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When a vintage store owner buys a cedar chest of 1960's mod clothing, her dreams help solve the half-century-old murder case of a teen. The victim turns out to be her maternal grandmother - killed by her mother's adoptive father.
Old Hat
By: Louella M Reynolds
WGAE # I307227
A vintage store owner, Sara Cooke 25-30, buys a cedar chest of 1960’s era clothing at an estate sale. A disclaimer had been announced that the clothes belonged to a teen, Barbara Mays, whose murder remains unsolved.
Sara decides to wear the clothing. While wearing the clothes she has a dream of Barbara’s life. After the second dreaming incident Sara goes to the police and is discounted.
Determined to solve the murder, Sara wears each outfit and notates what she saw with each one.
The new detective in town, Shawn Lapino 30-35, reopens the case and enlists the help of Sara and her dreams.
To the delight of her mother, Sara and Detective Lapino get interested in each other.
The case all comes together when an anonymous woman delivers papers to the police station. She found them hidden in the pages of a book that she had purchased at Sara’s store.
Detective Lapino ties the visions and new information together. He goes to question the new lead.
Hank Franklin, 75-80, confesses to what happened the night Barbara Mays died.
The detective, asking that Sara and her mother both be present, goes to Sara’s place to give her the news of the arrest.
It turns out that Hank Franklin is Sara’s mother’s adoptive father, and Barbara Mays was Sara’s maternal grandmother.