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By Lee A. Miller

GENRE: Animation, Comedy, Crime, Drama

An animated series surrounding a tranformative super-hero dog in the nation’s capital.

SYNOPSIS: Alldog is not only an anthropomorphic superhero, but also a boy’s pet Chihuahua. The premise of this animated series is that “spirited but diminutive” Rodrigo is in truth the superhero crime fighter Alldog. Rodrigo is owned by a boy named Matías, whose father is an FBI agent in Washington D.C. At the first sign of trouble, Rodrigo has the keen ability to slip out of his lead and get away. Matías is easily distracted. As a result, the boy is not aware that his dog is the super hero solving the crimes. When villains threaten, Rodrigo ducks into a trash dumpster, where he transforms into whatever breed of dog is required, sending trash from the dumpster into the air when his dog body is transformed. One can think of his crime solving skills as super powers but Alldog doesn’t have any powers that a normal dog doesn’t have. He has the scenting ability of a Bloodhound, the speed of a Greyhound, the digging ability of a Dachshund. Alldog can transform into any breed as each scene demands. He can transform into either a male or a female, also depending on what is required to solve the crime. Male alldogs exhibit brute force, focus and cunning. Female Alldogs show trickery, charm and intuition. All super heroes have a vulnerability. Alldog’s weakness are dinosaur bones, soup bones, rubber bones, dentabones. All bones will throw Alldog off the trail of the bad guys. There are also breed specific vulnerabilities. Any cat will throw Alldog off the trail, if he is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. A rat will distract Alldog if a Manchester Terrier. Any hole Alldog, if a Dacshund, must explore. Every time the Michelin man appears Alldog, transformed into a German Shepard, is prone to think he is a Schutzhund. Alldog, like all super heroes need to be recharged. Rodrigo sleeps though the day and night. Rodrigo becomes active at dawn and dusk. Rodrigo isn’t always reliable for Matías. Alldog, however, is ready for action whenever he is needed. Alldog always speaks with an accent. As Rodrigo is a Chihuahua, he has a Spanish accent. When he transformed into a Bloodhound he is an English gentleman. If he needs to be a scrappy Staffordshire Terrier, then he has the accent of a London East-Ender and tough guy. He can be a French Poodle or an Akita with a Japanese accent. He can be a Hungarian Komondor or a German Shepard. He can be a Boston Terrier or a Russian Wolfhound. The dogs always make a reference to the nation where the breed originated. Alldog also assumes a bit of the personality unique to each breed. Terriers are feisty and agressive. Sighthounds are aloof. Many breeds are known for their warmth and friendliness. Some breeds chew. Some breeds are loud. Alldog most frequent saying when he appears is, “In the proud tradition of dogs through-out history, I’m here to save the day. Again.” All of the episodes will use a common template as the final scene. After the criminals are arrested, a crowd of people gather around and debate… “A dog could never do that.” “Probably not!” “A myth!” After this, Rodrigo’s owner, a young boy wearing glasses, will exclaim, “Sure a dog can do that!” Another onlooker will respond, “No dog as small as yours did this.” To this, Rodrigo replies with these words, “I’m never going to smile again.” Alldog never seems to get credit for his deeds and is often overlooked. Each episode, however, begins with Rodrigo and his owner playing at games, swimming, eating, or having boy/dog quality time. Alldog is never defeated by the fact that he never seems to get credit for his deeds and is often overlooked. His spirit is always restored. Alldog usually caused a lot of collateral damage. Couches are destroyed. Holes are dug. Cats are accidentally terrified up trees. There is a moderate amount of lawn damage. Trash is scattered. There is always someone with a negative disposition complained about the damage. Alldog always apologizes but points out that the criminals must be pursued in hast. The villains are human and almost always manage to menace “Princess the IG” who belongs to the President of the United States. She is an anthropomorphic canine who’s only job is to give solace to the embattled President. As part of villains nefarious schemes; she is a helpless damsel in distress most of the time and has a regal and quiet personality. Many times she is simply silent or worried about the President. Recurring villains include a mad scientist and his assistant, a gangster, a safecracker, a gunman, a braggart, vivisection scientist, a spy, an evil race care driver, a corrupt policeman, a community organizer, a stranded extra terrestrial, a cold tyrannical head nurse at an mental institution, a bomb maker, and other various felons trying to depose the democracy and bring about tyranny. In all episodes, the villains make it clear that they oppose “Life, Liberty and Property”. The majority of the Underdog adventures will be presented in the form of the old three act serial episodes. Nothing new about this story structure. The 1940s were the heydays of film noir and the detective mystery. When Alldog has flashbacks to previous cases that he has solved, those flashbacks should be in black & white and film noir. Rodrigo owns several squeak toys under Matías’ bed. There is a talking and (squeaking) goofy penguin, a solid walrus and a nervous hedgehog. There is a tennis ball under that bed that never is touched and never speaks. Rodrigo rests under the bed and he confides with the toys, when they respond he chews them.


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