GENRE: Drama, Horror, Thriller
The Sickness is a psychological thriller that deals with a young man, trying to survive the evil intentions of his misguided soul and delusional mind after his life long dreams and family are destroyed. (completed)
Thomas/Tom, a serious question. If this is a psychological thriller, is it also a horror? Sometimes I have problems distinguishing the difference when I write similar. Let me know your thoughts please. Tom
Hi Tom. Thanks for inquiring about The Sickness. First, let me start by saying… what a great question! The Sickness is definitely a psychological thriller with elements of horror. If I had to hard categorize it, I would say that it is both a psychological thriller and horror. I feel that a psychological thriller is a pretty well defined genre and is easy to label an idea as such. However, if within that idea there are elements of horror such as a few scenes that include intense violence that lend to murder or extreme pain or torture, gore or various forms of grotesquery then you should consider that idea to also be horror. In my mind, a movie such as American Psycho is a psychological thriller with elements of horror. I think a good example of a psychological thriller is of course Hitchcock’s Psycho as the violence is somewhat understated for our modern times. However, for its time it was considered horror. Other good examples of a psychological thriller would be Seven, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Memento, Taxi Driver and Silence of the Lambs I hope this helps to solve your quandary. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions you have because I love this stuff. Tom
Don't know whether to call you Thomas or Tom so I'll go with Thomas to avoid confusion. Hope that is okay. Do you want to collaborate as a writer on a psycho screenplay I have started? If so, send me an email to and I will forward the screenplay in Script Smart format if this is okay or in Word format. Unless you prefer another format but I would need to download a free copy. No funding available, no contacts in place, just an opportunity to explore the dark side of human nature. Tom
Thomas/Tom, a serious question. If this is a psychological thriller, is it also a horror? Sometimes I have problems distinguishing the difference when I write similar. Let me know your thoughts please. Tom
Hi Tom. Thanks for inquiring about The Sickness. First, let me start by saying… what a great question! The Sickness is definitely a psychological thriller with elements of horror. If I had to hard categorize it, I would say that it is both a psychological thriller and horror. I feel that a psychological thriller is a pretty well defined genre and is easy to label an idea as such. However, if within that idea there are elements of horror such as a few scenes that include intense violence that lend to murder or extreme pain or torture, gore or various forms of grotesquery then you should consider that idea to also be horror. In my mind, a movie such as American Psycho is a psychological thriller with elements of horror. I think a good example of a psychological thriller is of course Hitchcock’s Psycho as the violence is somewhat understated for our modern times. However, for its time it was considered horror. Other good examples of a psychological thriller would be Seven, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Memento, Taxi Driver and Silence of the Lambs I hope this helps to solve your quandary. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions you have because I love this stuff. Tom
Don't know whether to call you Thomas or Tom so I'll go with Thomas to avoid confusion. Hope that is okay. Do you want to collaborate as a writer on a psycho screenplay I have started? If so, send me an email to and I will forward the screenplay in Script Smart format if this is okay or in Word format. Unless you prefer another format but I would need to download a free copy. No funding available, no contacts in place, just an opportunity to explore the dark side of human nature. Tom
An email has been sent. I am off to bed for now as it has been a long day. Hope to speak with you soon.