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By Larisa Avtukhova

GENRE: Mystery, Romance

“The Invisible Side of the Earth” tells us that any person can be a puppet guided by invisible forces and that ordinary human passions are very destructive if played by a dexterous hand.


It is a story of a young woman, reporter Camilla Scott. In pursuit of her happiness she never hesitates to sacrifice a lot. Her affair with the heir of a large corporation failed. Being quite uncertain of Danny's faithfulness, Camilla makes up her mind to speed up the events. She fakes pregnancy and expects Danny to propose to her. But the young man has never had any intentions of tying the knot. He offers her some money, instead. Camilla receives a huge check and soon forgets about her former lover. She continues her search for a perfect man. In a little while Camilla embarks on a short-lived affair with Paul, her friend Linda’s husband. She elaborates plans for the future but Paul makes it obvious that she is nothing but a brief romance for him. Camilla will not give up. She manages to convince Paul that his wife has been cheating on him. Camilla hopes that he will dump Linda. Though, Paul, who loves his wife dearly, cannot forgive her unfaithfulness and decides to kill her. At the same time Camilla is struck by lightning and she starts seeing much more than an ordinary human. She finds a black daemon by her side. It is he who directs all her actions. The daemon approves her way of thinking and declares that she is capable of many things. One of her accomplishments is, to his mind, the bloody date set up by Camilla. Now Camilla is fully aware of what she did and she is horrified since she brought disaster on Paul and Linda. She wants to undo the evil she has brought into the world.

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