret sub basement and ends up on the roof of the building, with hundreds of American soldiers lying dead in between, but somehow the Hybrids defeat the wounded but still far more powerful Ochobi. In the middle of a desert, Deerling and Kristine watch as a thousand Hybrids enter one by one into Sanctuary. Kristine nods grimly and turns to leave. “Where are you going?” Deerling asks. “To pick a thousand human beings to save,” she says grimly. “And to leave the other seven billion to die.” Deerling watches her walk away, then curses and runs after her.

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