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By Scott Harper

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror
LOGLINE: College folklore professor Wade Sarkis is forced by the US military to help deal with werewolves that were created in a research experiment gone wrong.


Wade Sarkis is confronted by representatives of the US military. They tell him his knowledge is needed, but are under orders not to reveal more information to him. They take Wade to a hidden, subterranean government laboratory. Quickly, Wade meets General Brant Wierman. Wierman explains to Wade that the facility Wade has been brought to had been running experiments aimed at grafting wolf DNA to humans in the hopes of curing deafness. Things went wrong, and the test subjects have become human/wolf hybrid creatures—genetically engineered werewolves. No cure they've tried has worked. The military has brought Wade in out of the desperate hope that a cure can be found in mythology. Wade is shown shocking proof of Wierman's claims, and tries to leave, only to learn that he is effectively a prisoner of the US government until the matter has been resolved. Wade begins working with the beautiful Dr. Alanna Quesnell—the lab's lead scientist. Very soon after their collaborative research gets underway, the werewolves escape. The creatures bite a number of scientists and soldiers in the facility. The bites transfer genetic material and gene splicing chemicals to the victims, causing them to change into more werewolves. The domino process continues, and more and more of people in the base are killed or turned—including Wierman—until Wade and Alanna are all that are left. Trapped in the base, with no hope of curing the unfortunates who have been turned, Wade and Alanna settle upon a new plan. They opt to destroy the lab, killing the werewolves, before any can escape into the outside world. Wade and Alanna dodge werewolves to gather parts for a make-shift bomb, and reach a boiler. They plant the bomb and set the timer. They then struggle to make it clear of the lab before the bomb goes off. After encountering more werewolves—including Wierman—Wade and Alanna escape just in time. The film ends with them receiving medical attention, preparing for a debriefing on what has transpired.


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