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By Ruby Zandra Waller

GENRE: Documentary

Mother God reveals herself to Father God's blessed and highly favored baby girl during Ruby's out of body experience and helps the Obamian Nation move America forward under the Leadership of Barack Obama.


Ruby Zandra, deeply depressed after her brother's execution, her husband's stroke, the loss of their homes, the death of her father, the death of her sister, and the death of the mother she adored turned to writing poetry and prose to release the Blues that haunted her during a life time of poverty, sin, and shame. Ruby's Poem, "Reflections" looking back on her life with a praying mother and 7 siblings in the ghettos of Chester, PA won her a nomination for poet of the year, and set off a chain of events that led to Ruby being called by God to help His anointed one, Barack Obama, to become the first Brown president of the United States of America. "Kingmaker Blues" is a musical documentary screenplay that reveals the many "Blues" Ruby and the Obamian Nation of supporters standing with Barack Obama went through as Super Delegates pledged to Barack H. Obama, 44th President of these United States who rose from the ashes of Deceit from his own party to become the first Brown president of the United States whose mother and father turned out to be of African decent. In 2007 during the campaign for change, the World wasn't ready for a "Black" man to be the next president of the United States. Even his own Democratic Party. God touched the hearts of mankind and made it happen anyway. Ruby was a Delegate pledged to Barack Obama helping to get him elected and re-elected in the swing state of Nevada. "Kingmaker Blues" documents the story of how God cured Ruby's "Blues" using the Campaign for Change to improve her station in life and provide her husband with affordable healthcare turning her tears of sadness from bankruptcy into the cheers of a victorious life full of love and happiness and joy because she would not have to cry anymore over not being able to take care of her family. Ruby had finally found the God within her, and loved her thanks to Barack Obama, his dreams, his presidency, his audacity to hope. After Ruby found the God within her, she was inspired by Barack Obama and his works and her out of body experience to help grow God's Kingdom and leave this world better than she found it. Ruby Zandra founded Ruby Zandra's Blue Jazz Society, Ruby Zandra's Safe Haven, OFA WLC Silver State, and Ruby Zandra's Events to house her teaching and activism needed to grow god's kingdom so mankind is ready for the final war with Satan over the children. Kingmaker Blues ends with Ruby Zandra being unable to separate her love of God from her love of humanity and wanting to be loved back before it is time to return to Heaven the second time around.

Padma Narayanaswamy

Interesting synopsis . I feel you can change the logline make it sharper and smaller . Ruby met MOTHER GOD in her near death experience changing her to be better financially and a happy life . Just my suggestion

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