Mitch Teemley's Lounge Discussions

Trev Lewis
Which novel would you adapt?

If you had the all the money, a choice of any actors possible, and the opportunity, what novel would you love to adapt to film, and why?

Leonard Benedetto

The Demolished Man. A classic sci-fi book from the 50's that everyone from DePalma to Cameron has wanted to adapt but no one has figured out a way to do yet.

Adam C. Fisk

Animal Farm. It's been done as a cartoon years ago and as a TNT movie on TV in the '90's. But I would absolutely love to script an epic, terrifying, big-budget, theatrical version that pulls no punche...

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Trev Lewis

Some really great titles popping up - if anything this has been a great way of getting book recommendations. Nostromo? Isn't that the ship in Alien? I take it that must be a reference to the book?

Mitch Teemley

Adam, "big-budget?" Nah, most of us dream of making our dystopian epics for as little money as possible. ;>)

Adam C. Fisk

lol, Not me. I do believe in story first, but I'm also into making commercial mainstream films. That doesn't mean I'm suggesting an unlimited budget, either. But the better the story and the bigger th...

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