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The family built by two high school sweet heart love birds splinters, separately goes through wearing trials, questions gods existence and reconvenes in more enlightened states of mind.
After her son dies in the war, BLANCHE moves with her grandson SULLY from the Bronx, New York City to rural upstate New York where he meets and falls in love with the adorable small town girl BIRDIE. The two lovebirds grow into high school sweethearts and marry fresh out of high school; quickly painting a portrait of domestic bliss when kids arrive shortly thereafter.
Sadly, their married bliss lasts only so long as their kids grow along with their familial problems. After a devastating house fire, Sully falls into an alcohol dependency inherited from his late mother, while tragically Blanche develops brain tumors inherited from her father.
Their family bonds are tested further when their teenage son bravely comes out as gay while Birdies illness miraculously diminishes and Sully's alcoholism spirals out of control.
In the storm of their family issues, Birdies inexplicable recovery leads to her strongly professing a newfound faith in gods healing hand, one which she extends to her family in an effort to heal them of their perceived ills.
Learning that rifts can make bonds stronger in the end and that the universe has curious ways of answering prayers, Birdie and Sully must reconcile and reconsider their deeply held beliefs about god, marriage, sexuality and identity.
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