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An abrasive biker chick is suddenly thrust into Internet stardom against her will by her best friend becomes the target of those who want to end her Hollywood rise to fame permanently.
Donna, a hard-nosed motorcyclist with the body of a goddess, likes her simple small-town life. Her best friend, Sammi, is a computer nerd that dreams of being a photojournalist. While filming some stunt riding, Sammi captures Donna saving a man from a burning house. Sammi dubs Donna the "Iron Angel" and posts the video to social media. Within hours, Donna is an Internet sensation with over a million hits and the whole towns seen the video.
Days later, local media outlets are scrambling to interview the blond bombshell. Donna’s not interested. She can no longer have a drink at her favorite bar in peace. People won't leave her alone. A biker gang invades the bar. The leader has his eyes on Donna. The whole bar steps up to send the gang packing.
Velma, a nerd girl, is in love with a guy who won't give her the time of day. When Velma finds out that he is enamored by the Iron Angel, she begins a campaign of cyber terrorism against the Internet star.
Donna, convinced by Sammy, reluctantly does a morning talk show but blows a gasket when they offer her a movie contract. She punches out the host and winds up in jail. By coincidence, Velma’s anti-Iron Angel campaign has landed her in the next cell. Not being able to see each other, they talk and become fast friends. Sammi shows up to bail Donna out. When Velma realizes that Donna is the Iron Angel, she flies into a rage and swears to kill Donna.
The morning show agrees to drop the charges if Donna accepts the contract. Donna agrees and is flown to Hollywood. She gets accosted on the airplane, propositioned by a producer, messed with by the make-up team, criticized by casting, and revolted by a restaurant. Velma, following Donna, enlists the aid of the biker gang to kill her. Sammi discovers the plot and warns Donna.
Sammi and Donna are taken out to the movie set. Donna borrows a motorcycle. Several gang members give chase. Sammi grabs a bike and follows. Leading them into several traps, Donna and Sammi take out the gang members. Returning, Donna finds Velma holding the crew hostage. When Velma’s love interest shows up, she gives herself up. Unfortunately, the bike gang's leader shows up, shoots one of the crew, and kidnaps Donna.
On the highway, Donna is recognized by several fans. Realizing that she’s being kidnapped, they give chase. On a dead-end road, Donna frees herself and faces off with the leader. After several minutes of bare-knuckle brawling, Donna emerges victorious.
Back home, at the bar, Donna and Sammi throw back whiskey and discuss how badly the movie tanked. Donna will never do another. Sammi, on the other hand, has gained a bit of courage and a new job in New York. They drink and discuss plans to keep in touch.
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This is a subject of increasing interest in the social-media age, the possibility of crossing the media divide to go from consumer to provider.
Interesting logline.
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