Melissa Coffey's Lounge Discussions

Shaun Robert Grant
Driven, motivated, and willing to work to improve everyday

Hey Guys, this is such an awesome concept (Stage 32). I am an actor/stuntman in Los Angeles. I am happy to work with and help anyone advance their career as much as I can. I've done a lot, seen a lot, and strive to accomplish so much more. Feel free to connect with me!

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Melissa Coffey

nice to meet you

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Welcome Shaun! We are thrilled to have you here. Check out your fellow stuntman Tom Proctor on here - he's a wealth of information :)

Shaun Robert Grant

Thanks appreciate it very much :-)

Ransford Doherty

Hey Shaun! I'm not only an actor but I am a high school teacher in South LA. One of my students who studies Capoeira and does amazing flips wants to be a stuntman. Unfortunately, I don't know what dir...

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Michelle Norby
About me

My name is Michelle Norby my love for Acting started in High School. After High School i went to college and majored in Theater Arts for 3 years. I am a writer as well and direct also. I am a Part of a Theater Group called HeartFeltVoicesUnited where we Bring awareness to violence against women. Ple...

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Melissa Coffey

nice to meet u

Richard "RB" Botto

Thanks for posting, Michelle. And congratulations on the theater group. Tremendous cause.

Vivienne Chance
Voice Actress and Film Producer

Howdy everyone! I am Vivienne, a voice actress and film producer in South Florida. Originally from the Caribbean paradise known as Jamaica. I've been fortunate to work with a very talented director, cinematographer and editor - together we operate - My ultimated goal as a voice a...

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Melissa Coffey

I am from Naples, Florida. nice to meet you

Monciana Mitchell

I am originally Jamaican as well. Would love to discuss any opportunities may have coming up, willing to travel from NYC.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic post, Monciana. Great to have you and your talents here on 32.

Nate Barlow
Hi Everybody!

I'm Nate Barlow, writer, actor, director and producer in Burbank.

Melissa Coffey


Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you, Nate! Hope all is well, my friend!

Andrea Thompson

Welcome to the STage 32 community! What are you working on Nate?

LaQuinta Sanchez

Hello there...

Kamran Khan
NYC Filmmaker Here!

Hello all! I'm a filmmaker, writer, actor, and photographer here in New York. Would love to connect with fellow artists from all over and network with anyone in the City as well. I love to keep building a team of people to work with!

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Asaju Muhammed Shitta

Now I need someone to sell it to

Kamran Khan

Congrats Asaju! Keep plugging away.

Kamran Khan

Thanks, Melissa! How do you like your classes?

Kamran Khan

Thanks, Ana! Nice to meet you as well

Kamran Khan

Thanks, Monciana! I'm always wiring and developing. Feel free to msg me here!

Debi Irene Wahl
Hiring non-union actors around the Flemington, NJ area.

Hi, I am Debi Wahl the owner of Act 1 Productions traveling theater. Currently we travel to 6 states, on multiple trains and boats, as well as corporate, private venue and church affiliated work. I take murder mysteries, comedies, concerts, speakers and impersonators to these functions. My crew has...

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Melissa Coffey

I am very interested!

Debi Irene Wahl

Candice and Melissa... please email me at We can talk about when I am holding the auditions.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great post, Debi. Be sure to list your project and your needs in our JOB POSTINGS section. This is where Stage 32'ers go to look for gigs. You'll get a ton of eyeballs on it over there. Good luck!

Debi Irene Wahl

Thanks Richard... will do that right now!

Richard "RB" Botto

Good luck, Debi!

Donald Watson
Donald Watson

Hello Stage 32 friends. I am an Actor living in LA working on Criminal Minds. Traveled half way round the world and looking to travel the other half soon.Born and raised in Boston MA. Wanted to say hello and wish you Best in everything you do.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you, Donald. Keep charging, my friend.

Siobhan Shaw

Hi Donald, I've become hooked on Criminals Minds in re-runs. Would you consider riding with my co-host and I in our virtual red 'vette on The Attitude Shift Show one Wednesday evening and shift some serious attitude? It's a web based show that we like to keep real, raw and right on.

Melissa Coffey

great show

Lily Angeline Bennett

How cool is that!

Giorgio Giacomelli
Chu Ben plus cool su'a brosse

Maybe it happened also to you, once or twice in your life, to have a couple of drinks more to get some extra courage, charm and self-confidence. Because it doesn't matter how silly one can look... when you're tipsy you're probably thinking that you're just doing just great! "way cooler when drunk" p...

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Melissa Coffey

should come to nashville someday. Do you write songs?

Giorgio Giacomelli

Would love to: it must be a little warmer down there. As for songwriting, I'm an absolute beginner but I've met quite a few exceptional ones in these years. Do you write yourself or are you looking for an author?

Melissa Coffey
Falling in love with acting

I am working on monologues and studying plays Looking for something that moves me. I am also a singer song writer in Nashville. I would love to film a music video one day. I enjoy be creative and hope to meet playwrights and other artists I can work with....and new friendships.

Michael V. Doane
Table Read

We are reading a finished draft of MRS. FOSTER on Wednesday, April 9th at Pearl Studios in NYC, NY. We need about 6 or 7 additional actors/readers ranging from an 11 year old girl to a 65+ year old female. We'll read and open up for discussion. No pay. If interested, please reach out here or at mvdw...

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Michael V. Doane

Will do, RB! Thanks for the heads-up! :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Happy to help, Michael.

Marjolie Barboza

Wish I was in NY. Would have been glad to help

Michael V. Doane

@Richard, Marjolie & Linda - y'all are awesome! Happy Friday!

Melissa Coffey

I will send you an email:)

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