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A young, gentle girl named Jen has to deal with her demons, literally. Her sleep paralysis and bad dreams become the least of her worries when she releases an ancient demon from a dybbuk box. Things get much weirder when the demon reveals it just wants to be besties.
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: ) Well, thank you very much. It actually starts VERY serious and scary. Then when the demon is unleashed it has been trapped for a hundred years, so it is just learning about OUR current world. And the sensory overload causes the demon to get hooked on our culture. So, it turns into a comedy suddenly. It talks about T. Swift and Twisted Sister and the jokes are VERY adult themed. It's fascinated with human butts, and asks Jen the main character: "what does a butt even taste like? Probably chicken." : ) It's VERY silly after the first 7 pages! ---The first 25 pages are on Coverfly. I am not sure if you can view it or not. I think it's public. I entered it into 2 contests in the past month, so I want to turn it into a TV Show soon! Thanks again and God bless.
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I love the idea, so I give it 5 stars. Maybe you can include a preview of a conflict that the girl, the demon, or preferably both have to solve together. That we get a glimpse of the plot in addition to the story. I feel that the dynamic between the two drives the whole movie. But I'm interested in what this dynamic will actually push forward. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, not every movie needs that kind of a plot teaser, this is just me. Anyway - numero duo - still love the idea and the wittiness in the first 25 pages. I’d definitely watch this!
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