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A Santa with a serious death-wish travels to Las Vegas to fulfill a promise to his dying wife. There he journeys into a Dickensian dark night of the soul, but not before Chris collides with a criminal organization and saves a mother and her child.
Each year Chris participates in the Santa Fun Run, where thousands of "Santa's" run to raise money for charity, in Las Vegas. When his wife and daughter die tragically Chris promises he'll continue their tradition. He white knuckles his promise until December 24th when he plans to commit suicide. Chris pickpockets a priceless doubloon from some petty gangsters, in order to do something good for a desperate mother and child before checking out. Through a long night's journey into day, the gangsters kill various Santa's looking for Chris and their doubloon. As Chris floats on a dreamy journey, meeting three strippers from the past, present and his possible future, where he's presented with a dilemma: "when I wake, what will I do"? Chris snatches victory from defeat, through self-sacrifice, in a twisted Dickensian Christmas tale.
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