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On the edge of the three golden kingdoms’ demise; two reluctant rulers will rise to claim their destinies: for glory, for honor, for love, for righteousness.
There were three golden kingdoms; prosperous, beauteous and mythical. But the kingdoms’ celestial reign was not meant to last; for with their forthcoming centennial, the three kingdoms were crumbling, unknown to the people. No one seemed to realize or even care about their dismal fate; no one, except Farein Princess of Ishmere that is! This is because; she doesn’t only see the world before her, but the world that is to come. The ability of prophetic visions from the Holy One; may be a gift, but lately it feels more and more like a curse. In fact, the only ray of hope, within the princess’ dreary visions is the coming of The Sword Keeper. The Sword Keeper’s coming had been prophesied and talked about, for as long as Farein could remember; although, lately the talk has been ignored, as nothing more than myth and legend. But Farein knows the young man is coming; because the Holy One has given her visions of his appearance, time and time again. However with all visions, and little evidence even Farein herself is beginning to doubt the Sword Keeper’s existence. Tristan Prince of Sheridan; is a reckless, undisciplined and adventurous kind of youth. But nonetheless he is the one that the Holy One has chosen to wield the sword of peace; because his heart is just pure enough to handle the great power, without the power of the sword bringing corruption to him. Although he is the chosen; Farein cannot help greeting the young prince with much disdain. Because the princess; against her wishes, has been betrothed to the charming/reckless Tristan, or his ruthless brother Aaron. But the princess would like nothing better; than to keep her free-spirited independence just a little while longer. Even though she is resistant toward Tristan; she cannot help falling for him, and he for her. They seem to be two halves of one whole; two reluctant heroes that are destined; to bring down the Evil One, and rise from the ashes of the three golden kingdoms’ demise, to build up a new imperial kingdom full of promise. Although Tristan and Farein, have been chosen for this very special mission. The accepting of this mission; is what will lead to victory, honor and glory. No kingdom has ever been won without blood-shed; or great sacrifice. Many of those loved will be lost, but their loss will reap grand reward. Happily ever after will eventually be; but before this happens, battle lines will be drawn, and war will arise in this mythical world of royalty, commoners and unicorns. This epic battle of will pits good vs. evil, parent vs. child, and brother vs. brother. But all the tragedy will inevitably melt into joy; in the end.