Geoffrey C Gregory's Lounge Discussions

Voice Acting

Hello everyone m name is Geoff and new to Stage 32 I am a aspiring voice actor and I already do voice overs for a local paranormal group I work with called Apparitions Paranormal Investigations. Also I stream on Twitch which is a good way to meet people as well, I hope to work with you guys in the future.

Geoffrey C Gregory
Voice over demos

I just added some voice over demos to my profile, please check them out and tell me what you think.

Carl Welden

Unless you want people to remember you by the first "demos" of you that they hear, I would advise against calling these samples your VO demos. While the audio recording quality is crisp and clear, you...

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Geoffrey C Gregory

Thank you for the feed back I greatly appreciate it I will look into some good warm ups. This has always been a dream of mine and i want to be the best I can.

Carl Welden

Take time to listen to several dozen VO demos from other talents and learn to hear what works and doesn't...take a critical listening approach.

Geoffrey C Gregory

Thank you guys for the feedback and Carl I will. A lot of the time I think my mind goes faster than what I'm trying to say so that's why it sounds slurry sometimes.


I'm hearing you dude and you got some pipeage going on, but it ain't about the voice bro. I just sent the following to two others just starting out -COPIED AND PASTED.... 1st. Get all the information...

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Geoffrey C Gregory
New to Stage 32, Voice Actor

I m new to Stage 32 and would love any advice,tips,tricks, or suggestions on how to get my voice heard. Many people have told me I have a great voice and should be a movie announcer. If anyone could lend a helping hand and point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

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