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2 DIRTY OLD MEN AND A YUPPIE Can 2 hell-raising, feisty, dirty minded grandfathers live with their yuppie grandson.
2 DIRTY OLD MEN AND A YUPPIE WGAW #507586 Are you into male bonding? Then you will definitely want to entertain this as my "Proposition" for the situation comedy that I have written, developed, and created. The story line, for the situation comedy, "2 DIRTY OLD MEN AND A YUPPIE," is about two grandfathers who move in with their only living relative, a wealthy and successful grandson, and educate him on how to have jollity and not take life so seriously. I have scribed the pilot episode which is sidesplitting. However to make it more appealing to a variety of people, one of the grandfathers can be another race, sexual orientation, and/or different religion. There are many truisms that can be obliterated in order to corroborate all people can get along, no matter what makes them different.